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Posts posted by ShadowGryphon

  1. So little under a year ago now, my computer melted down and had to go through a near total rebuild. I'm only just now getting back into Skyrim again because of the headache of having to reinstall all the mods I used and such just put me off so I was procrastinating on it.

    Now I am ready to get back in and play again, but I'm guessing a lot has changed. For one, now we have Vortex instead of NMM, and I'm unsure of the status of SKSE64? Last I looked into it this had just gotten out of alpha and gone into beta.

    So I'm just looking for some news, what have I missed in the past almost year now? Any tips for transitioning from NMM to Vortex, is SKSE64 stable or am I better off waiting still? Anything I may not have thought of?



    Which videos? I'm already liking NMM and LOOT better and wish I could still use those, since the onboard LOOT of Vortex doesn't seem to be able to actually resolve the conflicts of a load order. x_x




    attachicon.gif Videos.jpg



    Vortex does an outstanding job of managing plugin load order. For me, managing load orders has become a breeze since I started using Vortex. As for overlapping files (aka file conflicts), neither Vortex nor LOOT manages those, since they are not load order issues. In fact, every mod manager I know of leaves those management decisions up to you.


    Watch the videos and read through the excellent Vortex Knowledge Base. You may be pleasantly surprised.


    Not trying to argue with you or say that you're wrong, as I'll admit again I'm not the best when it comes to technical aspects of modding. But when it comes to NMM and LOOT vs. Vortex I didn't even see half of the conflict warnings that I'm seeing with the old vs. the new. So again, just a bad first impression. That's all.

  3. """ Thank you, I'll give Vortex a fair shake but from the outset here it definitely seems like LOOT for NMM worked better than the onboard LOOT for Vortex, as with NMM I just told it to update and then sort and it did it, with Vortex it seems like it autosorts but it doesn't know how to resolve which mod is supposed to load before which other mod(s) on its own. So from that perspective it's like, "Isn't this program supposed to know how to do that?" """


    >> Nope. Wrong assumption and since you decided that NMM is better for you, it is not worth it to explain anything to you about Vortex. Have a nice day !

    Wow, okay. Randomly hostile attitude out of nowhere and for no good reason. All I was saying is for somebody who isn't the most technically-minded person when it comes to modding that NMM and LOOT seemed to do a better job of it, at least straight away. I downloaded them, installed them, and with the single click of a button I would have my load order ready to go. With Vortex when I reinstalled my mods it didn't seem to know how to fix any conflicts on its own, and had to ask me what to do instead.


    If, as I mentioned, a person is not the best at the technical aspects of modding then being asked that sort of question by the very program that is supposed to know how to do this does not paint a very good first impression, is all I was saying. It does not mean I'm unwilling to try to learn the new program, it's merely an opinion of the first impression of NMM vs. the first impression of Vortex.



    Which videos? I'm already liking NMM and LOOT better and wish I could still use those, since the onboard LOOT of Vortex doesn't seem to be able to actually resolve the conflicts of a load order. x_x







    The tutorials right in the same bar as the Autosort Buttons


    Vortex has a Superior Mod Conflict Resolving Ability.

    NMM never told you about mod conflicts except to physically overwrite something


    If you want to go back to NMM then go back to it


    Click on INSTALL VORTEX at the top of every Nexus page, Scroll down and download the latest version from Github


    There you go.

    Hope that helps, have a nice day.




    Thank you, I'll give Vortex a fair shake but from the outset here it definitely seems like LOOT for NMM worked better than the onboard LOOT for Vortex, as with NMM I just told it to update and then sort and it did it, with Vortex it seems like it autosorts but it doesn't know how to resolve which mod is supposed to load before which other mod(s) on its own. So from that perspective it's like, "Isn't this program supposed to know how to do that?"




    So short version of events my computer melted down and after a costly rebuild I've had to reinstall everything. Since I was still using NMM before my computer bought it, I'm now just learning Vortex and I'm seeing that it does its own load order so do I need to install/run LOOT or does that cause conflicts?



    Loot is built into Vortex, just turn on "Autosort" and forget about sorting ESPS, and focus instead on the more important sorting BSAs etc in order to get your textures working correctly.


    Using LOOT with Vortex will just put you in a never ending loop of fighting with yourself.




    OK and where is the autosort option?




    It's a button.

    Be sure to watch the Videos and read the tutorials





    Which videos? I'm already liking NMM and LOOT better and wish I could still use those, since the onboard LOOT of Vortex doesn't seem to be able to actually resolve the conflicts of a load order. x_x


    So short version of events my computer melted down and after a costly rebuild I've had to reinstall everything. Since I was still using NMM before my computer bought it, I'm now just learning Vortex and I'm seeing that it does its own load order so do I need to install/run LOOT or does that cause conflicts?



    Loot is built into Vortex, just turn on "Autosort" and forget about sorting ESPS, and focus instead on the more important sorting BSAs etc in order to get your textures working correctly.


    Using LOOT with Vortex will just put you in a never ending loop of fighting with yourself.




    OK and where is the autosort option?

  7. So short version of events my computer melted down and after a costly rebuild I've had to reinstall everything. Since I was still using NMM before my computer bought it, I'm now just learning Vortex and I'm seeing that it does its own load order so do I need to install/run LOOT or does that cause conflicts?

  8. Returning to the game after my computer melted and reinstalling all my mods. I used to use ELFX because it made dungeons dark but conversely it made houses way too dark for the idea that people live here and would be able to see what they were doing in their own dwelling.

    Is there another mod that makes dungeons dark but makes homes feel cozy? Or is there a way to set ELFX so that for every dungeon it's dark, but for every home, it's properly lit?

  9. So long story short my old computer crapped out on me and I had to almost rebuild the entire thing from the ground up, and it also means I lost everything I had installed. So now that I've had to reinstall SSE and all my mods, I come back to find NMM no longer exists and we now have Vortex. Well Vortex is telling me my mods can't be deployed, but it's also not presenting me with an option on how to correct the issue. It's telling me what the problem is, as Symlink Deployment doesn't work with Gamebryo so I want to set it up as a Hardlink Deployment, but there's no drop menu or anything under the Mods tab of Vortex to give me the option to switch to that.

    So if anybody can please help with how to fix this, I would appreciate it? I'm totally new with Vortex and I'm already hating it because NMM worked just fine for me and I wish I could still use that, instead.

  10. LOOT is built in to Vortex which is part of the reason I suggest testing it out and learning how it works. xEdit works just fine with Vortex. You can even set up all your third party programs to run from inside Vortex.


    Much obliged for the information, Ishara. Thank you very much for your help. :)

  11. Vortex is decent. It operates a bit differently than NMM. With Vortex you can fine tune not just plugin order but also the order that mods in general are presented to the game. You can even go so far as to set up rules for a file from mod A being preferred over a file from mod C even if mod C is set to load after mod A. I suggest taking it slow and testing it out with a few mods till you get more comfortable with the program.


    SKSE64 is in beta phase. However, every time the Creation Club content gets updated SKSE64 has to be updated as well.

    Thank you, I think I'll hold off on SKSE64 for now then and just stick with SKYUI 2.2 like I was previously. Do I still need things like LOOT and TES5Edit with Vortex or are they now incompatible or something?

  12. So a little backstory here: I had SSE set up previously with my mods in place and was happily playing without SKSE64 at the time. Last I can remember SKSE64 had just come into alpha.

    A few weeks ago my computer melted down, a lot of my hardware crapped out and it was nearly a total rebuild of my machine. Unfortunately I lost everything I had installed so I come back now that I'm up and running again and find that NMM is no longer a thing, we now have Vortex? I'm presuming this is the successor to NMM?

    Just curious if Vortex is any good, what differences there might be between it and NMM and also where SKSE64 is at these days, if it's still in alpha or if there's a more polished version available.

  13. The dialogue is probably locked to his quest alias, or the dialogue is contained in a quest which stops when he dies. In the case of the forms, resurrecting his original formid would work. In the case of the later, restarting the quest in console may work.


    In both cases, messing with console is not how the game is supposed to be played so be prepared for unexpected side-effects.

    Well the most I ever use the command console for is to move an NPC who gets stuck (i.e. Karliah after you go to kill Mercer and she just hangs out swimming in the water forever) but yeah in a case like Amren's it's just annoying when he dies randomly before I ever had the chance to get to his quest. Do you happen to know why NPC's will just die when you're away from the city they live in for a few days' worth of time in game?

  14. I'm curious if there's a console command that can respawn an NPC so that you can interact with them if they had a quest that you didn't get to do before they bought it and their body was moved to the Hall of the Dead.

    In my case a famous example of this is Amren in Whiterun, who has the nasty habit of just randomly dying for no discernable reason that I can figure out. Sometimes I forget to do his quest to retrieve the family sword in order to get the skill-ups in one-handed weapons and block before he dies, but a prid#/moveto combo of commands doesn't return him with the quest he had intact, just his boring conversation options.

    Is there a command to enter that will return an NPC to life with their quest available?

  15. I recently uninstalled both SSE and NMM since NMM needed to upgrade but couldn't because of the glitches plaguing it, and I wanted to remove the vestiges of Joy of Perspective and Cutting Room Floor even though I had uninstalled them and there were still remnants lingering in the game. (For the record though these are both cool mods I recommend avoiding them since getting rid of them is such a pain.)

    Now that I've reinstalled the game and my mods I'm having a problem, I can't get the hip-fastened quivers mod to function properly like I'd had it before. I've read that there are problems with XP32 Maximum Skeleton going from 4.2 to 4.31, and that 4.2 doesn't need the mod for the effect to function, same with Realistic Rag Dolls and Force.

    So I installed 4.31, quivers are appearing on the back instead of on the hip. However if I try to uninstall 4.31 and go back to 4.2, then all models in the game go to what I can only describe as the mannequin posture that we see on armor mannequins in game. My character will move around but will not animate.

    So this sort of technical bug is above my head I'd appreciate the advice of anybody more knowledgeable than I in this matter if you could please advise me on which version to use, what to install/uninstall, etc. to get this running properly.

  16. One of the things that irks me about Skyrim is how the game sometime re-uses a location for a quest I've already cleared instead of one that I haven't explored yet on a given playthrough. I know that at least some quests in the game have a pool of locations they'll choose for where to send you, while others which are major quests are fixed and always use the same spots.

    Is there a mod that will tell the quests that have different options as to where you can be sent for them to use a location you've not cleared out first before going back and sending you to a spot that you've already been through?

  17. So I've encountered a few glitches that are preventing me from progressing the main story past the peace summit on my current playthrough.

    First of all, Delphine and Esbern are just standing outside of High Hrothgar on the steps leading up to the monastery and won't move. Even if I go into High Hrothgar and move them to where I am with console commands, they'll just turn around and head back outside.

    Second, if I just bypass them and talk to Arngeir to get the peace summit started, when I go into the conference room General Tullius, Legate Rikke and Elenwen will all attack me. (Yes, I have joined the Stormcloaks) I currently have the Jagged Crown quest in my log. In order to talk to Ulfric and convince him to attend, I had to at least go meet Galmar, go into the tomb and retrieve the crown. I have it in my inventory but have not yet given it to Ulfric to avoid starting the quest that leads up to the siege of Whiterun.

    So if anybody knows of any console commands/things I should do to get things moving and help me move past this point I would appreciate it. I'm kind of stumped. In my frustration I Fus-Ro-Dah'd Esbern and Delphine off the side of the mountain while I went about doing other things in the game, give them some time to think about just standing around like a couple of idiots instead of letting me continue my quest while they climb back up.

  18. Hey everyone, I'm not the best person when it comes to the more technical details of modding, and I know you can adjust the brightness of the game overall using color adjustment but here's my issue:

    Indoors things are way too dark. Like, I need to light up a torch to see around inside my own home in game.

    Outdoors during the day things are pretty spot on but almost too bright at nighttime from about 8pm - 10pm.

    Is there a way to adjust the brightness levels for indoor/outdoor settings individually from one another using the ENB control panel in game?

  19. First, yes I have reported these bugs on the mod's page to the author.

    Secondly, I uninstalled the mod because while I do like it, it has the rather annoying problem of when you're wearing armor that has bulkier shoulders that those shoulders will obscure your line of sight. Not great when you're trying to sneak around and/or aim your shots with a bow.

    Uninstalling the mod, however, has not entirely removed the mod it would seem. If I look down I see my armor but no body. If I aim my bow while in first person my shots go down and to the right of where I've got the crosshairs centered.

    A search of my drive doesn't show any files lingering so I have no idea how this is happening. Has anybody else encountered this and, if so, do you have a fix? The game is rather unplayable in its current state but I don't want to have to reinstall JoP just to fix it for the aforementioned LoS interference it can cause depending on what armor I wear.

  20. One of the ways I make money when playing Skyrim is to enchant jewelry that I've looted, "found", or crafted. The part that sucks is having to go through and select which item, which enchant(s), and which soul gem to use for each and every single piece I make.

    Is there a mod that fixes enchanting so that once you have your materials selected you can just spam the craft button until you've made as many as you want/run out of materials much like one does with alchemy?

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