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  1. If it has Rincewind, in the first, Ank-Morpork was there too. UU is more or less in it's centre Angua would be different than werewolves of this game though, she's a proper werewolf that turns into a full wolf. But we have models for that anyway. Transformation might be a bit iffy. I think we should probably set down a list of what we'd want first. Characters are as important as the locations. Those who haven't read the books don't need to in order to enjoy it. If all goes well, they'll be experiencing the same world, same characters, but through a different format. I think what really makes these so appealing as books is really the characters. Carrot Stronginthearm for example. No words can describe the subtle awesome in him.
  2. If nothing else gets made, at least made Sgt Detritus with his Peacemaker as a companion. I ask no more :P
  3. I was quite interested in the Ally dragon idea, and as quite a lot of allies in Skyrim, there is normally quests for them. So with that in mind, after you have made them allies, you could build your relations with them, learning some of their shouts possibly, the same way the greybeards teach, possibily also allowing the 'Real' best forge in skyrim as Companions do, the Skyforge is great and all, but Uniquely being able to make Draugr armour isn't really that good of a benefit, if it was required for anything past dwarven, or elven, then I'd be more interested in taking the time to get over there. You could use this forge as the only place to make Dragon Armour, not dragonbone, or scale, but rather made from unique metals at incredibly high tempreture (Dragonfire powered) to make armour that is equivilant to Deadric or Ebony with 100 smithing. This could also introduce not only raiding dragon lairs for loot, but maybe to mine precious metals that they also hide?. A fire dragon would probably be quite a good choice, however not a caster. I was thinking of Fire and it's more of an aggressive, personal kind of thing, people fight close up when 'fiery'. So instead of it caster, I would think close ranged shouting / breath and melee attacks. Can maybe make it so it can 'enchant' it's claws to be able to set you alight much like an enchanted sword, which would give it a more ferocious aspect to it, especially since most people use bows and spells to take dragons on until they land. He lands often, and he goes for the kill straight away. But then again, thats when he has an enemy, if he realises that you are not already an enemy, he may be willing to trust. I liked the Farkas reference as I feel he has the right attitude to people, however maybe alter it to be more like Aela (Male version) because she can trust, but is smart enough to know why to trust etc.
  4. Well, I think those who like Pratchett might want to see things through the eyes of the characters or the eyes of someone who lived in that world, it gives the more personal experience. Films are Ok, like Going Postal, but interacting with it is much more appealing. If done right, this could be a massive, and amazing mod. There is almost limitless possibility with it, with industrial technology, myths, legends, events, places, creatures, etc. Ank-Morpork is the centre of the Disc politically, as you can find... anything there. And it is incredibly varied in architecture, atmosphere and all that other good immersive stuff. It's understandable really from a fan perspective for people to want to get involved
  5. One of the features I think will be needed, to really get started, would in fact try a city replacement. Take solitude's arcitecture and replace Riften's houses with it, keeping the same atmosphere effects for night, the drab, eerie and depressing tones it has. If you can try and miniturise key elements of the city, the Temple of Mara as UU, using Riften as the surrounding part around the tower. I think Riften would be a great place to do it if you've read Nightwatch, it really sounds similar. But if you really want to go to the better places. Essentially, it needs to be broken into sections. Another reason I think riften would be good, is the use of the Ratway, and the fact that what is under Ank-Morpork... is the old Ank-Morpork. When the project gets really underway, I'd be happy to lend insight, though I know little of modding myself, I do have a clear mental picture of the city, not exactly map savvy, but more like atmosphere and looks. Think about Theives, Assassins, The Watch, UU, Rust Family, as potential factions eventually
  6. I agree with this, maybe it could be a continuation of the Companions/main questline where you help lead the fallen heroes against Deadric forces to release souls from them. Idea came to me with Kodlak in the tomb of Ysgramor commenting of his possible mounting an assault against Hircine with other heroes from Sovngarde, so why not be one to help?
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