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About DarkLylyth

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  1. yes. My character had finished the main quest at that point in the game.
  2. Hi all, I have an issue that is really irritating. Whenever I go to the Forgotten Vale, I pass by the ice field where the two dragons have spawned, and they never spawn. Instead I fight two ice wraiths. I have started 3 new save files and none of them had the dragons spawn. Is there some way to fix this, as this fight was one of the main reasons that I wanted to play the dlc
  3. No. I havent gotten very far in it yet.
  4. Im not very far in it. I've started to edit the mesh, but I stopped after finishing the centre, mainly because I was struggling to figure out what to do next. Its pretty terrible now that I look at it again...Im not entirely sure whether I want to post it
  5. thats really good :) to be honest, I think that it was a bit ambitious of me to jump headfirst into mesh editing without any other experience with the program. I think its more of an experience and artistic problem than technical ones (unless you want to walk me through step by step which vertices need to go where.
  6. Hey all! I am looking for an artist to help edit textures and meshes for my custom beast race mod. I was getting really frustrated trying to do it on my own, and figured that it would be better to get someone with more experience to help me with it. My mod is aimed at introducing a new beast race based off the Khajiit to Skyrim. This race is heavily based off of Gnolls from Dungeons and Dragons (which for anyone that still doesn't know what that is, I will include a photo). Essentially, I wanted to extend the snout of the Khajiit to make it more canine, while shortening the ears, and replacing its tail with that of a werewolf. Everything else is pretty much done, but due to my lacklustre skills in art and geometry, I've had to put the project on indefinate hold. If you are interested, please reply in this thread or email me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance! btw, here are some photos of Gnolls (a hyena like man) for any that are interested: http://www.dotd.com/mm/gnoll.gif http://www.deviantart.com/download/95270688/Gnoll_Defenders_by_BenWootten.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hRZREVkFK-Q/TxPiYbLPvWI/AAAAAAAAEsk/xywPPgPiLcU/s1600/Gnolls.jpg
  7. I was wondering if you knew any other people that are good at editing meshes and textures. I'd ask you, but I know your quite busy with your mod. I feel that if I were to do everything for the mod and release it without at least consulting someone, it would be a disaster. I was doing the editing earlier today, and at that moment, I remembered that geometry and art were my two worst subjects. I just wanted to find someone and at least consult them, or ideally, add them to my team and have them do the meshes. Everything else is pretty much done anyways
  8. are you gonna get Justice123 to do the scripting? Also, since you'll probably be busy for a while, do you know any other good graphic artists? I think that I might have rushed a bit into the editing, and that for the best look, I should work with someone more experienced...I was comparing my work so far to yours, and I think that if it were to be released at that level of quality, the mod would be a flub, regardless of everything else :/
  9. are you gonna put a ruin in Blackreach? you should set the NPC attitude like in Orc Strongholds, where if your a Vaalsark, or if you've done something for them, then you gain access to their settlement, otherwise they want to kill you on site
  10. sounds really ambitious. You should do something like Wars of Skyrim where you have factions of your race fighting against falmer in Dwemer ruins. My Gnoll race doesn't have an as in depth backstory, but its still pretty cool. The Gnolls were eight tribes of Khajiit that arose during the Oblivion Crisis. Sensing that the Empire would collapse, they made a deal with several prominent Daedric Lords, which they have christened as the Eight (Ironic no?) Each tribe agreed to forever serve the Daedric Lord in question if they would gain great power and preserve their race when they conquered Tamriel. Each Daedric Lord sent Dremora Valkynz to mate with the Khajiit women. The children that were born were quite different from their parents, bearing a more canine look with the ability to tap into their daedric bloodline. When the Oblivion Crisis was averted, this group disappeared deep into the Southern reaches of Elsewyr. They emerged only after the signing of the White Gold Concordant, completely changed, with no traces left of the original Khajiit heritage. These Gnolls were bloodthirsty marauders that had developed their own subculture. The tribe worshipping Mehrunes Dagon and Hircine are the two largest tribes, though they are adamantly opposed to each other. There is a series of alliances between the Eight tribes that changes quite frequently, as befits their chaotic heritage. But the other 6 tribes revere Boethiah, Malacath, Molag Bal, Namira, Peryite, and Clavicus Vile.
  11. what are you planning on doing with it? also, is your race supposed to be dog like, or more like a fox? I noticed that it looked more vulpine than canine
  12. hmm...is it just a recolour, and reshape?
  13. o ok. What magnitude did you set your ability at? Does it affect the power at all?
  14. Hi all, I was having a problem matching up textures to the meshes that I'm importing into 3ds Max. I've set the User Path to the corresponding textures (in this case, maleheadkhajiit.dds , maleheadkhajiit_msn.dds, and malehead_sk.dds). However, when I try to open up my project, it tells me that its still missing those files. When I click browse, I see that they are listed in the user paths. How do I get the corresponding textures to appear in 3ds, so that under the Realism view, Im not just staring at a grey skin surrounding the .nif?
  15. that looks really good :) How did you do the nose? I was looking at the Khajiit nose last night, and it doesn't look like that
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