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Everything posted by kaddigart

  1. I know the OP got this settled to their satisfaction, but I thought I'd throw in a couple of things that may help someone else that stumbles across this thread in the future (as I did). Someone mentioned that the scaling gizmo may only work on primitives; this is correct as far as being able to scale on individual axes. The borders in both Build High and vanilla are static objects and may only be scaled as such. That is, the entire object. Build High's author at least uses four separate objects for their borders, so if you want to enlarge it you can just drop it into the ground more to compensate or make trapezoid shaped areas if you wish. For other shapes you could duplicate and resize as needed. If for whatever reason you wanted to shrink the area you could duplicate and stack them if you needed them to be taller. If at any time you can't locate the gizmo you're using, the hot keys are your friends. Hold Z, X or C then click and drag to move any selected object(s) regardless of its location on a single axis. Also works with scaling and rotation with the appropriate keys/gizmos selected. For example you can resize a selected object from anywhere in the render window by holding S while left clicking and dragging up or down. No need to find the gizmo. As for using Build High as a master, the only real reason to do this would be to use the borders from it. Alternatively you could either resize the vanilla primitive or just create a new one (better idea IMO). Link it to the workbench and you're done. When doing my own resizing I ditched the borders completely by dropping them below the landscape (same action as undelete in xedit and what Build High does with the vanilla ones) and planted flags on the edges or walled it in for visual aid when I needed it. As for the scrapping issues, if you use Scrap Everything the reason will mostly be previs/pre-combines. The only solutions I know of are to turn them off cell by cell or completely. If your rig can handle it it's easier to completely turn them off, but the most practical way is cell by cell. After that you should be able to scrap most everything you want (and some you don't - be careful!). There are some things on rare occasions that Scrap Everything can't scrap, in that case you'd have to add said item to SE's scrap list or just remove or relocate it in the CK. As for Starlight Drive In I'm pretty sure you can go down to a bare landscape using SE. I've recently been fighting with the CK myself with the ESP/ESM master debacle. The only solution I've found is converting whatever.esp to ESM. This is very easy using WryeBash. I think someone already mentioned the load order changes this causes, so you may want to do this on a fresh play through. You can load any files and use their assets all you want in CK and save but CK won't add it as master, as someone above put it, for reasons. You can get around this by adding the files as masters in Wrye Bash and see your changes in game, but if you load it up in the CK again it graciously removes those masters for you. If you forget to add the masters with WB before re-opening your mod in the CK it will also remove any references to the assets you used. Fun stuff. I'd love it if someone knows a way around this, I've combed through the CK ini twice over and found no reference to this, but for all I know it isn't named logically or doesn't exist.
  2. I would love to know the answer to this myself, as it stands I duplicate and rename an object, do the material swaps, create the COBJ. One. At. A. Time. So far the only things I've found to help expedite the process is bulk renaming (but it only works after duplicating each individually, CTD if I try duplicating a few at a time). Oh, and I can at least drag and drop my menu keywords. Yay. The only times I've ever had a problem with pointing to a particular swap was if I'd tried several different ones to see how they looked. If I knew exactly what I wanted to swap to, nary an issue. After all of that, some items still cause a CTD in game for no apparent reason, sometimes when trying to place them, sometimes just scrolling to them.
  3. Probably. I've had many quirky things happen when trying to copy assets. Theoretically you should be able to see all of its references in its edit dialogue, but I've found that the CK doesn't show you everything going on all the time. For example; I copied the alien cave as a starting point for an underground grotto and removed every single marker from the cell, yet every time I entered the cave in game I was awarded an item I could find no reference to and my character was stripped of her entire inventory. Including the item I just received. This persisted even after removing all attached scripts, quests, everything. After that I began starting everything from scratch. Takes a little more time initially, but it also makes finding any mistakes or whatever much easier.
  4. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, changing mipmap settings had no effect. It was at -1 initially, I tried setting it to 2, 1 and 0. I already had my enblocal set as such: [MEMORY] ForceVideoMemorySize=true VideoMemorySizeMb=8096 Not sure if it's relevant or not, but this is the only place in the game I'm seeing this, except for I'm pretty sure it's the same texture that can be seen if you turn off collision and walk through the ground in some places, Sanctuary for one I believe. I saw it another time I was goofing around in the CK, also after dropping the ground level by a significant amount. The odd thing is, I can't find anything relating to its existence in the CK. Or through searching the net for that matter. There is no land there at all in game or CK, and in game I walk right through it. It also has no occlusion whatsoever with natural or false lighting. I was thinking LOD because well, it's a really crappy looking texture. It doesn't pop in and out like the LOD glitches seem to do normally though, it's just there. Here's some more shots of the affected area, in game on top, in CK below in each image: http://i65.tinypic.com/2e4go0n.jpghttp://i63.tinypic.com/pahhv.pnghttp://i66.tinypic.com/l8yee.jpg
  5. I have a weird texture issue that happens sometimes after using the Landscape Editor in CK. It seems to show up mostly when dropping the land lower than neighboring cells. I'm working in the Natick area which is way above the default water level, so I'm confused as to what could be causing this. Important note: the weirdness only shows up in game as a spongy, purple looking terrain that has no collision and is only visible from one side. I can't see or find any reference to it in the CK...I've tried generating a new LOD to no avail. Any help would be most appreciated. http://i67.tinypic.com/2rwur1e.jpghttp://i65.tinypic.com/6qe8w7.jpghttp://i65.tinypic.com/2ccqwdh.jpg
  6. There are a few cave entrances in the static tree in CK, I've used them for similar projects myself. As for blocking out the sunlight, covering the area above with rocks works pretty good. I like to build the interior with concrete or cave assets then make a mound of rock over the top. Filter your object windows (I usually have 2-3 open) using the keywords "cave", "bldconc" and "rock".
  7. I've just spent a couple of hours poring over threads from all over the place trying to find a solution for this. As you can probably guess, no luck. This thread seems to actually have some repartee spanning several months so I figured I'd give the rundown of what I've learned, or haven't. For me the settlement is Red Rocket (less than 1000 objects so far), I've barely even begun powering it but can't really rule out the wiring theory yet because I've not tried to remove it all via console. Update forthcoming.The most common culprit is thought to be Homemaker it seems, but I don't think this is the problem, at least not singularly. I've done several complete play-throughs using it with no issues whatsoever.Some say increasing build limits could be the problem, again, don't think so. I've built settlements with well over 3000 objects with no issues except lag.It crashes no matter what I try and scrap, be it a tree, building, wire, whatever. So object type doesn't seem to matter.Starting a new game does in fact resolve the issue. Meh.I think it's worth mentioning I had installed no new mods or changed load order or any of the other usual suspected causes.I did a few quests in between builds (mostly RR) but this is not unusual play style in many PT's for me.One quest did glitch out on me, this is not unusual. But for the sake of being thorough it was Old Guns (the Artillery didn't show up in my menu). Again, having made no changes. What I've learned: not a f***ing thing. Just hoping maybe someone with similar issues might come along with some enlightenment.
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