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  1. This is not the final model I will modify it as I go along I was working on reducing the poly-count I got it down to 60k without normal map I'm sure when I use normal map I can cut it down to 20% or maybe even 50%, that being said I'm going to start testing my model in game before I textures it so I know where to line the trigger, hammer, cylinder, ammo, scope and upgrade mod need to be place and what modification I will have to do, And by the way I always dive in and make my own original design no matter what it is and work out the kinks as I go along but thank you for the all the advice I will keep this post updated on the updated model, I will make this gun work if it the last the last thing I do.
  2. This is the farthest I can lower my Polly count I may have to remodel some parts. This is harder then I thought =/ anymore tips anyone?
  3. I have a question about the poly how much poly can Xboxone or PS4 can handle.
  4. @digitalblues, make sure you're aware of how a high poly > low poly workstream functions. That's where normal maps come from. oh I have to optimize it for xboxone and ps4 crap why do console hardware suck.
  5. oh you mean Verts? How many verts should I have?
  6. what do you mean by high poly and low poly workstream functions?
  7. Thank you for you response I'll keep this post updated on my progress and the modification and the correction to the model.
  8. Thank you very much, this is my first time modeling and modding so I'm pretty much a noob, I have anther question, will the new animation work on xboxone and ps4 I'm making this for pc first but I would like for everybody to be able too enjoy the mod thank you in advance.
  9. Bash animation and mod upgrade animation.
  10. So this is my first 3D model, yeah I know it's not that good, I still need to add a lot more detail and smooth out the edges and add textures but the only reason I learn how to model in 3D is to make game mods but before I finish it up, I want to know if I need to anime it for re-loading ammo, bash and mod upgrade plus is that even possible at the moment or was this just a waste of time =/
  11. I want to make and original gun with upgradable mod with original textures and Meshes/model, I know I need some tools to do this but how would I get started. Here are the list of tools I have. Nifskope Bethesda Archive Extractor FO4Edit Material Editor fallout4_tools 3ds Max and niftools max plugin blender and blender nif plugin Havok PcXs Intel Texture Works and of course the creation kit The problem is I don't know where to start to make my original gun and make the gun upgradable.
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