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Nexus Mods Profile

About Bongfu

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    United States
  1. any news from SKYRIM : GLOBAL EVOLUTION ?

    Still workin on it guys? Cause that was a great idea and a lot would love to play that!

  2. What happened to Global Evolution? It's gone?
  3. As of right now we plan to have in game menus and ways of managing the construction and other aspects of your town, but we cannot say for certain until we are able to see what tools Bethesda gives us to work with. If the CK is anything like previous Bethesda editors, this will be very possible. We would be happy to incorporate any economy changes you work on into our mod (grant they will have to be something we would like to see in our mod :thumbsup: ) I will keep an eye out for your economy changes. Good luck!
  4. Added a link to our mod page on the post :wallbash: cant believe I didnt add it before
  5. Its going to be in Skyrim. As of right now, the only interaction with the other provinces will be to send and receive trade from them. Also, envoys, mercenaries, and settlers from other provinces will come your way. But who know? One day when people start making the other provinces, we may work with them and put some of our mod into theirs. Yes I have released mods before. In Morrowind I made a series of dungeons. In Oblivion I mostly modded for myself, creating castles and villages for me to play overlord of. I have modded many other games in the past, everything from Freelancer to Shogun 2: Total War.
  6. http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/2139/sgelogo.png Skyrim: Global Evolution Influence the fate of Skyrim by taking part in an adventure unlike any other seen in the Elder Scrolls series. Build, manage, and rule your lands. Wage war on other rules and factions. Forge alliances and trade partners from all across Tamriel. With new skills, equipment, NPCs, creatures, and items, SGE will offer an unparalleled sandbox experience. Whether you create a small forest camp or a metropolis to rival the Imperial city, the choice will be yours. Download Link Village Management · Crime system with working jails. · Guards can increase protection at increased cost. · Treasury management, pay goes in and out. · NPC schedules and homes. · You can accept deliveries or trades from other provinces and jarls. But they will only aid you if you aid them. You give them ingots, they give you food. · Defending the village from dragon, bandit, wolves, etc. · Squabble system. Having things like clinics, wells, and sewer systems improve public health. · Align with global factions(Bandits, Imperials, Stormcloaks, Aldmeri, Evil mages, vampires, necromancers, etc) Engineering Skill · New NPC, Engineer. He will sell you parts essential for engineering. · Craft traps, contraptions, war engines, and dwemer construct companions and guards. Construction Skill · New NPCs, furniture makers and architects. · New skill allows players to construct buildings and craft furniture. · Tiered system like the other crafting. · Expand to include things crafted from other systems. · Construction is done by using a wooden, stone, iron or steel mallet. Wood taking the longest to build and steel the fastest. Building is done by striking/attacking the space in which the construction is taking place. Each strike at the space will advance the building in stages. 1st stage will have the framing, 2nd stage adds the actual material (cloth,wood,stone) and the 3rd stage is it complete. When buildings are in construction they have a construction bar. A wooden mallet may increase it by 1 point each strike and a steel mallet 10 points each strike. A tent may have 100 total points until its complete, but something like a stone house may have 10000 total points which will take someone 10000 strikes with a mallet to build. That is why it is essential to hire construction workers that can do this for you or with you if you want the experience points to level up your construction skill. Trade and Economy · NPCs with tradeskills that contribute to your village, ie hunters, miners, smiths, farmers, etc. · Hire adventurers to seek magical items for you. · Trade with other cities. · Player driven economy. · Caravans and expeditions into other provinces. · Ships for coastal cities. · Livestock. · Farms. · Harvest trees and stone. Politics and War · Prestige. Use the Radiant AI to recognize certain deeds of your town. · Thanes can be added to your retinue. · Retinue system, court mages, tinkerers, stewards, harems, etc. · Family with kids. · Aid from friendly Jarls. · Civil Wars · Become the High King. · Foreign mercenaries. Other Ideas · Village raids and defense. · Random events like disease, famine, and bad crops. · Voice actors for custom NPCs. Mod Team Sgtpepperslhcb -Lead Designer Bongfu - Lead Designer Hrusai - Monkey #1 We are recruiting experienced modders. Please no historians, writers, or people wanting tutelage. If you want to learn to mod, don't try and join a team that is taking on a project like this. We need people who know the Construction Set/GECK and other modding tools.
  7. So, something I have noticed since I have access to my modding partner's upload. If upload images, they go in the author's uploaded images section of the mod, all others including his are in user images. However, ONLY the original uploader's images show up on the image bar at the top of the mod page. Are there any plans to fix it so the original uploader and sharees count as authors?
  8. Well the entire arena's interior was built and textured. I think it was meant to be underground and connected to the "blood works" as the Windhelm dungeon is called. Cause one of the leveled NPCs is a prisoner labeled arenaprisoner. Maybe after things cool off with my current mod project I will start up remaking an Arena circuit for TES. Unless someone beats me to the punch.
  9. So as I was browsing around the ids I discovered a full constructed pit style arena with pit fans and randomly generated opponents to go with it. Apparently Windhelm was supposed to still have an arena (as it did in TES: Arena) but I guess beth decided that it wasn't that important. Don't worry though, I plan on adding it in there since Beth decided to be lazy.
  10. This is one of the aspects of our mod Click me However, we have to wait for the CK to come out in order for us to do detailed mods like this.
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