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About WileCoyote68

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    Cyberpunk 2077
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    Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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  1. Widely loved? Where is this love? I can't see any. You even must laugh at this statement yourself.
  2. I don't fight wars that I can't win. Employees' egos are already so big that they are no longer receptive to any kind of criticism.
  3. It is already foreseeable what will happen: They sit it out and then go back to business as usual. They have no interest in feedback because of their our site our rules behavior. This always happend, when they changed something the last 5 years. Since there is no real competition in the market, they can do whatever they want and don't have to fear any consequences. They know that there are hardly any alternatives worth mentioning for us. It is pointless to continue giving feedback here, it won't change anything and won't reach anyone except the critics.
  4. Pouring oil on the fire is a particularly intelligent approach. If you have nothing valuable to say, please just keep quiet
  5. The unwillingness to accommodate experienced users is remarkable. It can't be that difficult to make the display of collections a switchable option. As far as I'm concerned, switch it on by default, but give users the choice. I don't know why, but it sounds unbelievable that it is the minority of users. It is much more likely that a feature that has been worked on for years has to be marketed for profit. It doesn't matter how many years of experience as a developer you have; it's not a data-driven approach if the data is not publicly accessible. As long as you're just claiming that it's nothing more than anecdotal evidence
  6. I can't agree. You are one of those ppl who talk themselves up about everything. In functional terms, the new design is an absolute step backwards compared to the previous one. I don't see any innovation
  7. I'm beginning to be surprised by the statement that the feedback during the beta tests was predominantly positive. If you take this thread as a yardstick, that can't be entirely true. The feedback here is mostly negative.
  8. Fully agreed. Nobody mods on a phone. The main platform for modding is PC.
  9. This may be nice for users who are getting into modding, but not for everyone else. For me and others, it's just annoying. No matter how prominently you present the collections on the site, I will never use them. Collections are collections and not mods and therefore do not belong on a mod overview page. It shouldn't be that hard to make it a switchable option. It would be much more important to bring back the tracked mods as this is an important feature for many users
  10. It would be useful if we could hide collections in the mod overview. Personally, I am not interested in collections in any way. It is annoying to get them viewed on the mod overview page. And why are my tracked mods gone?
  11. Compared to the old navigation this is also a visually awful change. It looks like a body part that doesn't belong. The white colour scheme may be more visible, but it is now overly intrusive
  12. In my opinion this is not a valid argument. Show me one person who plays 24 mod able games at the same time. In all the years that I've been registered here, I didn't get the 12 favourites filled once. Games that can be modded are not usually played on a mobile phone or tablet, but on a PC. It is therefore completely irrelevant whether it scales better across all screen sizes. To me, the whole argument so far sounds like an eat-or-die mentality.
  13. As many posters before me have already pointed out, the new header navigation is not an improvement. The little X is annoying, and I would prefer to have my favourite games listed as before. Overall, the old header navigation was much clearer and visually more appealing. Besides that, it was more intuitive to navigate. I can't understand why developers always think they must improve something that doesn't need improving. In my view, it makes little sense to implement changes that have a major impact on habits without first seeking the opinion of the people it affects. Apart from that, you save yourself a lot of work if you don't have to withdraw such changes because most customers reject them
  14. Who does not understand here has been obvious since the beginning of the discussion. You can argue your point of view further as much as you want, it will not change the facts. As soon as a mod author has uploaded his work, he can no longer decide how his work is used by Nexus. He cannot even determine which version of his mod is used by collections. So in theory he has kept his rights, but he cannot apply them in any way. That's the reality. No more and no less. Take us all a favor and keep your wisdom in the future for you. Most of your explanations are simply worthless.
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