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Posts posted by NightroModzz

  1. FNIS PCEA2 can not remove vanilla animations. Only animation that you install as it's own mod can replace them. Make sure that you are putting animations in the correct folder inside FNIS PCEA2.


    Don't install mods manually in the Skyrim data folder. If you are using Nexus Mod Manager, trash it. It handles overwrites very poorly, and requires you to remove and reinstall mods in certain order to work correctly. (To a degree) Having to keep reinstalling mods in a specific order is a huge waste of time and can break thing if you don't.


    If not already, use Mod Organizer, it works fine for me. Even I got broken games back when using NMM.


    If you switch, you may as well reinstall Skyrim as well. I also suggest not Subscribing to Steam mods as it can cause some issues if not handled right.


    Any issues it had were due to non-completion. Topology had nothing to do with it, and since this is a commonly misunderstood thing about would-be modders, I'd like to share my knowledge with you and all who are under the misconception that all meshes need to be in quads:


    Quadrification is the collage way of doing things and in most cases is the best way of doing things. This is because a quad balances out input data from the DirectX API evenly. Meaning height maps, bump maps, occlusion maps, normal maps, specular maps, sub surface maps all give similar visual representation with the same input numbers (Lighting stats I.E.). If you have topology like Picasso, you'll have a very uneven surface, visually, even though your diffuse map will look correct in the render window of your 3d modeling program. The other reason you'd want to quadrify is that if you were to apply morphs, like phonemes, or extrusions, or deformations. The proper topology will yield natural results. Picasso topology will look edgy and uneven. In most cases, you'll want to stay with quadrification, but in the Maximum CBBE case, NURMS generate triangles work fine, in fact, better than fine. They look even better than quadrification at a very comparable polygon-count cost, given their layout. The reason for this is that each vertex of the CBBE body divided evenly into equal sized polygons. So the animations worked great, the deformation worked great, and the weighting worked. The only problem was the pelt seams for the UV map and just the UV maps in general. The first truth is, no matter what you do to a model, if it's a substantial enough edit, you're going to have to redo the UV mapping, it's just has to happen. The 2nd truth is, deforming parts need much more polygons, and the whole body deforms. The final truth is, it takes a lot more squares to make something look round, than it does octagons. Octagons divide into 8 polys, squares into 2, and in my opinion it takes about a ration of 1:5 octo's:quad's to look about even. In my new body, I'm experimenting with topology and deformation, as well as simplified UV maps. Either way, it should be a much more efficient use of polygons than the CBBE Max for sure.


    Well... I have no doubt you know things I don't, but this is based on my knowledge, experience, and research.


    Not all meshes, but animated ones, especially organic meshes.


    While most of what you say is true, the cons still outweigh the pros. It is an easy way of going about it, but the fact remains that it still makes things more difficult for the texture artist, will be a nightmare for the animator to work with, and frankly, is something no employer will find acceptable. I guess the only acception is when it is a mod and there are other compatible bodies to work with for those things.


    As for deformation, yes, the division of a triangulated mesh would bare better results, but only for the basic simple toplologized meshes. Now or days, people are practicing topology with more complex patterns which is very tedious and takes a good amount of experience to start doing at a decent pace. Knowing retopology is now a high requirement for getting hired. This way would bare better results at a lower polygon count than the division of a triangulated mesh, and can help keep a denser polygon count where you want it. For that, you need software that can offer you full control over polygons like Quad Draw from Maya.



    Props to you for working on a new body instead of a divided one. I have been doing so for a long time with lots of topology practice on a complete body with a somewhat high poly-count based on muscle deformation, and started over this month with all that I have learned at a lower poly-count which is half done. The plan is to also have a uterus and anus.

  3. I used NMM for a short time, then I encountered that same issue at some point where I couldn't uninstall mods. Uninstalling it and reinstalling it didn't fix it because it is linked to your account and remembers everything. I've even had issues with missing textures, thus the meshes appeared to be a bright purple.


    You could try making a new account, but NMM is buggy and handles overwrites poorly. I suggest switching to Mod Organizer (MO), or wait for Vortex.

  4. I think the author violated the terms of use of the original mod author by re-uploading a modified version of CBBE without permission, thus it was taken down.


    It could have had issues anyways, because it was a divided version of the mesh and wasn't quadrified before hand. Not something you even normally see in pictures of a wire framed mesh, and is common topology knowledge to avoid (dividing a triangulated mesh, especially an animated one). I think it had 6-8 triangles per square, but should have 2 triangles per square.

  5. Heads don't have a weight slider like other body parts and are always in a fixed position. For bodies, you usually have 2 body meshes to define the max difference from the slider of 0-100. By default it is between at 50. These meshes are the Body_0.nif, and the Body_1.nif. There is also hands_0&1, and Feet_0&1.


    The only ones to blame is the author for editing the neck seam or not matching it to the head mesh, or the way BodySlide handles the mesh morphs. I've brought both _0 & _1 bodies in Zbrush multiple times and noticed the neck seam changing shape. Usually in the body_0 mesh and becomes mismatched.


    If you notice this in a 3D modeling application and it is default from the mod, tell the author to fix it and keep the neck seam the same between the two bodies.


    If it is custom made through BodySlide, then it is something the authors of BodySlide needs to fix, and they need to make sure that each mesh they use as a path for morph sliders have the same neck seam.


    If this can indeed be fixed through SKSE and the console command, then throw wrist and ankle seams in there as well. Although I don't see it happening.


    The closest thing I've seen around mesh editing in game are sliders, which obviously needs to have a morph created outside the game for the slider path, and Sculpt Mode in RaceMenu for polygon manipulation. So is it possible through SKSE and Console Command? Maybe only if the body and vanilla head mesh has matching vertices or points as it is called in Zbrush. But then there are also custom head meshes, like the Citrus Heads by Blabla.

  6. Umm...don't bother with the mesh swap. It's way too much work. Just morph the Argonian Citrus head to the desired shape. Unless you are looking forward to morphing every expression for the tri files. The only use for a new mesh is a high poly one for normal maps with Zbrush or MudBox.


    I have some example images here of what I mean by morph. They all originate from the same mesh without changing the polycount or vertices.

  7. I had that problem before. That is back when I first started modding when I used NMM. installing new or removing texture mods didn't fix it. I was only able to fix it by reinstalling the game. I got it again later, and had to reinstall the game again. After switching to MO, I never got it again and conflicts were mush more easy to fix.


    Another reason why I switched to MO was because at one point I was unable to uninstall mods, and could not just reinstall NMM because it will remember everything. NMM became unusable for me.

  8. I have an earless human Citrus head mesh if you want to use that, but tri files would need to be rebuilt in a BodySlide&Outfit Studios tool. Blaze69 knows what that is. if you have a LoversLab account, you can contact me via private message where I can attach the file.

  9. Well I don't understand the Nif part, since I work as a team and ony learn the professional applications and avoid the CreationKit and Nifskope aside from using it to export.


    It is kind of strange and won't get it on the Nif and texture side, so all I can say is best of luck, and hope it works.


    Not sure if you are doing this for Dagi-Raht, but does say khajiit. If Khajiit, feel free to use my meshes here after the 1.1 update (which also gets rid of the neck fur layer for females and adds a new female tail mesh). However, some tri files would need to be fixed for those heads and will be done for the 1.2 update. I believe you mentioned something about hand meshes. Those are also in the works. I believe Bad Dog also has a plantigrade version of my feet mesh as well, that I didn't include in my mod.

  10. Since my head mesh is the same as the female base head -except with 5 shells meshes-, I think that maybe it's possible to apply all the obj morphes from to the base to mine?

    But I'm not sure, and I don't know how to do it. ^^


    I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you trying to apply the same shape to the shell layers as the head shape? Or are you trying to merge all shell mesh layers into one OBJ? Or are you trying to merge all shell layers along with the head mesh as one OBJ? And I don't think there is a way to automatically create try files to follow the head tri files without some sort of weighting done. And not like Outfit Studios, because the shell layers would just end up being the same dimensions. It would need to be made from scratch.



    Here is what I would do to get the same shape per tri file obj from the head. This is assuming that each shell layer is a mesh, correct? This only applies if you are not gonna have to make a custom mesh shape with sharp angles. If so, then you would need to morph the shape of the first one made to each tri file.



    1) Mask an area for each obj from the tri file. Make sure topology is the same for each mask.


    2) Make that area into it's own polygroup.


    3) Hide that polygroup and mask all.


    4) Show all and the polygroup should be unmasked.


    5) Duplicate head however many times needed.


    6) Have a different level of inflation for each head polygroup section.


    7) Hide everything but the polygroup made and delete hidden for each head.


    8 ) Now if needed, merge each mesh layer that you plan to use as a shell, then make UVs.


    9) After that, repeat for every tri file, then copy and paste UVs from the first one made if tri files require UVs of the base. Again, make sure topology (polygons and vertices) is the same every time, as well as levels of inflation.


    By the way, I use ZBrush. There is a free fully featured 45-day trial, unless you are able to do all that in Blender.

  11. So your saying it can be be possible, but more unrealistically with custom head mesh sliders, that is only if you can get the fur mesh to move with head sliders like beards and wont be an absolute unmovable static? Like a slider for the default cheeks on the male Khajiit head for example, and the mesh/shell layer will follow.

  12. if your referring to the _1, I'm just reffering to using two meshes to define a 0-100 scale which is needed if you want to create a slider for the fur mesh, like fur length. "It allows females to wear facial hairs... and facial hairs respond to sliders!" Although I may have misunderstood what you meant.


    But to answer your question, no there isn't. But you can create a head preset that acts like a _0 scale to help resolve neck gaps when giving a body a low slider scale.



    After searching I discovered "Female beards" mod (strange Idea, it's not my cup of tea at all).


    It allows females to wear facial hairs... and facial hairs respond to sliders!

    So, if by any chances facial hairs can cover almost all the head, it would be great!

    (and I mean "sliders" not head morphs when importing/modifying a head with the sculpt option sadly)


    And with the same logic, I don't know if it's possible, but "Body Hairs" would be also a nice solution to all this idea!


    Let's imagine you want to make a Dagi-Raht. Ok, no problem. Now you think "not enough fluffy!" just switch the facial and body hair sliders and.. TADA! fluffyness is here! :smile:


    I'll search more on this subject, because it would be a great help for this mod to work smoothly with different textures types.




    If your saying it would work as a separate mesh, just import the head base you plan on using, as well as a copy for editing in a 3D modeling program. Then inflate the mesh slightly, delete sections where you don't want fur, and sink polygon edges in the skin. Lastly, you will likely need to weight that mesh to the head.


    For sliders, just create the _1 version of the mesh after weighting and all other edits via morph. Just mask the edges to prevent movement, then inflate again.


    I had my doubts after first seeing this for regular khajiit heads, but if you can use a mesh in a way that's somewhat similar to Neofur, then it may be possible to get a good end result with some decent modeling skills. The only downside is you can't colme the direction of the fur.


    None the less, it looks really good, but may be too much work for armor unless your already going for a custom race with it's own custom body.


    Looking forward to seeing more!

  14. Looks good. Except hair/fur goes downwards, not upwards. Looks like it went through one of those skydiving simulators and got a gust of hair spray through the fan.

  15. Toony, fat, and a furry?


    What is this, your third time re-posting this? LoversLab too. The first time I saw it... well, the post above.


    I'm sure there is a huge lack of interest considering the odd combination of taste, so I think your best bet is to just learn some modding and modeling skills if you really want it to happen. Plus someone did make spot on textures with an existing custom race on your LoversLab thread. So minus the clothes and less fat, I can't uderstand why you would be dissatisfied. Also, you wouldn't get that kind of help with Skyrim modding anywhere else. Not even on Nexus.

  16. I do this a lot and use Zbrush. Some of the people I work with have tried this with Blender, and can end up uneven and scrunched up in some areas. For morphing, It's best to just use the move brush, masking, and polygroup features within Zbrush. You can try the fully features 45-day trial, and or Zbrush Core which is a little over $100. It's my favorite and most used application, and all future updates/versions are free!


    when you start, just export from NifSkope as obj. Once you are done with the base head mesh, you can auto morph the tri files to match the new base within BodySlide&OutfitStudios. You will need to contact Blaze69 for details on that. Here are some examples of my work.


    Detailed Khajiit Heads


    Shark Race


    Race Mod Projects

  17. Windows 10 DX9 VRAM Allocation Fix Incoming [update]


    I say wait for this update which will likely be in the Fall Creators update if you want all the benefits like SkyUI. SKSE, and adult mods unless SSE finally get's SKSE support. Accept for some performance increases in some areas like Whiterun anmong a few other benefits. However, I am not sure if this update will help those buggy areas or not.

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