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Everything posted by Shnockey

  1. The cast time for master destruction spells are long but, one way you could counter this is with the become etheral shout; where you can't be hurt or interrupted until you actually cast the spell or the shout runs out.
  2. Im a pure mage lvl 36 and so far it has been really easy ; I dont use conjuration nor staves and dont wear any armour cept for moroki (light armour mask), just destruction (100-master), Alteration (100) and healing (72) lots of dodging attacks and getting enemies into postions where they're stuck( against non range) . Of course this does'nt always work e.g versing dragons requires a different tactic, greater ward with one hand ( I have the ward absorb perk ) and chain lightning in the other hand {healing when messing up the ward}. Another tactic I like to use is using the etheral shout ( level 3 ) to allow me to cast the master lvl spells that have about 3 secs casting time without getting interrupted or hurt. For instance when im versing lots of bandits I use Become Etheral then cast mass paralysis while they're all down cast a master AOE destruction or chain lightning them instead - On my game it's bugged when I cast lightning storm on paralysed opponents it doesn't deal any damage and pushes them away instead :( ,however its highly effective in dungeons where you get all the enemies lined up in a narrow passage. Note: Hot keys are extremely important - favorites are good but, it's even better to have the left and right D-Pad hotkeys for quick switching.
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