Hello, at the moment is is still an idea. But maybe, it could come true. The idea is to make a Star Wars mod, or DLC. There are so many SW mods out, but playing as Jedi in Fallout is....weird...only for fun. My dream is to create an own little game (like Enderal but not so massive). If I can use all of the SW mods, with permission I would delete everything from F4 and would start to create step by step a little SW universe. The Game: Playing as Jedi, Sith, Stormtrooper, Boba Fett or something else. There would be different planets (different biomes) and different reasons for every character type. I don't want touch the SW canon too much, so no Obi-Wan Story, or no Clone Wars. Exploring, questing and fighting should be the main focus. The game should play in a galaxy, far far away. I don't really want make an big open world game like Fallout. Smaller areas, with much more detail. This will contain more loading screens, yes, but for a project like this it will be the right decision. The Problem(s): I have experience with the CK, but not that much. I could build everything for the mod, but I don't know how to handle multiple mods and combine them, I can't create new models/meshes and I don't know how to make quests. Music/Sounds and building stuff would be my part. I need help: This project should be not too big, I don't want work 5 years on it. But for me alone, it is too big. So I need a few people for new meshes and models, for quests (of course for voice recording too) and maybe someone who know much about the CK. Someone who could create a new interface (Pipboy inventory, perks and so on). The Question: I know to creating the world(s) is not the biggest problem. So do this sound possible to create such a total conversion without touching the main game too much? A lot of the content we could use from F4, but this project is not a small project. Let me know what you think about this. And if you are interested, you can write me.