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About kjg92

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4 - FROST

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  1. Anyone know how how I can add scope sway back to the scopes in Deadpool2099's Service Rifle mod using FO4 edit? Or is this an animation thing?
  2. Damage multipliers do affect "Damage Health" magic effects or "Fortify Health" magic effects with a negative value attached to it. That's the problem I"m trying to get around.
  3. I'm in the process of creating a medical overhaul that's similar to Agony with three different types of medkits which are the player's only option for healing crippled limbs, torso or head. The rough and standard variations of the medkit also deal a small amount of damage to the player when used. This would work totally fine in normal mode, but the survival mode damage multiplier increases the damage done by ingestibles, not just damage from enemies. Is there a way to make ingestibles ignore damage multipliers such as the one introduced in survival mode?
  4. Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for.
  5. Its unimmersive that wearing a specific shirt allows the character to carry more stuff or have a larger health pool. It is a still just a shirt. There was a mod like this called Plain Clothing on XB1 that removed all enchantments from clothing, including mod added clothing, but I can't find a similar mod for PC.
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