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Everything posted by BabaManda

  1. WTF man, today I am getting same error, no matter what I try. Nothing helps and can't pack files at all. Is this method still working on your side?
  2. No worries. Glad I could help. I found that because I was desperate. I am having that problem since they added PS4 support. Found solution 2 days ago. I was thinking I am going crazy, doing all the same as before, and out of blue it started to throwing me that error. And so frickin illogical error. I even reinstalled PS because I thought he is messing .DDS files somehow when saving :P Found it by accident, saw .exe so I tried, when bingo, program opened. And best thing it worked. I have other strange problems too, but I will wait until next CK update. If then same problems persists after update, then I will ask, maybe you will help me then :)
  3. That is what I just wanted to ask if you tried that :) I knew that. So now it is working ?
  4. All those crashes are reported at bethesda net forum. I mean, at least there is big thread there about it, ppl are pissed. I have same issues. Crashing on exit, crashing when adding another active file, crashing when going to bathroom :smile:) It all started when they added PS4 support. I hope they are reading those complains and working on it. I tried everything, from reinstalling CK to reinstalling Visual c++ 2015. My rig is i5 3570k, 16GB, gtx 1080. Nothing OCed, very stable rig. So the rig is not the problem. They messed up CK somehow, all we can is wait another update.
  5. There is Archiver2.exe inside FA 4 folder. I am also having problems packing textures, and tried that. I was surprised it worked. Tested even on XB1 and it works packed like that. I was getting error something like "Skipped. Archiver can not pack files because it is unknown format" or something like that. It was ,DDS file, and same process worked for me before, so I was puzzled. It is FA4 folder -- Tools -- Archive2 -- Archiver2.exe or something similar (writing from laptop, I don't have files here to check, but you will find it easy) Hope that will help you.
  6. Actually, I will not upload that to my account due the possible Copyright problems. If you want it to have it for yourself I can share it with you via P.M. and some sharing service. Just let me know.
  7. I tested, and as I thought, 2 lines are too long and it is cutting you in the middle of second line during death animation. So I have made another one with just 1st line. That one suits better to animation, but that is my opinion and taste. I am bit short with time right now, but I will upload you both versions latter today, as soon as I finish some errands I have to do.
  8. Mods used? Your comp configuration (GPU, CPU, RAM)? It is hard to help you without at least some basic info. Red/purple textures usually means that textures are not loaded properly or at all. Why? Well, that is real question.
  9. If you google "any settler as follower", 1st result is this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/471/? Not sure how is it working as intended, I did not try this. Also maybe there is more mods like this, just need a bit searching on google or Nexus.
  10. Thank you for such nice words. Glad you like it :blush:
  11. After being member for almost 5 yrs, I think it is time to introduce myself. I am an old gamer (44) from Croatia. I am retired army officer, so I have lots of time for playing games, and working with my dog. Those 2 are my therapy. Also my hobby is photography and editing, if you are interested you can see my work here : https://www.instagram.com/dark_side_of_the_brain/ I am bit short on money right now, so I have bought just 1 month membership, but I am planing to buy lifetime. This site bring me more gameplay than some much more expensive games, so I think it is fair trade. Since I am having lots of free time I am planing to start modding too, but I still have lots to learn. Good thing I love to learn new things. Actually I have made one mod (just retexture for Dogmeat to look like my Malinois). If someone can link me some tutorials I would more than thankful. But most important I want to say is how much I appreciate hard and quality work of Nexus members. Wish you all the best, big modding inspiration and happy gaming. BabaManda.
  12. Great idea, english is not my 1st language, but my strong slavic accent may suit for some stupid guard or something. So feel free to contact me for some voice acting when CK come. Now about immersion breaker. I am 280 hrs in game, Thane of all holds, Archmage, saved the world by killing "Worldeater", every guard knows that I've take care of DB by killing them all, not to mention that I've always helped in random encounters with Companions. Today when I've started Companion quest line it hits me more tha arrow in the knee when I heard "I've never heard about him" or something like that. No need to tell that guy get fireball in the head and then reload :whistling: "To change that whatever it is..." (about weapon is already mentioned. It is Legendary Daedric bow you idiot. And yes I am using it just for hunting, because I am mage and Dragonborn and I can afford it you old moron. :armscrossed: Whole concept about Archmage joining Companions is wrong. They are against magick, in fact they despise mages. I did not want to spoil myself anything so I started that quest line without knowing all that. Now I see that it would be better to leave it for my second char, like I've done with Thieves and DB. They just did not suit me for this char. Untill we wait for CK i am recommending No NPC Greetings mod. It is lifesaver for many residents of Skyrim since I am using it :tongue:
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