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Everything posted by manamoppet

  1. I've seen a shapeshifter mod on steam that works or should work. Haven't gotten around to try finding it/try it yet as I don't remember where Belethor is. Anyhoo, the person that's making the mod looks to make exactly what I've requested on this thread, so head over to steam and subscribe it http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=10966
  2. To all who read this, I've actually seen a shapeshifter mod on steam that works or should work. Haven't gotten around to try finding it/try it yet as I don't remember where Belethor is. Anyhoo, the person that's making the mod looks to make exactly what I've requested on this thread, so head over to steam and subscribe it
  3. It would be great if the same could be doe with armor
  4. Ooh, nice, did not think of that. Splendid idea :) Now, if someone made underwater creatures to fight with, other than the one meat-eating fish in skyrim, like a waterdargons as seen in monster hunter. I haven't checked on the creation kit and dates, but I hope it's not long 'til it's out :)
  5. That was what I had in mind. Does noone look at attachments?
  6. Thanks for the tip ;) Edit: But aren't classes and schools two entirely different things?
  7. Sorry, but the only stuff I know about animation, textures and meshes are currently simple stuff in Blender(see this link for proof), and probably not enough to help you. I also know some relevant programming languages myself (C++, C#), but have absolutely no experience in the field of gaming programming, though I intend to learn at a later date. Additionally I would probably have enough with finishing my bachelor's degree this spring, which includes Kinect. And when/if the mod kit comes out, I'll try doing this shapeshifter thing (my own mod) on the side, as I imagine it's mostly replacing existing player id's, stats and animations depending on creature, and some translation in space of where the animations of magic appear. If I manage all that, I would be satisfied and pass the stick and hope someone wants to write quests. But for my part, I have enough as it is to work on. Though I wish you all luck with your project and hope you succeed.
  8. Shadow of the colossus inspired immersion, like climbing on the creatures, which is scaled up to be gigantic, or of random size
  9. "Armor sets" change depending on location/situation, i.e. a heavy armor set and one light or a mix or user defined You enter a city, and since you're out of battle, you i.e. don't want to walk around with your helmet on in the market to buy groceries, so you want to take it off, or change your entire looks, like wear clothing or something. When you leave the city, the armor gets re-equipped. Or you're wandering around in just your pants being a hippie (example) and have to suddenly equip your armor because a dragon arrives, or you just have the wrong armor on you, but forgot it. I think you get the idea. Changing your eqipment all the time take some time after a while, and can get frustrating. Either that, or: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/499458-shapeshifter-request/
  10. Nice :) But....(there will always be a "but") just transforming into a dragon, or part dragon, would be boring for some in the length, so it would be great if one could become either an eagle or a wolf too (or spider, unless one got a phobia). If you look at my zip-file attachment at the original post, you can see I've got some suggestions. The idea was to be able to transform yourself or others into whatever creature you desire.
  11. Could this mod suggestion I've added in the link below be implemented somewhere in one of the quests? I mean the dragon shapeshifting magic part. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/499458-shapeshifter-request/
  12. Let others recognise your feats and decisions. As an example, I'm tired of hearing from the scholar in Whiterun that I should "join the Mage College in Whitehold, if you've got the aptitude", when I'm already the Arch-mage there, and the only ones recognising me are the guards saying I'm "that one from the Mage's College" (or something). I haven't racked up any serious bounty (just 40 gold which I payed), so I don't know if there is, but bounty hunters? Does that exist there? If not, shouldn't they? Arrow in the knee should be an injury type, since most of the guards have suffered from it.
  13. Should definitely be done! Though the damage from physical attacks should definitely have to be scaled down as well. Don't know about the breath attacks though. Could poison damage be added to some of the dragons? As a mage, I often have to hit and run, often half-dead.
  14. Of course you would maybe have to limit it (the dragon form) to outdoors in some way, or scale it down to baby size (though it wouldn't be as impressive to be a lesser drake). As I wrote in the attachment file on one of the txt-files (indirectly), it would be cool to have a spell that transform you into the kind of beast you point it at (within reason of course)
  15. I tried giving my breton female some fur, mainly by just switching names on some files, which made all female characters have fur. Alright, that works , but there's these 2 holes on her forehead, where the khajiit -ears should be, and there's too much black around the lips. Either I would have to give my Breton cat-ears, or alter the textures. I tried content aware fill in photoshop to get a similar shape to the human skin texture, but I must have done something wrong somewhere, as I only got purple and yelllow shining heads by using that texture. I've never done anything with textures before, maybe except laying a simple image on a face (as in between 4 vertices) in Blender. Anyone up for making a simple head texture mod for a feline breton? Much appreciated -Me
  16. I would love to be able to shapeshift into a dragon, among other things! After all, the Dragonborn should at least be capable of that as the Dragonborn possess a Dragon's soul. At the moment I don't have the knowledge nor tools to do this, so I hoped someone out here did. I've attached some .txt-files with what I would have liked to implement, though they are not final. I imagine it could replace either the illusion or alteration school, or if possible, inject it as a new one Edit: Added a few more suggestions in zip-file Edit 2: To all who read this, I've actually seen a shapeshifter mod on steam that works or should work. Haven't gotten around to try finding it/try it yet in-game as I don't remember where Belethor is. Anyhoo, the person that's making the mod looks to make exactly what I've requested on this thread, so head over to steam and subscribe it :) The mod lies here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=10966
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