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About OWASephirot

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  1. Hey Seph, are we going to get any of your legendary hand to hand combat in Skyrim?
  2. Can I put your mod(Sephs True Acrobatics) on modgames.net

    Your name will be mentioned in the readme.

    The mod will be absolutely free.

    I would appreciate it very much

    Sorry for my bad english.Im from Russia

  3. i was wondering when or if you are going to put your awesome vergil animation mod on here, thanks please get back to me on this.
  4. Lol I feel like a fanboy lol, but I just wanted to say thanks for the great mods! Im using your H2H mod and "true acrobatics". Also I was wondering if you had any new Running AnimationS because I cant find any on the web for some reason..
  5. Hey, I'm trying to get your permission to use your awsome dual wield animations in my mod, and your email is private/inbox full :(. I would appreciate if you pm me or emailed me, thx.
  6. You from Russia? Ты русский?
  7. Hi there Seph,

    Too bad your Mailbox is full... Cannot write you any pm. If you could answer me soon, I'd be very grateful^^

  8. Слушай, а есть вообще такая возможность, чтобы можно было бы придавать конкретным предметам изменение каких-либо анимаций? Например повесить твой шедевр на вторичное оружие? Это было бы так здорово...
  9. you are awesome man all your mods are awesome . You should make the animation for the spears that would be awesome too. Well thanks and keep up this awesome work :P
  10. How are ya Seph?

    ...just want to say that your acrobatics and animation mods are great,also with all other of your mods...

    ...so see ya around the forums... :P

  11. Well, please don't consider this as a self promotion, but for a video you will probably need animations and not poses))) My mod gives them)) Poses are good for screenshots. Anyway it's your call))
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