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Everything posted by DahVeedP

  1. Lefties like me need the option to remap all key inputs (except space-bar, i suppose) to accommodate our hand position. Specifically with Atomic Heart, the Q, E, and F keys cannot be remapped. Perhaps there are others. Sure would be nice to have a mod that allows a player to remap any key as desired.
  2. Thanks, AGW, Just now noticed you replied to this post. I'll try your advice.
  3. Trying to create some Bioshock Little Sisters --specifically the yellow eyes-- by editing a NIF head from the mod Diverse Children. I *thought* I could just point the child's brown eye texture to a yellow one and be done. Nope, doesn't appear in game. Kid still has brown eyes. Any suggestions? Here's a shot of it in NifSkope: https://images2.imgbox.com/ee/3c/n6BY8Kwd_o.png
  4. I'm trying to approximate a Little Sister from Bioshock without altering body/skin of companions or my player character. Anyone happen to know of a way to give glowing yellow or white eyes to child NPCs? Preferably to take the desired eye type from an existing mod and somehow apply it to the female child NPC.
  5. NEVER MIND. I AM AN IDIOT. Eddie wouldn't draw his weapon because he had no ammo! :wallbash: :whistling: :teehee:
  6. Trying to stage some action scenes using various pose mods. I can't get some NPCs to draw their weapon. Currently it's Eddie Winter. I know how to equip the weapon in his inventory, but this doesn't help. I can shoot him to make him start combat, but he just punches at me rather than using his weapon. Any ideas?
  7. Annoyed by all the wires running all over the place in your settlements? Me too. Would love to have the power lines I run between generators, pylons, etc. be transparent upon placement. They would still turn red while placing, and green when hovering the pointer over them in workshop mode. Immersive? Well, it would be exactly as immersive as existing pylons which magically radiate power to nearby light bulbs.
  8. I so totally agree! (WTF, power armor? :wallbash: ) I have no ability to create mods, but I can at least stand in solidarity with you that this really needs to be done by somebody. :yes:
  9. From what I understand, the Nuka Gear mod requires one to find magazines in specific locations before being able to craft a given Nuka Gear item. I've gone specifically to one dept. store locale to the exact spot where a Nuka Mag should be. Nothing. LOOT indicates no conflicts with the Eli_NukaStuff file. And that"s the extent of my LOOT/NMM troubleshooting skills. Any obvious things I've overlooked?
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