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  1. Humanoid enemies in general starting with gunners and raiders first since they're so commonly encountered.
  2. So from what I garnered the "workshopnpcscript" is what enables settlement functionality for a NPC. Added on the Actor tab they'll allow to move, assign and so on. My question is - Is it possible to attach this to an actor after it's been spawned in a running game? Specifically leveled ones based on a template. The console commands APS and startPSP can do this so I'm hoping there is some papyrus equivalent allowing the same. I tried attaching the script to the template and it works but it also means *every* spawned NPC from it will have it instead of just the ones I want to change. Probably causing a lot of trouble both with the game and other mods if used as the solution. I also tried adding through an alias and magic effect but neither work since they don't provide the necessary Actor to attach it to, the GECK hides it as "incompatible" in the list of scripts to attach for this reason it seems. Thankful for any suggestions!
  3. Check one of the workshop vendors in the GECK, believe they start with "Workshop" something. A bunch can be found in the humanrace tab. You probably need to have the keywords there related to workshops as well as any factions that sound reasonable. Then attach the related scripts, fill in the properties. If I remember correctly autofill functions pretty good besides fixing "special vendor" stuff and selecting what type of loot the NPC should have. Then it's just a matter of sticking them in a stall and adding a dialogueoption to fire up the barter window if the NPC doesn't have it already.
  4. Could restrict use through a script or condition Script - http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=IsInPowerArmor_-_Actor Condition - wornhaskeyword ispowerarmorframe
  5. Video Tutorial Remember you need to use the both the 64 and 32-bit GECK for voice editing
  6. Saw in a thread on Bethesda.Net I can't find now one user had contacted Autodesk and after explaining they needed the 2013 version specifically get it. Don't know if they had a student license or "full" though.
  7. Those are done via Scaleform / Flash and don't easily interact with Papyrus. Thanks for the information, that's really interesting! You wouldn't happen to how do the scaleform / flash modifies in game data, does it have direct access with vanilla actionscript/shockwave functions on the game world/objects or is it through some sort of API that translates everything into something more simple the game engine understands, papyrus or other? Something one might be able to talk to directly, having to create swf files and scripts just to change a name value sounds really complicated :sweat:
  8. What about re-using code/scripts from the DLC01 Robotworkbench? From what little I can understand from the files the "create a new automatron" seems to spawn a barbones default version and then apply changes/mods to it, namechange included. If you can find its interface and what it does/hooks into you might be able to extend the namechange functionality to work on any spawned npc.
  9. Hey all, newbie modder here. I'm working on a simple little thing I named Wintermute as a learn-by-doing project but has run into some problems. The npc uses the default automatron voices and quests but this unfortunately seem to cause glitches and twitches with dialogue. I extracted the voices from the "DLCRobot - Voices_en.ba2" and ran them through unfuz and from what I see they contain .lip files which I assume are tweaked to animate an automatron head and cause havoc on a human variant? My question now is how do I generate new lip files for a human head and how do I override the default ones in "DLCRobot - Voices_en.ba2" to fix this? I've manged to fire up the 32-bit CreationKit for processing as recommended but either the files result still use the automatron head or they're not detected by the game. Also the npc is templated from the automatron so I suppose there might be something inherited that says not to use a human head but I don't know where or how to check that... Thankful for any tips! :smile:
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