I currently am a premium member for no other reason than I appreciate what you do here.
I'm in the sticks and my net connection is a wireless phone (dedicated) but my best speeds are about 150 kbs...
I don't have a lifetime membership and probably will just renew for 6 mos at a time. You get more money that way right?
Endorsements... arrgg
I just downloaded an updated version of a file a use regularly ... can't endorse it because I haven't downloaded the updated version...
I have downloaded many mods, most are stored because I do worry about you going away but even more, my net costs $60 a month... I got my contract just before they started putting limits on downloading per month. So I'm grandmothered in for now. If the choose to raise prices -- I could be screwed.
{{But if you could find a way so that when I access my list of downloads, I could just check off an endorsement, that would be great. Opening one page and getting a lot done.}}
>>>>>okay, I went there today to print out a list and can endorse mods.. doing several right now than on to FO ON and MN... <<<
>>>> allow me to congratulate you on how fast you responded to my suggestion!!!!<<<<
I appreciate what you do and what the modders do. Having been a programmer I realize the work involved.
Plus as I get more time in on 3d modding I might get some stuff out.
I was trying to retint Eschemes Glass Armor for Oblivion blue and somehow made it transparent...