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Nexus Mods Profile

About PhillKills

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, Final Fantasy 14, Monster Hunter World
  • Favourite Game
    Ocarina of Time

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Well I appreciate you all not hating both Syntensity and my self for bringing this topic to light. We really to just appreciate any engagement at all right now. Whether anyone realizes it or not, these are the first steps to some kind of common ground. We linked this forum in our other forum on Bethesda.Net to send people here. Show those people what your view points and opinions are.
  2. Im sorry you feel that way TeamBacon. But know your reasons are justified and respected. No one holds it against you. You have every right to feel the way you do. Again im sorry for those who wont say sorry.
  3. I for one, am staying as open minded as I can be about all of this. No, I dont not know all the ends and outs of modding. And segregating Modders by "Nexus" and "CK" modders is also a wrong way to go about things. You are correct. Im always going to listen to any advice that a veteran of anything can give me. Especially if it is dangerous, even to a game. I wasnt trying to step on any toes or ruffle feathers or bring any form of disrespect at all. When in fact I have nothing but Respect for anyone creating Original Content for the masses to enjoy. Thank you for being enlightening on such matters
  4. @DrakeTheDragon, Thank you for your insight on the situation. I had NO idea so many modders planned to bring their content over in the first place. And youre right. In an ideal world, this open letter wouldnt have had to be sent out, apologizing for the mistakes of others. I didnt even think steal was going to be a thing but, lo and behold i was dead wrong. We didnt want this to a be a "PLEASE GIVE UP MODS" situation. But as you said a Supporting the Authors and trying to calm the storm by the mistakes of a handful of impatient idiots who thought stealing mods was the correct answer. And NO! I will not ignore your ramblings lol. All opinions and inputs are welcome. THATS why we did this. We want to know what YOURE inputs and opinions and comments are. We want Mod Authors to feel welcome and appreciated and felt the gratitude they deserve. Just know we would love to have all Mod Authors on our side again. Hopefully this forum can show that they are welcome and for a majority WE want you to feel safe.. @tartarsauce2 i think it would be a great start. They could package them into a singular mod, that they KNOW works, that they have tested and put into a CORRECT load order instead of letting randoms download anything at will without researching anything and breaking their game.
  5. Syntensity and I are just looking for a clean, adult opinon about from everyone!
  6. Dude, yes. A Mod Manager for Consoles would be AMAZING. So many people on there dont know JACK about load order. And when you download/update a mod on Bethesda.Net, it auto forces it to the bottom of the list. Forcing you to go into the load and change it manually every download or update.
  7. I feel TOO many things would be Favorited haha. Last i heard over 13k mods were on the Fallout 4 Nexus alone. Would the mods be "Free" or would the require a fee? A lot of mods I do use, I test for a bit, see if I like them and if not, uninstall. if i did like them, id be more inclined to pay for them or give a donation
  8. I dont know exactly how I feel about "popularity". Because not everyone like the same thing lol. But it is at least one suggestion!
  9. Lol I knew all that "Growing up" and "Acting like an adult" would eventually pay off haha. But in all sincerity, thank you to you too. For just showing support! @XX4HorsemenXX , I agree. Bethesda.Net NEEDS to do something to prevent anyone from just grabbing the goods and running with it as if it were their own. Some kinda of Author check or Authorization needs to be in place.
  10. Do you mean that only certain people would be able to mod? Or the mods would be limited to the public and who could download them? Im just wanting to make sure I understand your question entirely.
  11. Hello Nexus community. First allow me to APOLOGIZE for any wrong doing and hard feelings that you have have accumulated over the past couple of days as Xbox was brought into the wonder world of Modding. You all have been violated. And it. Is. WRONG. I apologize that your content was stolen REPETITIVELY without permission. That kind of thing should never happen to anyone! And I may not speak for everyone, but for a good majority, we are sorry. With that being said, Syntensity (Sini on Bethesda.Net) and I have been pulling as much support as we can for the Nexus, Original Mod Authors and New Original Content. As you can see, we do have a Forum on Betheda.Net, just asking for others to come and show their support. New and Veteran Authors alike to come and express your feelings about the new way of things. What you would like to see, what we as a community could do to make ourselves not so much YOUR problem or a problem at all. How we could benefit everyone. We would love to see Harmony between All Modders and Gamers alike. So please, take the time to read through some of our comments and if you do feel like you want to say No, then that is ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY OKAY!! We are not here to spam, beg or irritate. We just would like to ask one time to everyone at once instead of sending a million emails to everyone, which would look very much like spam. Feel free to take a look at our Forum page https://community.bethesda.net/message/126801#126801 Leave a comment or not! Thats okay! All are welcome. And lastly but most importantly. THANK YOU! For all your creativity and time spent creating new and original content. We just wanna be able to appreciate the amazingness that is you all :D
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