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Posts posted by Wunderbot

  1. After work I like to slave away on new textures for existing clothing in Fallout 4. Goal is to eventually expand the clothing pool for settlers with tons of variations, and to give a whole lot of unique NPCs their own unique outfit. For example: the Patched Suit now has a unique texture for the Diamond City mayor, Pickman, Brother Thomas, and Covenant mayor.

    Is there an NPC you wish had a more unique outfit? Or is there a great outfit idea you have but can't create yourself? Let me know!

  2. I follow new mods on the nexus daily and tend to avoid bethesda's mod site. To my surprise, sometimes I hear of mods on bethesda.net that aren't uploaded here. Usually nothing important, or of questionable origin, but I wondered if there are any mods worth checking out on bethesda.net? Don't worry, I'll never abandon my beloved Nexus.

  3. The karma system has a special place in most of our hearts, but gruffy is right. If we put aside nostalgia, it was a pretty flawed system, because often things were too black-and-white so they could be forced into the karma system, and if a lot of morally grey options were presented instead, the karma system pretty much loses its purpose.


    I'd gladly help out. My main skillset is textures and just general basics like helping transfer text, stats, etc. into the Fallout 4 GECK or xEdit.

  4. Really glad to see this! I had always been toying with the idea of the Gun Runners in Fallout 4, as I feel like not only would it be a great standalone mod, it could also serve as a great way for other modders to add their new weapons into the game in a lore-friendly and organic way, by adding it to the Gun Runners framework. Looking forward to further updates on this.

  5. It's something I have been pondering for a while now. I have done some "research" (wiki-ing) and replayed some parts of the first two Fallouts and it really feels do-able to me, especially the first game due to its (very relatively) small size. The rarest kind of modder, 3D modellers, would barely be required. Most assets are already covered by vanilla assets, already existing mods and near-perfect replacements with some texture work.


    There are of course large obstacles like quest and NPC scripting, voice acting, landscaping and some gameplay features that aren't present in FO4 and shouldn't be scrapped in favour of superior features in FO4. Compared to projects like Skyblivion and Skywind however, I feel like this could be achieved, depending on how many modders are willing to put their shoulders under it.


    There was a pretty promising attempt at this in FO3/NV, but it was eventually abandoned. Obviously Bethesda would have to be contacted to ensure such a project would be legal and condoned, since Fallout 1 and 2 were not created by Bethesda and as such there might be issues, but since no actual content of those games would be used, there should be no major obstacles.


    So, I'm going to check just how much community interest there is for such a project and more importantly, interest from modders. I'd personally contribute to any work not involving scripts. Or voice acting.


  6. Never played that game, so don't really have any affinity with it, but it looks pretty solid. Don't worry about making it a mod, there's already a functional Midwestern PA mod. You going to print this as a statuette, or is it going to be printed piece by piece for cosplay?

  7. I haven't been paying attention to the two Skyrim nexuses for some time and want to play Skyrim again. I don't care a whole lot about the tiny visual improvements of the SE though and I only got it because I had all DLC, so it was free. Question is, are there any really good mods on the SE here that the author didn't also release for the original Skyrim? Ie, is Skyrim SE worth missing out on the mods that haven't been ported yet? Thanks in advance!

  8. I love Varric, one of my favourite characters. But his beardless face just feels so weird. In Dragon Age 2, I found a mod to give him a beard and he instantly looked even more loveable!




    Anyone capable of slapping a beard on him? Something short and stylish like in the picture above probably suits his character best. Much appreciated!


    Hey! Since the release of Skyrim SE, I've decided to pick up Skyrim again. Sadly the SE keeps messing up my saves, so I'm going to just enjoy the original for now. I've reinstalled most of my favourite mods already, but there's one in particular I can't find anymore. It was a mod that introduced lots of mesh mash-ups of all the vanilla armours, so that for example five bandits wearing leather armour all had slight variations on the vanilla leather and thus looked different.

    its probably not the same one you had before (it uses more than just vanilla assets) but here is something similar: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75861/?



    That's the one, thanks! It's been a long time and it seems to have gone in a somewhat different direction since I last used it. Or I just remembered it wrong.

  10. Hey! Since the release of Skyrim SE, I've decided to pick up Skyrim again. Sadly the SE keeps messing up my saves, so I'm going to just enjoy the original for now. I've reinstalled most of my favourite mods already, but there's one in particular I can't find anymore. It was a mod that introduced lots of mesh mash-ups of all the vanilla armours, so that for example five bandits wearing leather armour all had slight variations on the vanilla leather and thus looked different.

  11. Hey! Since the release of Skyrim SE, I've decided to pick up Skyrim again. Sadly the SE keeps messing up my saves, so I'm going to just enjoy the original for now. I've reinstalled most of my favourite mods already, but there's one in particular I can't find anymore. It was a mod that introduced lots of mesh mash-ups of all the vanilla armours, so that for example five bandits wearing leather armour all had slight variations on the vanilla leather and thus looked different.


    Anyone know this mod? Or maybe it was removed?

  12. No idea what causes it. Sometimes I can save properly, but after a few saves it causes another CTD and from then on, every attempt to save on that savefile causes the CTD. So I have to reload an older save and it works again, but only for a while because eventually it starts causing CTDs again. I tried to turn off all mod plugins and load that way, but then it doesn't open the save at all, it just says the savefile is corrupt. Any ideas?

  13. Not as easy as it sounds, I'm afraid. At least the part about having to crawl, or even just heavier limping than vanilla. It'd require completely new and complicated animations, and even simple animations tend to be some of the hardest mod assets to make.

  14. One of my own uploaded mods (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19409/?) has a pretty annoying bug that I just can't seem to fix. I've tried adding the Guard Dogs (replacements for Provisioner brahmin) to all sorts of factions and changing around data, but settlers keep shooting them after which they start fighting back. To top it off, xEdit now refuses to let me load the plugin because it claims I need to load Fallout4.esm first, even though I did load it.


    Also worth pointing out is that the hostility only affects the dogs/brahmin added -after- installing the mod. Provisioners already assigned before installing aren't affected apparently.


    Anyone who has any understanding of NPC aggression who's willing to download the mod and give it a quick look?

  15. I've been working for months on a huge clothing overhaul and I just so happen to have a milkman texture for the postman outfit and Sea Captain's hat (the postman hat model has a shield sticking out at the front). All yours if you want them.





  16. Not going to bother reading the entire topic, because I kind of knew enough already when I opened your profile and saw your grand total of 4 mod endorsements since signing up in 2011 and 0 mods contributed.


    There really isn't any excuse for an entitled, bratty topic like this. Everyone has mod ideas and everyone thinks their ideas are just so much more worthy of being made into a mod.


    I personally don't know anything about software. But I've still been teaching myself how to work with Photoshop, xEdit, etc. for the past few years now and I'm slowly approaching a point where I can create some of the mods that I want for myself. If even just 5% of the people always complaining about the lack of mods would actually invest time in learning how to mod, we'd probably have a lot of fantastic new mods already.


    P.S.: The suggestions you gave here really just make it seem like you don't care a whole lot about the community as a whole and you just have these very, very specific ideas that you want other people to make for you. Mods for the Assaultron Head, aka a weapon that almost nobody ever uses? How would that serve the community at all and not just you?

  17. Can't say with complete certainty, since the Mechanist's Lair is one complete lagfest for me (only location in my entire game that does this), but the beeping shouldn't be there anymore. The only permanent sound you should hear after gaining it as a settlement is the typing noises of the Robobrains.

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