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Everything posted by SpandexMonkey

  1. -"Locational Damage" is a must have for any archer. Think Fallout style damage. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12615/? -"Stickier Arrows". Keeps arrows around longer. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14532/? -"Khajiit Speak" is a fun one when playing as a Khajiit. Changes all player dialogue. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14513/? -"Sneak Tools" great for stealth characters. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19447/?
  2. When you are editting meshes and textures you are leaving the abilities of the CK. Sorry :P
  3. Hey, I'm looking for a mod where I can buy a mine and hire workers to collect ore for me. Something where I pay upkeep and tell them what materials to look for, so I don't have to visit every blacksmith or mine to find that last piece of steel. I hope this exists, Thanks.
  4. The "slow time" effect normally effects everything in the world but you could counter-act it by giving the player movement and attack speed buffs. Otherwise there may be some way to script it so that the "slow time" active effect is removed from or doesn't affect the player. That's all I got
  5. This may help you... More HotKeys Please If you get the controller add-on it might do the trick
  6. I'm looking for a consensus (good /bad idea) on a mod concept I've come up with. It would, more or less, effectively remove leveling, mainly perk points, from the game but keep skill levels. If all goes according to plan each perk would still be accesible but through new means... Smithing - To learn how to craft new armors (other than basic hide) you will need to find template pieces (shops, dungeons, bandits, etc) in the world and break them down to learn how to make them or find a suitably skilled smithy to teach you. You can't just craft ten thousand iron daggers and know how to make Daedric armor. Magic - To increase your rank with magic you will have to apprentice under other mages within specific skill trees and with specefic distinctions(frost, spark, necromancy, atromancy, etc) who will teach you. You can't just cast the base tier flames spell for a few hours and know how to cast Lightning Storm nor can you just buy a spell tome and instantly use a new spell. Combat - Strength (ie. Armsman, Overdraw, etc) increases naturally over time, but knowing how to decapitate or paralyze someone takes training. Honestly most combat perks are just about doing more damage, so most of it would be an increase with skill, but otherwise might have to join the Followers or Dark Brotherhood Health, Stamina, Magicka - Increase along side skills involving them Etc, etc, etc... I think you get my point. If you want to be skilled you'll have to find a good teacher or a great book. This is just an idea I came up with for a more immersive and RPG heavy way of playing Skyrim. So, give me a Yay or Neigh on it and if you like it feel free to help me form this into a more solid idea
  7. I really like this idea hope this can help. - Jotunn- The Frost Giants - Fenrir- The Father of the Wolves Pretty straight forward. I suggest looking up norse mythology and attempt to weave in some Aedra and Daedra stuff; cursed and blessed, people and creatures. Also, you could consider adding some Khajiit myths as well. Not much is known about Elsweyr, other than it is mostl desert with some jungles, so it's basically free game for lore and there are tons of Khajiit caravaneers around Skyrim.
  8. I you're looking for more immersion, I suggest the "Wet and Cold" mod. It makes eveyone put on warm gear when it rains or snows. I feel it adds a decent realism effect. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27563/? "BYOG", might also be something worth looking into. I don't personllay use it, but from what I can understand you could potentialy nerf magic out of existence. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18474/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D18474%26preview%3D&pUp=1
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