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About alanbard

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  1. well, looks like we're special... happens once in a blue moon... --- In my case didn't happen until deep in my game... and may have been triggered by point lookout... --- on the other hand I'm now playing on an older video card... but changing the vid settings hasn't helped...
  2. I just got slammed with this... I was doing pretty well and then I got the missions involving the custom items added to the front of the menu... the artillary gun and the four items for the teleporting arch to the institude. And it seems to have overwritten some items because even going back and turning things off when I get to the power menu I CTD..; which is bad because I need a generator for more power to run the teleporting stuff. --- but as someone said it's probably a 256 bit boundary... back in the early days I blew up Pagemaker when I installed more than 512 fonts... and actually way back then Apple had to rebuild their font system because they had only allowed for 256 ... why would there ever be more.
  3. If you have a copy of the old hack to make the FO3 exe large memory aware... put the fomm exe in the folder.. change its name to FO3 exe (double check what it's called in the game folder)... run the utility to make it large memory aware... rename it to FOMM exe and then put it back in the FOMM folder....
  4. I currently am a premium member for no other reason than I appreciate what you do here. I'm in the sticks and my net connection is a wireless phone (dedicated) but my best speeds are about 150 kbs... I don't have a lifetime membership and probably will just renew for 6 mos at a time. You get more money that way right? Endorsements... arrgg I just downloaded an updated version of a file a use regularly ... can't endorse it because I haven't downloaded the updated version... I have downloaded many mods, most are stored because I do worry about you going away but even more, my net costs $60 a month... I got my contract just before they started putting limits on downloading per month. So I'm grandmothered in for now. If the choose to raise prices -- I could be screwed. ------- {{But if you could find a way so that when I access my list of downloads, I could just check off an endorsement, that would be great. Opening one page and getting a lot done.}} >>>>>okay, I went there today to print out a list and can endorse mods.. doing several right now than on to FO ON and MN... <<< ---------------------- >>>> allow me to congratulate you on how fast you responded to my suggestion!!!!<<<< -------------------- I appreciate what you do and what the modders do. Having been a programmer I realize the work involved. Plus as I get more time in on 3d modding I might get some stuff out. I was trying to retint Eschemes Glass Armor for Oblivion blue and somehow made it transparent...
  5. I have a 40 inch trinitron HD flat screen tv I got a few years ago for very little -- and have been contemplating using it for my computer monitor... I have a ati 4890 1g ddr5 and another that I could add for sli/crossfire -- has anyone used something similar or have any ideas whether this is worth trying to do... I currently just have a 19 in flat panel -- flatiron 4ms 1400:1 contrast...
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