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Everything posted by Trey5511

  1. http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/9839/bunniesslaughtered.jpg So, how many Navis have you slaughtered? :)
  2. Could you point out where? I don't doubt you, I simply haven't come across this before.
  3. Its clear the dwemer vanished as a result of Kagrenac's actions. Pretty sure they don't. Regarding your theory,
  4. I was looking through the patch notes, and was astonished by how short they were. They fixed some gameplay issues, but that really was it. And they broke stuff bigtime.
  5. I don't like the sound of stronger melee. Running around with ~600 health and ~500 armor, i can't take two hits from a dragon in melee on master.
  6. An achievement for 100k gold. Houses in markarth/solitude/windhelm/riften(maybe elsewhere? i dunno).
  7. Nope. Making better and more engaging quests or more interactions, etc, does not require much additional hardware.
  8. Did none of you people check the link at the bottom of his post....? ./sigh
  9. FNV's fancy new mechanics(compared to F3) were almost entirely based on mods. The developers openly admitted this.
  10. Dodge his lightning bolts using cover. 20 minutes later, he'll run out of magicka. Then he'll be harmless. Lightning bolt speeds it up, and does damage too. ;)
  11. Using the console disabled achievements for your current session in FNV. I expect it works the same in skyrim.
  12. Not sure what you're talking about, bad loot at high levels. I have a chest brimming full of weapons and armor that I can't seem to sell off fast enough.
  13. I didn't get it till after the main quest was finished.
  14. I've found archers are the only thing that pose a threat. They seem to do a lot more damage than those 2h mobs. Putting words in other peoples mouths always works so well. Its how you kill things. Skyrim is pretty big on killing things.
  15. I killed him because it got the quest out of my log. But only because I was tying up loose ends to put skyrim on the shelf till mods come around.
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