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Everything posted by Dar0ne45

  1. Yes, there is a picture of her in the images section of my other mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34935 at the moment she just appears in the drunken huntsman as a generic follower. I used a copy of her dead character and created a new katria from that. her voice is generic female commander so I need to revoice her using her ghost voice. As soon as lost to the ages is completed, she will give you a quest to find her soul in the soul cairn and return her soul to her body. I am open to ideas if you have any thoughts on this mod. In the meantime, i could make her just appear in the drunken huntsman when lost to the ages is completed as a temproary mod.
  2. I'm working on a mod to bring her back. Already created her character just need to come up with a good story line for the quest. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34935 her picture is in my images of my other mod. I was thinking along the lines of her sending the player to the soulcairn after completing lost to the ages to find her soul and send her back to her body some how?
  3. I've just started working on a new mod that will give you a quest to resurrect her and use her as a follower/spouse. It's still very alpha, but should be up in a couple of weeks. I might have to completely re-voice act her to get the follower dialog to sound good, so to begin with the shock of being resurrected wil of caused her to lose her voice :)
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