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About Apolwnas

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  1. Same problem here...I would like also to hear more about a potential solution
  2. Today i started a new game to see if the problem persists..So immediately after exiting Helgen i used the coc command ,went to Solitude docks and entered the warehouse!No problems. But... When i went to Riverwood and followed the questline,on my way to Whiterun i decided to fast travel to the docks once more..And when i tried to enter the damn warehouse i crashed again!! I mean seriously what's wrong here? Please if someone had something similar tell me..It's driving me crazy!
  3. Weirdest thing ever...For some unknown reason i cannot enter that warehouse in solitude thus i cannot complete the thieves guild quest line.... My game works perfect even if it's heavy modded.Only that place is inaccessible to me .. I tried disabling all the mods-reseting ini configs-verifying cache.. Nothing works... Btw when i disabled all the mods the door all though had the open icon it could not be clicked.Also by using the coc command i could not enter as if the place was not there. I think that something has made that area inaccessible.. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Hi everyone. I started a new fresh game with new fresh installed mods. Everything works fine except the problem i mentioned in the title.The strange thing is that when i switch to 1st person i can move..But i prefer 3rd p.o.v. I disabled all the mods but the problem still persists... Any help is appreciated.
  5. No one has experienced this?
  6. in the beginning when i enter the keep with Hadvar,after i collect the gear and he pulls the chain,he says follow me and he runs like an idiot till he is pinned to the next door and doesn't stop.Like he was to penetrate it by running.... I tried everything..resetai,kill and rez him,disable-enable....Nothing works.. He just keeps on running.. Any idea why and how this can be fixed?
  7. After spending 1 hour of manual changing the load order through launcher's new system,as i installed a new mod the list was reset alphabetically again..Is there any other way to rearrange mods since nmm is not supported anymore? This is very annoying.. :S
  8. yeah did that allready..but still...it's a glitch..
  9. So i am in Labyrinthian.I equip the wooden mask and teleport back in time.I see the pedestal for the 8 dragonpriest masks and i place them all(i have them all).But nothing happens... :( The head in middle remains down and doesn't reveal Konahrik..I reloaded-reequiped-fast traveled-disabled all mods...nothing works.. :S Any help plz?
  10. Unpacking your mesh files goes as follows- Open your Skyrim folder usually found under c:\ computer\program files\elder scrolls skyrim, then click on Data scroll down and you should see "Meshes" they are all packed you must unpack them, they are called BSA files you can download something called "Skyrim BSA unpacker, but i don't know if that will unpack all of them so you can use "Oblivion mod manager" to unpack all the mesh file that's the only way for this" fix" to work, but download BSA unpacker to anyway cuz it's very usefull , I'm sorry If I didn't explain well but im still new to all this modding computer stuff, but if you unpack all your mesh files you will not crash anymore, I don't know if they will fix it when the patch comes out or not, make sure you have enough space on your hard drive, it will probably take a couple of gigs. You should probably do a little research on the web just to make sure. Ok i got it.Thank you
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