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About DarkwingDirk

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    United States
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    Skyrim, World of Tanks, Tribes: Ascend

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  1. Wow, thanks for the spoiler there. Thanks a lot.
  2. When I try to install new mods or updates to already installed mods with NMM version 0.44.16, I get the following error: http://i.imgur.com/kJblyvY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/XRXwHWu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1hRzchZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Q0obqql.jpg In this example, I was trying to update Skyrimaguas' Superior Rock Textures from the 2k version to the 4k. This also happens when installing other mods, like aMidianBorn's ebony armor retextures. What can I do?
  3. Kill every Thalmor patrol that crosses my path. EVERY one. Give highwaymen a fair warning to bugger off before I slaughter them. After defeating an exceptionally tough or hated enemy, strip them naked and lay them in undignified positions, such as in a fire.
  4. So I have started playing Skyrim again after a bit of a break from the game. I've installed a few new mods, and everything has run perfectly fow about a week since. 2 nights ago, however, I have noticed a sudden and significant drop in FPS, occuring long after any of these mods were installed. Before, I was able to run everything on maximum settings in the high-40s FPS. Now, I estimate I am chugging along at roughly 30. I have also noticed that my GPU does not increase in temperature during play. Normally after exiting Skyrim, or any game, my GPU's temp sits at around 70° C. Since the drop in FPS has occured, I have found that the temp is still at the idle temperature of 42° C. It is only Skyrim that does this, as my other games run smooth and fully utilize my GFX card. I have checked and found that my drivers are all up to date, and this problem occured days after the last mod I installed, so I doubt it is anything related to them. What can I do? System stats: MOBO: ASUS M4A79T Deluxe. CPU: AMD 955 Black Edition Quad Core @ 3.2 GHz. RAM: Corsair Vengeance (4x2) 8GB @ 1600 in unganged mode. GPU: Sapphire AMD HD 6870 1 GB.
  5. Exactly what it says on the tin. Would it be possible for somebody to add new nose models into the game for the non-beast races? I was playing around with a third character today when I realized that there are really only 3 noses that are not comically deformed. Even those, you have ones that look okay from profile, but are way too thin or thick in the front. I think a pack of some nice, average, middle of the road noses would really allow for some decent looking characters. In my case, I was trying to make a young looking male character, which is hard in Skyrim even with tsdobbi's Younger Males mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4179 If anyone would like to take a crack at it, that would be fantastic, as anything beyond texture edits is beyond my abilities.
  6. http://chew.ln2cooling.com/890FXA-UD7/thuban%20delidded%201.jpg Pictured above are AMD Thuban and Deneb (x6 and x4 respectively) processors with the aluminum heatsinks pried off. Don't do this, this is just to show what is underneath. That little shiny rectangle in the center is the actual silica of the processor, which will be giving off the vast majority of the heat. You don't really need to cover the whole top of the processor... sure it helps, but don't use too much paste for the sake of trying to cover the whole area. Given the rectangular shape, I used a rice-shaped glob of MX-4 to cover over the area on top of the silica wafer. This is an example of TOO MUCH! :P http://i.imgur.com/uSpRi.jpg I used way too much my first attempt, as the MX-4 paste was much more loose than I had expected. A little goes a long way!
  7. As a matter of fact, I am working on multiple armor and weapon textures to distribute, including the Steel, Wolf and Ancient Nord sets. I have also given constructive criticism here, though that seems to have been thrown back in my face, but that is just the nature of the critique process. I never said that I refuse to tag, in fact I do tag mods I come across. I was simply unsatisfied with that being the only solution of bypassing unwanted search results. You are right, this site is community run. As a member of the community, and one of many in said community who do not subscribe to many of the more... "cosmetic" mods, I can tell you that there is a fair amount of frustration when it comes to this subject. I for one appreciate the effort that goes into those mods, and I'm glad they're there for people who want them, but like a great many others in the community, they are just not for us. Improving the blocking tools like you're speaking of will probably eradicate this stress in the community if, they are comprehensive enough. I am glad to hear that you are working on improving these tools and await them with great anticipation.
  8. That's not the point. The point is that advice is not a solution in any sense of the word. How is tagging something after I have already found it at all helpful when trying to find new mods? What you are doing is basically shrugging your shoulders and telling me to "Deal with it". You guys are splitting the entire TESNexus into separate Morrowind and Oblivion sites, but you cannot take the time improve your search functions?
  9. So... basically I am forced to sift through the anime, hope I find something, and tag it after I've already found it?
  10. How about a continuation of the faction quests. Like, double or triple the length of the vanillas?
  11. When I go to search for mods, I don't want to sift through all of the skimpy/naked/anime girl mods. I try checking off the tags, but none of them appear to be applied. Also, I've tried blocking some tags outright, but then every time I go to search, it tells me that I am not blocking any tags currently. It is making searching for decent male armors impossible. Is there something I am doing wrong here? It almost makes me wonder if it were easier if the armor category were split into Male and Female subsections. Anyway, any help would be much appreciated.
  12. Kind of makes me wish there was a separate site for those mods entirely.
  13. I don't care if people use such mods, nobody is forcing me too... The problem is that it needs to be easier to sift out the lore-breaking titano-titty monster armored thong mods, so I can find stuff I'm looking for. Even with the existing filters in place, it seems like most of the stuff I come across is all just more of the loneley guy fapping material. :wallbash:
  14. Oh yeah, I love her work. Her facial expressions are pretty great. ;D
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