sounds really ambitious. You should do something like Wars of Skyrim where you have factions of your race fighting against falmer in Dwemer ruins. My Gnoll race doesn't have an as in depth backstory, but its still pretty cool. The Gnolls were eight tribes of Khajiit that arose during the Oblivion Crisis. Sensing that the Empire would collapse, they made a deal with several prominent Daedric Lords, which they have christened as the Eight (Ironic no?) Each tribe agreed to forever serve the Daedric Lord in question if they would gain great power and preserve their race when they conquered Tamriel. Each Daedric Lord sent Dremora Valkynz to mate with the Khajiit women. The children that were born were quite different from their parents, bearing a more canine look with the ability to tap into their daedric bloodline. When the Oblivion Crisis was averted, this group disappeared deep into the Southern reaches of Elsewyr. They emerged only after the signing of the White Gold Concordant, completely changed, with no traces left of the original Khajiit heritage. These Gnolls were bloodthirsty marauders that had developed their own subculture. The tribe worshipping Mehrunes Dagon and Hircine are the two largest tribes, though they are adamantly opposed to each other. There is a series of alliances between the Eight tribes that changes quite frequently, as befits their chaotic heritage. But the other 6 tribes revere Boethiah, Malacath, Molag Bal, Namira, Peryite, and Clavicus Vile.