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  1. About 2.1 Maybe cooperate with Death Alternative?
  2. When you have a high bounty and get arrested in jail, you just press button 'E' and then you are free? When there is a civil war, there are no prisoners in prison? Isn't it quite unrealistic??? So, I think a immersive mod about law crime and punishment will be a good choice, and in my opinion, it will quite easy for experienced (maybe just a little) modders. (However, I have spent a lot of time on CK and the scripts have driven me mad recently.= = Maybe it is not easy.) I describe the mod I request as a combination of various mod. Part I: I have not found any mod that similar to this part. It contains an overhaul on arrest quest. When PC gets arrested, he/she will not be sent to prison immediately. Instead, he/she will be sent to maybe an officer or a judge, and they will give player different punishment according to bounty and some other things, including their mood (maybe random?), their characteristics (some are kind, while some are heartless), and who is the victim (steal something from a beggar will be different from steal the same thing from the lord) and so on. And laws are different from each other too, which means the same act in different places will get different punishments. All of this can be configured in MCM and saved into a json file. It will make being a criminal in skyrim more interesting. Part II: It is about punishment. Various levels of punishment that I can think of are as follows: The Slightest: Just pay fine or sell something if you do not have enough money. Slight: Stay in prison for a few days. (Prison Overhaul Maybe? (→_→)) Medium: Got enslaved.( It can complicate with many mods just similar to raven peak prison ( Once I really hope it can complicate with PO, but the author have not updated for a long time), Slave of tamriel (Still WIP, so sad ) and so on) Heavy: Some Special Punishment...What I have thought is amputated or something likewise, and there is already mod that called amputator and also mod that add artificial limbs in the game. Maybe a permanent magic effect that slows down your steps should be added. And if you want to do something on face, it is just a change on texture...Maybe others can have a better idea. The Most: Execution. Why no execution? it is quite unrealistic! Some people may argue about the main quest, but you have lockpicks, you can combat, you can cooperate with NPC (which will be referred in Part III) and you have your followers, You are a dragonborn, you will not be finished so easily right? Adding execution will make skyrim more immersive and with something like Free Death Camera, you can enjoy what is going on after player is dead. So.... Part III: About NPC. No NPCs in prison? Are you serious? I think more NPCs can be added into the prison, and you can flee with their help. And whether he will or not is related to favor degree. What's more, public execution can also be included in this mod, and add more thing about NPCs, it will be fun! Part IV: You can sentence NPC to some punishment when you become baron or something. It is just like what is in Become High King of Skyrim mod. That is all that I can think of. I am quite sorry for my poor English... I hope there will be a modder make a mod like this, and I will surely support it.
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