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Everything posted by lecuyeralex

  1. I don't remember where I found it, but theres a solution somewhere on this site that tweeks the ini files so that the camera is much more stabble. Sorry, I tried to find a link or something, but lost the page :( I recomment trying to find it, it made the mod actually something worth having, even in WIP. It's probably a line somewhere in SkyrimPrefs, but I also remember needing to type a console line :(
  2. A lot of people are talking about a footprint mod. I think it could be a good idea, but it could take so much performance off. I say we wait for the CK, then we'll probably see stuff like that, which would help the performance too. Anyways, I'm pretty sure someone will make this!
  3. I'm starting to get bored about all those ambient soundtracks in cities and towns, I want to have thrill in my game, and the ability to choose what type of music I play. The mod would be like a "sounds.bsa" file maker, where you could replace and listen to any of the files and replace them too. Then, it would replace the current sounds.bsa with the new one. I would appreciate it so much if anyone did this!! :) thx
  4. Wait, about all the triggering, couldn't we just use AC's awesome parkour animations and programation, add the triggers such as AC's grips into the game models and simply combine the whole complex file into a esp for the making of the mod? Sorry if I sound stupid, I literrally don't know anything about modding. My guess is it could be done, but will take time and all, and might screw up because of Ubisoft's copyright (hopefully not). Anyways, I just can't wait to see a mod like this!
  5. Hey community, I've recently modded my game with a .dll file named "ENB Dark Gothic", which offered an incredible visual aspect of skyrim, but I've even more recently found out about another ENB mod named "Cinematic Lighting". Both had different goods and bads, so I tried to learn how to merge two dll files into one, but the page was a bit too long, so here I am, typically lazzy. I will provide you to a link of both mods below; http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4142&navtag=file/images.php?id=4142&tab=3 http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6317 All I'm asking for is a mod with the dark and rich tone from gothic and the enhanced, more realistic shaders from cinematic lightings, and maybe some custom features too ;) Anyways, thanks for anyone reading this thread and an enormous thanks for those who reply, or even make this mod possible!
  6. Parkour could actually be possible for skyrim, since it already has barrel roll animations, better jumping realism, etc. It would take some time to make this, so I wouldn't expect for something like this to appear before summer, but a lot of work could do the trick. I have no knownledge about modding what so ever, but I do know that adding a command line to make jumps higher and longer in the .ini files and programming the game to do a barrel roll if the height and/or lenght of jump exceeds x number of meters could do already some tricks. Climbing though will be a pretty complicated configuration, since you actually have to add a whole lot of programming, animations and physics to the game, slowing down the performance too. Putting parkour aside and going back towards the original disscusion matter, there is a 1st person body mod currently in developpement, and it should be ready to be playable in a matter of two weeks max. It is right now still in beta though, and might screw up your game, I've warned you. Anyways, here is the link to the mod; http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6002
  7. I really don't think that the problems with the compass etc. are caused by the mod, it could only be a compatibility problem with one of your other mods! Actually, I discovered that the mod replaced a previously modded skeleton, which bugged my HUD and removed it completely. I just reloaded my backup files and it works now. Also, if ever anyone else gets a problem with this, I suggest trying the "immersive hud" mod, my friend had the same problem and it worked for him, but not for me :( Anyways, I guess I'll just wait for the fixed release to come out (after all, I'm the sneaky archer type of player, so it would kind of suck for now) but you definitly got my vote and endorsement, thx for bring the mod up! Good luck modding, I would help, but I really don't know a thing :P
  8. I really like this mod and I can't tell you how long I've been looking for something like this, thanks so much for making this! I'm still uninstalling it though, for now, because of the aiming pointer and health bar, as well as the compass, do not appear at all. It kind of screws you up for when you want to play, so I'd put that as a higher priority then to able to see your feet :P. Anyways I can't wait for it to be playable!!!!!!!!!! Of all the 50+ mods I downloaded, yours is my favorite!
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