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Nexus Mods Profile

About Luigifan22

  1. That's doubtful.You need to either use MMUE or YUP.Your not supposed to use both since both are bug fixes.And both will conflict.
  2. Anyone? Be nice if we had some better perks for player's to use.
  3. Lol.Sorry,but if all your gonna do is pretty much tell everyone else what to do,then this isnt gonna work.You need to be able to help in someway since your the one that wants to do this.Telling other's what they should be doing is not gonna cut it.
  4. Lmao.Never gonna happen,buddy.You cant use assets from another game.It's illegal.
  5. I'm surprised the game even runs at all since the Fallout 3 esm HAS to be at top.No other mod is EVER supposed to be before it or the DLC's.Only exceptions are ones that need to be before the DLC like Fallout Streetlights.
  6. If he's using FOOK,then he doesnt need EVE.EVE is allready included.
  7. Lol. What random encounters? Everything is scripted to appear in certain locations.There arent any random encounter's.And what's so hard to understand about the Mojave being a boring world?
  8. I didnt even think about using a merged patch.Cant believe I forgot that.
  9. It does exactly what I want,thank you.Unfortuantly,using it means I cant use mod's that make Companions essential since they conflict.
  10. He's asking for a mod that let's you send companions to any of the towns like Goodsprings or Primm similar to how you can send companions in Fallout 4 to any of the settlements you own instead of their default location or the Lucky 38.
  11. Why are you asking this here? This should be on the Fallout 4 forum.
  12. Before someone asks,I am not asking for someone to import the following perks from New Vegas into the game.I'm requesting someone makes similar one's. Quick Draw Rapid Reload Jury Rigging Hunter Burden to Bear Men against Men Basically,I would like to reuqest someone to make these perks similar to New Vegas with the same effects but with some differences. Make Jury Rigging require 75 repair instead of 95 but pretty much make it do the same thing as in New Vegas. Men against Men is basically the Lady Killer equilevent.Just have it use lines from Black Widow instead and because there are more male enemies then females,make it do 15% more damage. Burden to Bear is the same as the Lonesome Road perk only make it available once the player get past the point where the PC's Dad dies and have the description reflect that. It's no secret people want some of the cool New Vegas perks in Fallout 3.So if anyone could do this,I would appreciate it.Naturally,you cant use the perk icons from New Vegas so maybe try to use some of the one's allready in the game for these.
  13. Yeah,that's the problem.The Fallout 3 forum just isnt that active compared to New Vegas and Fallout 4.I mean,people are still modding for Fallout 3 so it isnt like the game is completely dead.
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