Ever wanted to own your own farming business in Morrowind? Ever wanted to watch slaves work in your field while you sit back and relax, knowing that you are earning money every day? A look at the easy steps the Farmer Mod lets you take to become Dren! 1) Buy a plantation. Plant what you want! Buy slaves (3 different levels) and bring them to your plantation. Let them harvest. 2) Getting tired of collecting crops manually? Buy a slavemaster, bring him to the field or near your slaves. Tell him to stay and collect the harvest of nearby slaves...your work has been shortened! 3) Bad slaves revolting? Dark brotherhood assassins? Pesky rats? Which ever is bothering you, it does not matter. Buy a guard (ranging from lvl 5 in chitin to lvl 50 in addamantium), bring him to the plantations and tell him to guard at the locations. Slave revolts? Watch him kick their little you know what! 4) Slavemaster getting overencumbered? Too much harvest for him to carry back to the town and sell? Purchase a trained guar. Guars will let your slavemaster load crops onto them, up to 400 out of 500 lbs! Purchase multiple, each one can carry 400 lbs worth! Make a haul back to the city and find a rich alchemist... 5) Purchase more plantations and expand your small bussiness! Think you are worthy of a reputation? Join the Farmer's Guild and raise in the ranks while the other members watch enviously! Talk to them about farming, maybe even help them out or invest in their business. Maybe they can help you! 6) Got loads of crops to sell? Haul em to the Farmer's Guild crop trader! *7) Purchase plantation upgrades such as walls or fences to keep bandits out! Maybe a guar stable for obvious reasons? How about some lighting to see everything at night! What about a guard tower to keep watch from or let your guards climb and protect you with bow & arrows? Crop storage anyone? No? Maybe a worker shack to make your slaves a little happier... *8) Too many crops to carry to the Farmer's Guild? Maybe a wandering merchant will come around and cut a deal with you. *9) Watch out for bandit raids! They want you dead more than they want the crops, because then your whole business is their's! So, do you like what you hear? Well it's all in the Farmer Mod, and much, much more!!! So come download the current version at emorrowind.tk, and then join our forums by clicking on the link from the website! See you there! PS - We really need people with good ideas! * - Only in next release (not in current version)