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Posts posted by Gooberish1

  1. In response to post #73518208. #73521928 is also a reply to the same post.

    Loveblanket wrote: Such a good game. I hope this sells well. I'd love to see what the dev can do with a bigger budget. Greedfall is excellent, but it's clear that a limited budget didn't allow it to get to the level I'm sure they wanted it to. If you like old Bioware games, this will be right up your alley.
    Naesia wrote: I'm agree with you. The studio is very good but the less budget handicap them.

    Have it, like it, though still a little buggy, by example i have a bug that leaves my current play through in a state of not being able to progress, but then, been a tad since i last played, maybe fixed now. That said i do agree that this game with a greater budget could have been something to rival any of the AAA games out there. Given that Bethesda has seemingly stopped listening to what its fans want in a game and listeining only to the sound of their wallets, perhaps this dev company can take up the mantle of quality games, that most seem to forget once they reach the top.
  2. You could probably have just started over with an un-modded game (I backed up all of my game folders before starting with Vortex) and re-installed those mods from their sources. That would have let you deal with them individually; the way you've done it, Vortex sees one mod, rather than each individual mod.


    That's not a criticism, whatever works for you works for you. Just noting the other approach for others who might pass this way.

    Thank you, Good response and you are right, i had no backups.

  3. First thing i noticed with Vortex and the sims 4 was that it did not show mods i have already installed.


    Dragging and dropping them, no, didn't work, trying to install the files in there, no, doesn't work. After a few minutes, i found a solution.


    Go to your mods folder in the sims i.e. Documents, Electronic arts, The Sims 4, Mods.


    If you have your mods organized in folders, take them out to the main mod folder.


    Once done, select all files in the Mods folder and add them to zip archive and save it somewhere (Name it what you like.).


    Open vortex, select the sims 4, select mods The little spanner, bottom of the left bar.


    Now drag and drop your archived mods file into the area of vortex marked drop file, Done.


    Hope this helps.


    Congratulations to the Vortex team, so far, works like a charm.





    Why don't you try to incorporate MCM into the pipboy? I'm thinking of a menu like Map or Radio for mod settings. I personally would prefer this over an additional menu in the pause screen.

    Yuck. Waste of screen space to try to fit everything into the little tiny area the pipboy takes up.

    I don't see the problem. The lower menus, like Aid and Misc don't fit in the screen either and you have to "scroll through them" to get to Ammo for example. Why shouldn't that be an option for the MCM menu as well?



    If it's the only way, it's fine, but I'd rather be able to see more stuff on screen at once than that



    While I do have to say, that I can understand that, and am partially with you, I do like the way the Holotape Menus currently already don't take you completly out of the game, as a completly seperate Menu might do (as ie. the vanilla main menu does curently, and the MCM in Skyrim did). This certainly has some points speaking for it. The question I now have is, if there would be possibly be space for some middleground. Have the standard be as a pipboy menu with the option to go to a full size menu, for mods that need more screenspace for their options? Just a spontaneous Idea.


    MCM accessed by item in pipboy (MCM go to item)? Possible middle ground? or for example, (Using controller) press Y when in pipboy to access skill points menu, press whatever to bring up MCM.

  5. I would think if anyone is seriously worried about password/email security on any site, it may be worth considering; not using the same password/email that you use for financial related matters as you use for non financial related matters.


    That said, people by definition are imperfect, the better person/persons are those who recognize this in them selves, admit this and accept this, while striving to make improvements, which is a concept clearly demonstrated by A) Peoples acceptance and support to such announcements B) People who make those announcements, in recognition that hiding a fault; does not repair it and inevitably makes it worse.


    So my thanks and respect to the nexus team and community as a whole.

  6. When i installed the update i could not get nexus to run at all, my solution to this was to completely uninstall nexus and remove all folders then do a fresh install, this worked fine (Allthough there is for me atleast; the odd glitch, but none worth complaining about.).


    All in all a happy camper, thanks.

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