Great idea, english is not my 1st language, but my strong slavic accent may suit for some stupid guard or something. So feel free to contact me for some voice acting when CK come. Now about immersion breaker. I am 280 hrs in game, Thane of all holds, Archmage, saved the world by killing "Worldeater", every guard knows that I've take care of DB by killing them all, not to mention that I've always helped in random encounters with Companions. Today when I've started Companion quest line it hits me more tha arrow in the knee when I heard "I've never heard about him" or something like that. No need to tell that guy get fireball in the head and then reload :whistling: "To change that whatever it is..." (about weapon is already mentioned. It is Legendary Daedric bow you idiot. And yes I am using it just for hunting, because I am mage and Dragonborn and I can afford it you old moron. :armscrossed: Whole concept about Archmage joining Companions is wrong. They are against magick, in fact they despise mages. I did not want to spoil myself anything so I started that quest line without knowing all that. Now I see that it would be better to leave it for my second char, like I've done with Thieves and DB. They just did not suit me for this char. Untill we wait for CK i am recommending No NPC Greetings mod. It is lifesaver for many residents of Skyrim since I am using it :tongue: