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  1. it's a modified detect life. ^.^ apply life detect shaders to objects keyworded appropriately. (although traps are a little odd)
  2. if it is anything like the Kvatch rebuilt mod I'd use it. with regards to alt starts, the one I'm using starts with a destroyed Helgen and talk of a clash between stormcloaks and imperials that is more than it seems (a destroyed town seems a little over the top)
  3. ah well, if you ever need an extra hand send a pm
  4. Most of my work has been on dialogue/scripts (admittedly mainly for musicals :P) and lore.
  5. I am all for doing some of this. the question is what do you mean by basic... something that can be solved without a cypher? a cypher provided after following a couple of clues? or a cypher that requires further information/research outside the game (easy to find)?
  6. I'm not so good with scripting and stuff, but I can write pretty well... voicing is always another option :D
  7. this seems like overkill. shout cooldowns can be lowered (and some shouts buffed/nerfed) because entire removal makes Fus Ro Dah spam even more broken. :D as for perks... I'm more likely to add perks as quest rewards (for example adlosy could give you a speechcraft perk for completing her quest) also what is the real issue with decap? I haven't used it much because it didn't look useful
  8. you should also look at the existing quests started by reading a book and learn a little bit from them.
  9. Ok, so this little thread sits awkwardly between Mods and GD trying to find a place to live and be loved by everyone. I am currently making a mod (duh) that aims to rebalance Skyrim initially by tweaking most numbers in the game. It is aimed at enhancing a very vanilla experience (compatibility with other mods to follow.. when more worthwhile content mods are released (looking at Midas and TCO so far)) I know Smiting is overpowered. I know Alchemy is overpowered (mainly when used to augment Enchanting and Smithing) I know Enchanting is overpowered (especially when used to improve your Smithing and Alchemy) Restoration isn't exactly a viable art. Speechcraft is (arguably) useless Sneak is awkward (outdoors) and perks make it ridiculous Half the shouts get little to no use but the question is.. what else? what would you like to see made more difficult or easier? opinions people I wants them :D
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