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About Barkester1

  1. I tend to prefer the command line though as all learning can be applied to later projects and builds on itself across all applications. I already know how to read and move a mouse, so Wrye has nothing to teach or practice. Just memorization of clicks I'll use maybe twice that need be learned anew for every app and site ad infinitum. They seem as different as checkers and chess to me. Wrye does seem the way for Lutris, though. Someone with experience with it would likely really like this setup. And as for OBSE, I recall some rant about copyrights and required sign-in or some nonsense in a text file with one of the SEs (maybe NVSE?) and never bothered with any of them again. That was years ago and they are mostly used for followers anyway. No loss to me. Thanks for all the ideas. More than I needed by far and with many of the bits I needed. OUtside of finding a couple settings in Wrye, this post is cooked. Hope it helps the next guy. ... All testing was done on Ubuntu with torrented GOG copies and Lutris and a final note. Oblivion will find the iso if you simply do the mount command on the command line. No apps required.
  2. Look like nice links to a guy knowing way more about Wine than I. My search for ways to change things on the command line is mostly due to my ineptness with this whole Wine thing. lutris has been helping and now Wrye Bash has installed in the needed folder using lutris as well. Still fuzzy, though. Some things are happening. No sign of others. Never used Wrye so gotta see what it even does. I may have my fix already but need to learn how to use it. Studying Wrye Bash today. Here's a blog that was a big help getting lutris and Wrye to work together. http://www.shrine-of-kynareth.de/wrye-bash-on-linux Reckon after all that doin', I should figure out what this thing actually does. Hope it can cook.
  3. Thanks for that. No direct anwer, but added a lot to the process of elimination. Lotsa time saved. OBSE I remember avoiding on Window, so don't think I'll go there. I see 2 more possibilities to try or eliminate: OBMM using a different Wine package. Not optimisic in the least, but may try. Success would not extend to the other Bethesda though. the next possibility maybe. I read of an archiveinvalidation.txt file that could be hand typed with the names of every single mod requiring activation. An option I've avoided for the obvious hassle of all that typing. Now I think, though, I may be able to copy the titles over to a fresh text file with: < ls *.esp >> archiveinvalidated.txt > . Still need to know how or if its activated though. Will see if I can find the ancient post again. Rather feel like I am on an archaelological dig. Be nice if I can come up with something easily wrappable and thus shareable for Wine users and will share if it comes out as a clean BASH or Ruby script. Oblivion is working so nice on linux, It seems a shame to leave it vanilla. Any and all ideas appreciated. Thnx.
  4. I have that one. Haven't had time, but will pursue a Linux-able .bsa opener so I can look inside and see what it does in order to bypass it and do it myself as it has shown no effect when tested. Could be somethind as stupidly simple as using capital letters (which are considered different letters in linux, but not in Windows). It does work good on Windows. Tried extracting from the bsa file with 7zip and some other oddities, but it appears I need a special bsa software. Nothing found in Linux yet. If you have tested it on Windows and it is available now, can you send a copy of your oblivion.ini file? It may have the changes I seek under "Archives". And if your system created an archive_invalidation.txt, that would be great to get as well. Neither has been available online this far. Archiveinvalidationinvalidated! 'probly is the answer, but it can't be used as is with Wine. The mod must be modded. Thanks for any ideas.
  5. To much time with work down for Covid, so got a second OS going. Windows was a hassle, so went with Ubuntu which seems to have alot more game support now (Arch is my work OS). It does run Oblivion and pretty well at that from the testing I've done with Lutris and Fallout and new Vegas look easy as well... in vanilla. Having played them all in Vanilla, its pretty vanilla, so mods are required. Mod managers and archiveivalidationinvalidated all fail completely with all Wine and tricks i know including LUtris's Vortex script, but all they do is manipulate settings in text files, so I figured "Meh. How hard could it be?". I only used them for the load order on Windows anyway. I need a lisitng of the changes made by archive_invalidation and am at a crossraods as its not near as obvious as I'd hoped. No mods activate without this, so its step one. Load order will come after which hopefully can be done with simple renaming or redating with "touch" ((hopefully). Here is my last attempt gleaned from 2009 advice from some happy dinosaur of the age. He said to place the archiveinvalidationinvalidated!.txt file into the Data file and add the following to the text in the ini file. Was hopeful and totally failed. Here is the addition in the "archive" category: SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa Hard to imagine it would make a difference where in the order it went, but I put it first in category with no result. So I reckon the next step would be to bypass this archiveinvalidation.txt by eading the code inside and using the command line to make the same changes. Sounds like some synaptic links and redirections is all it needs to do and I can write my own if only i can figure out what it is it actually does. So if anyone has links, advice or an installed archiveinvalidated.txt file , apps to open .bsa files on Linux, etc., than it would help with the mystery. Than hopefully, if I get it all fugured out, it will work on Skyrim, and the Fallouts 3 and Vegas as well. Thnx for anything. Presently stuck.
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