Is it possible for olfina to become Jarl? On one my previous playthroughs, I killed vignar whilst he was jarl of whiterun with a good ol' arrow to the head from the second floor of dragonsreach. Of course, I made him non-essential before first. After the deed, cries of "Murder in cold blood" were sputtered by Vignar's surrounding kinsmen and guards. My questions, as such, are : ( 1 ) If I kill Vignar when he's Jarl, will Olfina take his place as jarl? ( 2 )If I kill Vignar BEFORE he's Jarl, will Olfina instead take his place as jarl during the Battle of Whiterun? WIll she take over Vignar's lines? Or... will I just break the game by killing Vignar via console disablement of essential status. Much appreciated if anyone could confirm/answer my questions, and I hope this post was easy reading on the eyes. Really my first post on any forum in a few months. Cheers!