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    United Kingdom

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  1. Thanks, yeah I did message the mod author of the Puppeteer Master Skyrim mod but he/she hasn't been active on the Nexus for a number of months so haven't heard anything back from them up to now.
  2. Don't know how possible it might be but I'm looking to work with someone to make a similar mod to the Skyrim "Puppeteer Master" (link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10870/) Basically looking for a way to trigger the various in game animations (including talking ones) without using the console commands for each animation (I'm only aware of a few of the animation codes as it is and it's a pain trying to remember them when in game.) If anyone is interested in helping I'd be more than happy to donate for your time and credit you on the videos that I use the mod on (will be making Machinimas with it.) Can contact me back here or at my email [email protected] Thanks, Tyrannicon https://www.youtube.com/user/Tyrannicon
  3. haha that was my first video on my channel and it didn't get a lot of views so I didn't bother making anymore and then Skyrim came out anyway.
  4. I've been making a new Skyrim series called Skyrim At The Movies (first episode was Iron Man, link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fNoHXcLvgU) and the next episode will be featured around Superman. Would anyone here be interested in helping with the project by making some Superman related mods for the video? I can pay/donate to you for helping out so pm me if you're interested. Thanks, Tyrannicon
  5. Hey guys, Just released my 5th Great Battle of Skyrim video, this time based around the Dawnguard DLC, hope you all enjoy it, feedback appreciated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7dGsF_Og9E&feature=g-all-u
  6. Hey all, Just released my latest "Great Battle of Skyrim" video, this time based around the film 300 (recreating some of it shot for shot), looking for some feedback (positive or negative lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ct1668FUKs Thanks! Tyrannicon
  7. Just uploaded my latest Skyrim Battle video, would be cool to see what you guys think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RUN_TpcJ0U&list=
  8. This mod allows you turn people into werewolves, make sure you look through the description. It's not a bat file but it's better than that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12687 Thanks for the reply, yeah I've seen that one but it's not quite what I'm looking for, I need to be able to do it without talking to the NPC as I'm going to be using it for a Machinima I'm making. Ideally I need something that lets me turn a bunch of NPC's at once with a console command/bat etc.
  9. With a simple bat command, altering an NPC in the Creation Kit or a mod that is already out there (couldn't find one)? Thanks.
  10. Just made this video on the best mod armors out at the mo and I was wondering if I have missed any good ones? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZoQqPoWyIQ
  11. I'm trying to give a few NPC's modded armor that I have downloaded but the mods aren't listed when I look for them in the 'default outfit' dropdown menu (in neither the NPC Editor or Creation Kit). I can give them the outfits in the game itself but I would prefer them to have it already equipped when I load the game up. Does anyone know how to assign mod outfits by default? Thanks.
  12. Glad you liked it :) The mods are listed at the end of the video.
  13. I just uploaded my latest Skyrim Battle video and it would be cool to see what you guys think, feedback (good or bad appreciated) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uYsnoUvv8Q
  14. Hi all, I was wondering if it's possible (haven't found it as of yet) for someone to create a mod to allow you to control your character whilst using the console command camera functions (such as TFC)? I make Skyrim machinimas and this would make it so much easier to do them and would allow better vids to be made by everyone. Thanks, -Tyrannicon
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