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Posts posted by Slinkusss


    Hey, I was having the same problem, and just solved it!


    All you have to do is disable your antivirus when installing, for some reason it blocks the .7z from being unpacked correctly.


    Hope that it helps :D


    EDIT: It also may be low space in your Hard Drive, check if NMM is configured to use it's Temp folder in the correct partition!

    disabling your antivirus actually work man. thank you. almost ripped my anus in half trying to get this fix


    There it is finally! I was looking around the fallout options in nexus mod manager and all the directories there had plenty of space. Your comment made me realise I had missed something.


    So the steps are:


    1: Click the cogwheel icon in nexus mod manager.

    2: Click the general tab (first one, the options dialogue should open on this tab)

    3: At the very bottom, the last option is the temp directory that NMM uses to extract a mod when it is installing it which defaults to system directory---> change this directory to somewhere that you have at least 10GB (excessive but hey!) of space.


    You won't have this problem again.... unless you install a mod that is 11+ gigabytes. But if you do, then you know what to do...


    Edit: Don't know what's going on, meant to quote MatjaX. Also forgot to mention that you need to restart NMM after changing the directory.

  2. Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to make a mod to the loading screens where occassionally a 3d model of your current character is loaded in, like the ones we see for thieves and draugr and what not.


    It would be great if it 'updated' with your current gear and stuff, preferably with weapons/magic drawn, or perhaps in different poses, or like how the camera catches the player during killcams...


    In other words I want to b able to admire my badass character doing badass things during the loading screens.


    Just wondered if any brilliant modders would be able to do that...




  3. Hi,


    I was wondering if anyone could tell me why the hotfiles page shows different files when I am not logged into my account on the nexus. The hotfiles page seems to update and change more frequently when I am not logged in. I couldn't find any personalized settings for this on my nexus account page so I was wondering if it was just the way things are or if I can get my home page to show the same files as the not logged in home page does.


    Example: Recently Ultimate Lighting Overhaul has become a popular mod. It has only appeared on my logged in account hotfiles page today. I noticed it yesterday when logged out.


    Right now, my logged in hotfiles page lists: aMidianborn roads and bridges, female follower Kammille shy, splash of rain, Skyrim beautiful followers, UNP blessed body and Ultimate lighting overhaul.


    If I log out righ tnow, it lists: aMidianborn roads and bridges, splash of rain, Ultimate lighting overhaul, Chaconne follower, Bris home, Another Sleep mod...


    So there is a pretty big difference, and I'm not sure what hot files I may be missing since it feels like my hotfiles page is slow to update.


    Is this normal?




  4. If you have static mesh improvement mod disable it and try with the character that wash crashing. Also update static mesh improvement mod. I seriously started like four new characters, but when I realised it was this mod, I updated and my old saves worked!
  5. OMG you guys are awesome! Finally. I have had the crash on two separate playthroughs one at Falkreath area, and one at Nightgate inn area! And I also use SMIM- so I'm very hopeful that this is the problem.


    Cos that means solution!

  6. Hi folks,


    I have scoured the internet and these forums for a solution to my problem, but since it is so specific, search results come back too broad or not relevant and I have tried my best to just read everything I can, but it has been taking weeks now, so I'm asking for help, and also confirmation of anyone else having the same issue.


    So my game has a guaranteed crash to desktop in a very specific area. It is the Falkreath Hold Triangle!


    Between the dark brotherhood sanctuary, half-moon mill and the twilight sepulcre. In other words if I start at any of these points and head towards any of the others and the triangulated area between them, my game will crash to the desktop instantly, I can normally get about 20 steps away from any starting point.


    I am playing on pc Skyrim 1.4 (not the beta). I have this problem with the vanilla game, I have this problem if I leave riverwood for the first time and head straight to this area in a new game, I have this problem with any save I use, I have this problem with any and all my mods enabled (I have already said that it exists with the vanilla game too :D)


    I can;t remember when it started because I haven't been in this area for a while, but I think it is since one of the patches, either 1.3 or 1.4 (I never installed 1.2).


    I have tried in windowed mode at all resolutions and full-screen mode at all resolutions. I have tried with graphics ultra settings, lowest settings, and custom settings- problem persists 100% guaranteed every time.


    I have tried with the same nvidia drivers I used when the game was released, and every successive driver package released, both beta and stable- problem persists.


    Since I use SKSE, I have tried it with and without- still get the problem.


    Other than this my game is remarkably stable and I don't remember the last time I had a crash in ANY other area (that was not mod related and easily pinpointed). With my current configurations my game is otherwise stable.


    So while it is not a debilitating problem, I can complete the thieve's guild and dark brotherhood quests fully, it means I simply cannot explore this area, and I can see all sorts of juicy dungeon, tower and fort icons on the radar :(


    I know I have been in this area on other play throughs in the past, but that was like before christmas....


    I'm pretty sure from my searching that there isn't a fix per se, but I really want to know if anyone else has this same problem. I seek only validation and the knowledge that I have not been cursed by the 9 (that's right I said 9) divines....


    Specifically I want to know if it is a patch issue, because if it is it hasn't been reported and I doubt bethesda or the great unnoficial patch modder folk are going to work on it if it's just me and a handful of other cursed folk.


    My pc is:

    CPU- i7-930 2.8GHz

    RAM- 9GB (no I don't use any of the 4GB uncapper mods)


    Shared video RAM is 3.5GB

    OS: Windows 7 x64


    Uh... so yeah anyone else having this issue? Can anyone test it? Seriously fast travel to half-moon hill and walk away from half-moon hill on the road heading towards the dark brotherhood sanctuary and/or Falkreath and you shouldn't be able to make it more than 20 steps....


    Sorry for long post, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible so as to preempt any questions that might come form the good folk that try to help me :)






    EDIT: Dammit, it's half-mmon MILL and HILL lol!


    Your not alone! I have this exact same problem, whenever I go near that area near the twlight sepulcher I crash to desktop, I was originally on my my towards Cracked Tusk keep for the mythics dawn quests and I found this whole area causes my skyrim to crash; all this area around Falkreath I thinked is glitched somehow. I tried travelling to Half moon Mill which is north of it and travel from there but little after a few steps crashes again. This happens with all my saves.


    I noticed that you said you have the Sounds of Skyrim mod, I also have this mod I wonder if that is related to the problem. After reading these posts I understand I may have to start a new save, but I am really reluctant as I have got so far, there must be another way? If i have to start again I give up, I have spent near on 100 hours into this game.


    I'm using 1.4.27, I'm using skse 1.4.13


    LOL thanks for the reply mate.


    Well I start new characters often because I am always playing with different races and styles to see what I like.


    HAving done so now with a completely new character, I got the problem agian, but not in falkreath this time it is up north around the nightgate in... I repeated all the steps above but sitll couldn't get it to work. Now that save was corrupted. I'm not sure which mod is causing it... and to be honest I think it only happens when I get to the point in the game where I have shadowmere. May be an ingame glitch or may be a glitch caused by mods, but either way the most ocmmon thing on each playthrough was having shadowmere and having problems getting him out of the pool. If you don't know what I'm talking about sorry for any spoilers...


    Also: DON'T give up: after 100 hours you could start a new character and repeat nothing from your old game, do none of the same quests go to none of the dungeons you did before and you could still have a totally new experience with another hundred hours you never played before lol! The best thing about skyrim is how much there is to do and experience :)


    Keep trying, keep pinpointing the bug... we'll get there :)

  7. The best way to get around this while the hard working geniusesess put it into NMM as a feature, is to regularly check your download history. It lists everything you downloaded in the calendar month and puts a nice green check mark next to ones you have endorsed and a nice big thumbs up next to ones you haven't. You can just click the thumbs up to endorse any mod from there.


    It is a particularly useful feature, and its only shortcoming is that unless you are premium, the page will not list mods from any month other than the current one. Also it resets on the first of every month, so if you download a bunch of mods on 31st of Frostfall (teehee?) and go to the download history page on the 1st of myloreknowledgesuckslol then the list will be empty.


    thus it requires a little upkeep but MUCH simpler and more efficient than trying to remember which you have nedorsed and which not, and find the individual page.


    Hope this helps, and thanks for considering to put it into the fabulous NMM Mr. Dark0ne :) o/

  8. Ok got an update...


    Started a totally new character after deleting ALL saves. Disabled any autosaving. With the new character I used quicksave very minimally and regularly deleted it, otherwise was using manual saves which I also regularly deleted and NEVER overwrote...


    I am level 20something just completed the Cicero bit of the dark brotherhood and got shadowmere, am on my way to kill the chef and BAM! Crash 100% of the time just as I approach the inn where the chef is. I can't get there, doesn't matter which direction I approach from...


    So it's the same problem but in a totally different area/cell....


    I'm gonna go ahead and say that I bet it has something to do with shadowmere....


    So if you guys or anyone are still reading this I'd appreciate further assistance.


    Is there a way to get rid of shadowmere?


    Also I have tried to get through without the crash after uninstalling all my shadowmere mods but no go....


    Also with this playthrough I have just been missioning through stuff I know to get certain things/places, so no exploring... as such my map has much fewer icons discovered than normal and most stuff is till not cleared....


    Thanks in advance for any help!

  9. Well it looks like it is a corrupted save. I was mistaken in my first post: I started a brand new game and went straight to the area, and have not had any crashes yet.


    rabidNode what you said about not overwriting saves made me think that once I get my character set up I only ever use F5 quicksave and all the autosave features are turned on, but otherwise never save my game, so it's basically 200 hours of overwriting saves. I don't understand why that is a problem, but I believe you haha


    I'm gonna start my new character with autosave turned off and save a fresh save every time I exit the game. Still gonna use quicksave during gameplay though because I'm not getting to the end of a dungeon only to be blasted by a boss and start all over again.


    Also worthy of note is that the character I was playing was on level 45, and things really do seem to go crazy the more user content (through crafting etc) is generated and the more map locations are discovered/cleared. Maybe the game is too big for it's britches. It makes sense that I haven't encountered this problem much since I rarely played a character to higher than level 40 before starting a new one. I just loved my nord so much that I was continuing with him.... Oh well, c'est la vie....


    Thanks for your help guys- I will update if early on in my new game I get this problem again....



    If anyone reads this and has the same problem please post, because I am still curious about the details and what causes it...



  10. Hi rabidNote, thanks for the detailed reply.


    I was using mods which added NPCs and spawn points e.g. Skyrim Monster Mod and Crowded cities.... I also had sounds of skyrim installed which I never thought could affect this sort of thing but since you said disable sound mods I thought I would mention it.


    I followed your instructions exactly: I deactivated all mods using NMM, and checked the data section in the launcher to see that none of them were there to be ticked.


    I then loaded my save right at the crash point and teleported to the smoke test room using the console command you provided. I waited for 35 days. I saved (both manually in the console and just generating a new save through the game menu). I then teleported to whiterun crossroads. I then fast traveled to half-moon hill. This was without quitting the game and without the mods etc...




    Here's the interesting bit. The first time I tried it i.e. straight from whiterun after the testing room, it worked, I was able to follow the road a bit. At this point I decided to try fast travel to the other point of the triangle- the dark brotherhood sanctuary- and try it. When I got there FROST the horse was still there from when I had swapped him for shadowmere, and shadowmere was there having fast traveled with me. We all fought and killed the respawned legion guys. I then tried to head in the direction of half-moon mill and the game crashed. After reloading I am now back to square one, with the crash occurring regularly and guaranteed.


    So it's weird right? If everything reset then it makes sense that legion guys were there, but why was frost still there? Or is he different because he was sort of a companion and has no home to go to once abandoned...


    Anyway it seems like once everything was reset as per your instructions it worked, but the minute I interact with an NPC something goes wrong? Could that be the case? Because the save made in the testing room worked, but after the first crash, I reloaded the game, loaded the save where I am still in the testing room, repeated the steps to get to the crash point and tried it, and it crashed.... So perhaps now even the testing room save has become corrupted. Wtf is going on?! lol


    Thanks for both of your replies, I hope we can figure this out :)



  11. Hi gsmanners, thanks for the reply.


    Very good idea checking for dlls and stuff.


    So I have a bunch of stuff in my textures folder from various installed mods. Instead of deleting it, I renamed the entire textures folder to TT_textures. When I loaded I could see that the textures were not being used (holographic blue on all the trees and character's outfit etc...). Game loaded latest save fine (which for the purposes of testing I have set right at the point in halfmoon mill where the fast travel to there places you). I took my 20 steps and crash!


    Inside Data/SKSE/Plugins I have two files- CFM_extensions.dll and skui_extensions.dll.... Again I renamed the entire SKSE folder to SS_skse and loaded the game form the normal desktop icon no the SKSE one. Loaded the save fine, took my twenty steps and CRASH!


    I inspected my root installation directory (where TESV.exe is located) for any suspicious dlls. I don't think there are any, but here is a list of all the dlls in that directory, perhaps you'd know better than me whether they are suspicious:




    binkw32.dll <---- could this bastard be corrupted? I'm gonna get a new one and find out how to install it and test while I wait for replies










    Interestingly there was ALSO a skse_1_3_00.dll at the same time. I assumed left overs from previous skse version. I deleted it (should have backed up) and tried.... CRASH at same place.


    So I hope that answers your questions...


    Again thanks for the help :)



  12. Hi folks,


    I have scoured the internet and these forums for a solution to my problem, but since it is so specific, search results come back too broad or not relevant and I have tried my best to just read everything I can, but it has been taking weeks now, so I'm asking for help, and also confirmation of anyone else having the same issue.


    So my game has a guaranteed crash to desktop in a very specific area. It is the Falkreath Hold Triangle!


    Between the dark brotherhood sanctuary, half-moon mill and the twilight sepulcre. In other words if I start at any of these points and head towards any of the others and the triangulated area between them, my game will crash to the desktop instantly, I can normally get about 20 steps away from any starting point.


    I am playing on pc Skyrim 1.4 (not the beta). I have this problem with the vanilla game, I have this problem if I leave riverwood for the first time and head straight to this area in a new game, I have this problem with any save I use, I have this problem with any and all my mods enabled (I have already said that it exists with the vanilla game too :D)


    I can;t remember when it started because I haven't been in this area for a while, but I think it is since one of the patches, either 1.3 or 1.4 (I never installed 1.2).


    I have tried in windowed mode at all resolutions and full-screen mode at all resolutions. I have tried with graphics ultra settings, lowest settings, and custom settings- problem persists 100% guaranteed every time.


    I have tried with the same nvidia drivers I used when the game was released, and every successive driver package released, both beta and stable- problem persists.


    Since I use SKSE, I have tried it with and without- still get the problem.


    Other than this my game is remarkably stable and I don't remember the last time I had a crash in ANY other area (that was not mod related and easily pinpointed). With my current configurations my game is otherwise stable.


    So while it is not a debilitating problem, I can complete the thieve's guild and dark brotherhood quests fully, it means I simply cannot explore this area, and I can see all sorts of juicy dungeon, tower and fort icons on the radar :(


    I know I have been in this area on other play throughs in the past, but that was like before christmas....


    I'm pretty sure from my searching that there isn't a fix per se, but I really want to know if anyone else has this same problem. I seek only validation and the knowledge that I have not been cursed by the 9 (that's right I said 9) divines....


    Specifically I want to know if it is a patch issue, because if it is it hasn't been reported and I doubt bethesda or the great unnoficial patch modder folk are going to work on it if it's just me and a handful of other cursed folk.


    My pc is:

    CPU- i7-930 2.8GHz

    RAM- 9GB (no I don't use any of the 4GB uncapper mods)


    Shared video RAM is 3.5GB

    OS: Windows 7 x64


    Uh... so yeah anyone else having this issue? Can anyone test it? Seriously fast travel to half-moon hill and walk away from half-moon hill on the road heading towards the dark brotherhood sanctuary and/or Falkreath and you shouldn't be able to make it more than 20 steps....


    Sorry for long post, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible so as to preempt any questions that might come form the good folk that try to help me :)






    EDIT: Dammit, it's half-mmon MILL and HILL lol!

  13. Hi all,


    Was wondering if anyone would know how to go about creating a mod that would allow us to use the scroll wheel on a mouse to adjust the movement speed of a character. So starting from the slowest default walk speed as I move the mouse wheel up the character slowly increases speed until they are running at the default max value. I would want sprint to work as normal with another button, or perhaps as a boost by pushing the scroll wheel forward some more, dunno.


    Basically want the same movement functionality as with the 360 controller analogue stick, but using the scroll wheel of the mouse and the arrow keys.


    Hopefully this is possible with the creation kit and a super genius modder person with patience and kindness :)


    Thanks and here's hoping o/




    P.S. Currently the scroll wheel zooms the view in and out in third person view, so perhaps that functionality would need to be re-assigned either to a keys of the user's choosing or perhaps the + and - keys on the numpad? Prolly some people would hate this....

  14. Just to confirm I am/was having the same problem today. Earlier today NMM was fine, then I started later and had this problem. Most mods show they need updating to version 1 or 1.0, and clicking the link takes me to totally different mod which I have never used or downloaded (different one to the one the user is encountering above).


    In the time it took me to find this post and reload NMM to double check for a detailed bug report, the problem has gone and NMM is behaving normally now.


    Just an FYI :)

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