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Posts posted by MontanaBlueSkies

  1. All freedoms , according to John Locke, eminate from property rights. Thought ,speech and indiviuality just being intangible property of the individual.


    Nexus cites their rights as "owners" of their property, in this case property being the Nexus websites. This is a valid argument in my opinion. I agree with them wholeheartedly.


    Most philosophers and advocates of freedom have realized that if you want to protect your own freedoms, you have to protect the freedoms of others as well.


    If the right to freedom of speech was legitimately denied, what would protect the right to own and operate your possessions?


    I think we all agree on the need to protect children, and the need to protect yourself (Nexus) from legal reprisal based on the uploaded content of the site. I would just ask that in your haste to evoke your freedom (to operate your site as you see fit) that you dont unnecessarily deny the freedoms of others.


    Creativity and individuality go hand in hand. It seems poorly conceived to seek one and deny the other.


    Benjiman Franklin said, "The government that governs best, governs least".


    Seems like sound advice for all seasons to me.









  2. I dont seem to be able to get this static effect (fxthickcloud01/02) to work in custom cells. It works in the vanilla dungeon interiors, so I know my vcard is supporting it. Anyone heard of any game bugs or fixes for this issue?










    I did some experimentation on this and discovered that the height of the interior room meshe above 0 on the z axis affects the fx cloud effects. I didnt see where it cits out, but I know it would not work up around 8000, and it will work at 100 or less.





  3. hmm, I think you might've misunderstood what I underlined there; I was referring to people's inablitity to be responsible for their own actions.


    At any rate, I might have to take some of my mods down because of future concerns for the ideas of some.


    No, I understood you, I just disagreed.





  4. Okay so I am new to modding, but based entirely on the mods I have seen and a bit of logic it seems that a fully havoked flight mod is possible. Most flight mods appear to move the character along axes like an object in the construction set or in 'decorating' mods. Instead of this why not make an appearance of flight by combining some clever scripts. I know that scripted spells that allow the player to jump higher and also float have been made so they are possible. What if these were combined into a scripted spell that also brought into being in the game world a solid object directly under the character's feet. In otherwords every time you pressed the flight key, a small patch of 'ground' would be created beneath your feet, you would jump off it, and then float. This could be hidden by a particle shading effect. Other tweaks could probably be made to give this the appearance of a fluttering kind of flight, but the key thing would be this 'jump pad' that would continually reappear so that you could gain elevation in a way other than simple axis movement.


    All theory and possibly totally wrong, however, I decided to put it up just in case someone hadn't yet thought of this little work around.



    Thats exactly how the flying dragons/drakes work. An invisible meshe is moved under the drake and it "walks" along the meshe. The reason this can't be better done with animations is that there is no accumulation on the z axis. An animating meshe snaps back to the starting point at the end of the animation. Accumulation on the other two axis is allowed for walking etc. In the case of the drakes, they play a wing flapping anim as they walk/fly along. Banking isnt possible because some of the rotate commands effect the camera instead of the pc.


    Live Free


  5. The alternative to government involvement in people's lives and decisions, is that people take the responsibility for doing what they rationally think is correct.


    Live free



    Unfortunately, MANY people lack the ability to do this. http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif



    I dont think that is true.


    I believe that all western men are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Among these, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". While its true that I'm not going to get all warm and fuzzy about it, I do believe in each and every one of you. Given the history of accomplishment of western man, I'd be a fool not to.


    Just when you think that all commoners are louts and cowards, you find your neck in a guillotine or yourself surrendering to a rabble to the tune of The World Turned Upside Down.



    Live Free and Die Proud


  6. short stolekey


    if player.getitemcount "key" && stolekey == 0

    if npc.getlos player

    npc.startcombat player


    set stolekey to 1





    This will startcombat between the npc and the player if in the same frame the player has the key and the npc has line of sight to the player. Else the player "stole" the key and wasnt detected.


    Hope this helps.




  7. In this context it is mainly a coutesy that people refrain from stealing ideas and assets from other peoples work. Other than Nexus standing behind the original author (something they are not totally consistent at doing) and removing mods made from "borrowed" work, there is not much that can be done. Its not likely that litigation would ensue.


    I've gotten a reputation for being adamant about not allowing my work to be reused. Its true that in several cases I have asked to have mods removed that "borrowed" my work. Its also true that I have said no to some requests to use or modify my work. Its not true that I never allow it. Just recently I sanctioned its use in RSV2's "Friends & Lovers" and Goranga's "Simple Prostitution Mod".


    If you have an interesting idea that involves using my work, please feel free to contact me. If you simply want to repackage my work with your name attached, I wouldn't bother.


    The alternative to government involvement in people's lives and decisions, is that people take the responsibility for doing what they rationally think is correct. Excluding arbitrary self protection, it is difficult to justify claiming a right for yourself that you deny to others. This, not concern for your fellow man, is the reason that free men hold the rights of others to be equal to their own. It is a very "self-centered" thing to do.




    Live free


  8. Aside from fighting alongside the pc against guards etc, what features would you like to see in an "evil" companion. I'm considering a "follow sneak" mode for my new version of sexy companion.




    Live Free


  9. Hi, I am new to modding for Oblivion and was looking to create a custom house to suit my character. I know the basics about the construction set, but was wondering if there was any way to cut out certain parts out of an interior cell (i.e.: taking an interior cell that might consist of a ground floor with a bedroom attached and just wanting that bedroom alone to be used in a custom house instead of the cell in its entirety). It might not be possible, but if it was and quite doable then that would make things a lot easier for me.

    Thank you in advance.



    It would depend partially on the nature of the interior you choose. Some interior rooms are all one meshe, except of course for the furnishings and doors etc. Others are created from tiles. If the room you wanted to copy into your interior cell was a tiled version, you coud copy and paste the pertinent parts of the meshe into a new cell. If not, you'd have to bring in the entire interior room meshe and isolate with load doors the parts you did not want to use. You could also edit the larger meshe in blender or max to only contain the parts you desire. Most interior room meshes arent very large in polys so just isolating the undesired parts with walls and doors is probably an acceptable solution.



    Hope this helps


  10. Noob766 pulled his mod because he disagreed with a rule. A rule that everyone else must follow. But he doesn't think he should because for some reason, his mod is 'special'.


    You find a rule pointless because you do not see the problems that led to the rule. The no soliciting rule was put in place well over a year ago, before Dragon Age was added, to cut down on ratings abuse. Just because you haven't figured out how to skew the ratings that doesn't mean someone else hasn't.


    The ratings are not meant to be a contest to see who can get the most good and least bad, but one of many ways to decide if a mod is suitable for your personal game or not. And as a way to show a modder your appreciation. A modder should not expect everyone who downloads their mod to automatically rate it, even though we do try to encourage it. I have seen modders threaten to pull their mod because they got 3 thumbs down, and 90 thumbs up. They demanded that those 3 thumbs down be removed - how is this not abuse? On the other hand we get a modder who demands that everyone give his mod a good rating or he will pull it- again, how is this not abuse.


    No matter what rating system we implement, someone will find a way to abuse it to their advantage. We try to keep the playing field as level as we can.


    Noob766 was not banned, his mod was not banned. It was set invisible pending changes to bring it within the rules. Instead, Noob766 elected to pull the mod because we refused to make an exception to a rule just for him. He is neither the first modder or the best to pull a mod because he thought he should get special treatment.


    He says we should have given a warning instead of hiding the mod. We did, it is called the terms and conditions you must agree to before uploading a mod. Like many people, he skipped over that, or just skimmed them.


    Please do not demand that we either change the rules or make an exception for one mod. That leads to chaos when others demand the same treatment, and eventually to a breakdown in confidence in our ability to enforce the rules. Our rules are mostly common sense, not difficult or complicated. 95% of the people who upload mods have probably not even read them and yet they have managed to avoid breaking them.



    It seems to me that the worst skewing of ratings was caused by the new popularity categories and the reminder to rate files. This bonus was only given to newer mods. Older mods did not benefit from months in the limelight, and from a reminder to rate them. Before, the best a mod could hope for was to remain in the "files of the month" category. Then it slipped into the relative obscurity of the general lists. Now mods can remain in the limelight of the short lists much longer.


    Confederate Jasmine's Daddy


  11. No. In the context of this discussion I like "important" just fine. Creators are certainly more "important" than publishers or distributors. A creator could exist without the other, but not vice versa.



    Well then, we will have to agree to disagree. Creators without a means to distribute or an audience is just as useful as a distributor without any content or an audience which is also true for an audience with no content or means of acquiring content.


    I see the players, authors and distributors as equals which are all dependent upon each other like a basket weave.





    Your view suggests creators who are always concerned with marketability. Most creators would be equally driven whether a market for their work existed or not. it is the nature of men to persue their own interests. It is the nature of ants to cooperate.




  12. Sometimes you want to have alot of rooms and meshes in the same interior cell so that scripts can run concurrently.


    If an interior cell has alot of rooms on the same plane, the game engine does the math (draws) for everything in the pc's line of sight regardless if its blocked by walls or not. This can yield low fps when the pc is out at the edge of the group of rooms looking back across tha entire cell.


    One remedy for this is to stack the rooms vertically and use load doors to move between them.


    When load doors are in the same cell the game doesnt do a cell load and the transit time is very fast.


    One problem with this approach is that the angle of vision shifts and then corrects when you teleport between significantly different elevations.


    My workaround for this is to have a script on the load doors that puts the pc in first person mode when he arrives at the destination load door.


    Also if you put the rooms too close together vertically you will hear sounds from the adjacent room, so you have to adjust that accordingly.


    Remember to put each room in its own sub space if you want npc's to use load doors to travel between rooms.


    In a current project of mine this raised the fps in some difficult areas dramatically.


    Maybe someone else could use this technique to their advantage.



    Live Free


  13. The ideal solution would be to find some people with theatrical voices, who have the ability to mimic existing vanilla voices. That way you could preserve the existing dialog and add more lines. Shouldnt be that hard, I'll start looking tomorrow.




  14. Some of the text to speech software packages are very good. They give you the ability to adjust inflection and rate etc on a word by word basis. Unfortunately I don't think any of the good ones are free.


    It would be nice if more budding thespians would get involved in the custom voice projects.





  15. It is my intent to guage other members opinions on this subject. For the purpose of this poll all issues are hypothetical. Please dont mention any particular cases. I am genuinely interested in your opinion on this and intend to stay pretty much uninvolved in the discussion.




    Question: If two or more modders are listed as "coauthors" of a given mod, and the content of the mod is equally representative of each (meaning that the mod could not exist in its current form with either modders work removed), should each "coauthor" have the right to remove the mod from Nexus or should only the "uploader" have that right? This assumes that one or more modders for reasons of their own, no longer wish for their work to be used in this particular mod, coauthorship being the central issue, and cases of "permission granted to use something from another mod" being non relevant.



    edit: For the purpose of this discussion lets assume that such a collaboration exists and is published, and examine what rights the coauthor who is not the uploader retains.





  16. Authors are more important than uploaders
    I think you mean "more relevant" :tongue:



    No. In the context of this discussion I like "important" just fine. Creators are certainly more "important" than publishers or distributors. A creator could exist without the other, but not vice versa.




  17. A suggestion concerning the Top 100 page (if you haven't already seen it elsewhere): instead of displaying the uploader, display the author. There are several mods that have been uploaded by users other than the original author.



    Second this. Sounds like a very good idea. Authors are more important than uploaders, and don't in my mind seem to get the proper respect.




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