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About WraithMonk

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  1. It's almost what I'm aiming for, almost. Looks pretty similar in concept, I'm just aiming for something a bit different. edit: well, I haven't actually played it, after reading it's features just now it would probably sate my appetite for this mod, but I enjoy the process of building more than playing I think. I'd like the random elements of defending your hard work from raiders and whatnot that I haven't seen they have featured. I'm going to build mine using references to enable through building, instead of the whole blueprinting and dropping items in-game while you play. Just feels more realistic to me.
  2. So I've been tossing around an idea in my head for a mod I'd love to play, essentially a game inside a game. The premise of my mod would be to build and maintain a working ranch, living life as just another Joe Blow in the Wasteland. Having beat the game multiple times I'd like to extend my time inside this world and roleplay a little more effectively. Now the 'meat' of the mod will be extensive; - Large plot of land for the player to 'work' -- Everything will start abandoned and in disrepair, you'll have to gather supplies from the game world to use in crafting your home, stables, water supply, fences, a power source, and tools to work the crops and tend to your herd. - Upon establishing your land I'll have a series of quests to show you the ropes to be able to play the mod however you'd like to play it. -- Customizing the look and feel, along with what type of crops and herds you'd like to have. (able to mix and match) - Random events to simulate the struggles Ranchers in the area would face. -- Defending your ranch from raiders or wild animals, Brahmin and Bighorners getting sick and dying if not handled properly, drought affecting crops needing extra water resources, etc. - Hiring NPC's of different backgrounds. -- Mercenary's to decrease the odds of raider attacks (or defend your land while you're away), Ranch-hands to work your crops and look after the herd so you don't have to micro-manage as much. Just to name a few of my goals. I'm going to keep it all as realistic to Fallout as possible. No artillery, bunkers, Archimedes III, stuff like that. Now the reason I'm posting, I'm fairly good with the G.E.C.K. and am working on the bones at the moment, but I've yet to dabble in scripting. Things I need help with: - Script to pop-up a prompt box letting you know you found a suitable area and letting you choose whether or not you'd like to settle there. - Script to control resource needs for crops and cattle (a timer/tracker for when stuff needs watered/fed), similar to the player needs on hardcore mode. -- possibly having a notice box pop-up when something needs done, even if you're out in the wastes (not sure on this one). - Script to spawn random raiders/animals to attack your Ranch, right now all I know how to do would be to make a spawn that would reset every 73 hours...not very 'random'. - I might also like to be able to interact with Brahmin to be able to 'milk' them. I'm gonna dig around and see if I can't figure out how to have activators like Ed-E does(or the food processor in McCarran) to be able to repair him with items, as I plan on using that extensively for how you'll be able to build structures on your property. Any help, or even further ideas for features would be great. I'll be working on this Mod for quite some time and hope to make it as great as I know it can be.
  3. well the height map editor still insta crashes geck so I have to do it all with the landscape editor.... /wrists
  4. Well now I feel like an ass, opened up my geck to SS my settings and tried to link/load my 2 world spaces to duplicate the crash again....and it worked just fine, heh. Seems my geck was on the fritz for the last 2 days or something, got it linked up fine and can travel between them with no issues atm. edit: appreciate the responses but it seems to have worked itself out =]
  5. A regular old door same as the vegas ruins are setup, just everytime i try and 'view linked door' or even load the wasteland world space after working in my own it crashes
  6. taken from the vault Sometimes a companion will disappear and not seem to be retrievable by fast travel or the moveto command. In that case, attempt this: prid <ref_id> OpenTeammateContainer 1 Move all items from the targeted companion over to yourself to avoid losing them. moveto player resurrect 1 disable enable ref _id's = 001732d1 (Normal) 001732D0 (Follower Weapon Upgrade) 001732CF (Brotherhood Armor Upgrade)
  7. Bump for helps, still haven't gotten it down.
  8. So I've been working on a world space approx. the size of the South Vegas Ruins, Only when I try and set up my teleport markers my G.E.C.K. crashes. I've been setting them up the same way I would an interior cell to an exterior cell, so not sure if my technique is wrong or what. any protip or link to info I couldn't find would be awesome
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