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  1. Also, I make beelines for containers when I enter unexplored areas. Imagine the look on the draugr's faces that are in the same room...
  2. Just an afterthought on my way out: I wouldn't equate a bunch of elitist, dogmatic, power-preserving politicians with '(all) men'. Not in any time. And following your own reasoning. ;)
  3. Come to think of it, for my personal taste they got most proportions wrong. Maybe a US thing. And the males make me think of that one Blackadder episode all the time... The droids look good though. Anyhow, naturally I was referring to video, not actually playing that. ;)
  4. re:over-doing: You clearly haven't seen the codpieces from Star Wars:The Old Republic yet! :D ;)
  5. My first thought: the Church. I do not doubt then and today there were and are men of both inclinations, and everything in between. I might make an argument though that today there is a smaller percentage of them than in or around the 15th century. But I feel it is important to keep in mind that people don't change much, 15th century people were just like us; they didn't have the heavy machinery yet, the broader access to education we can shoulder today, but they had the same ingenuity, emotional system, intellect as everyone now. They knew what they had in their spouses, or didn't, they knew when what they were told by others made sense, or didn't. I fear your prominently worthwhile point of willful sacrifice, dutiful, honorable action, which I freely admit isn't the first thing that occurred to me and I thank you for bringing that up because it adds to/refreshes my understanding, will be trampled over by sexist/non-sexist platitudes, due to the framing. :(
  6. We do know they have their hearts at this world's place though, don't we? Also, come Skyrim, come this world's physix... to a degree. ;) Thus directing any projectile and blade nicely towards the center chest part and your most vulnerable organ. But YOU could argue, nothing penetrates anything in Skyrim, so, in effect you are right. Until TES VI, destructible materials effects, that is... Edit: Oh wait, arrows stick, so the argument would be: No matter where it hits, no deflection taking place, no protective value whatsoever, hence a hit in the knee is as bad as in the heart, case closed. Cup armor go. ** grrr *** still hurts my immersion ;) ... <typoedit>
  7. Start here: UESP:Illusion You can add up the numbers to get the maximum effective level, I suppose. Plus, further information on the site. Keep in mind, it's about the target's level, not yours. IIRC the Illusion skill value (100) only affects magicka consumption (higher -> lower) and spell tome availability at vendors.
  8. Not to impose my reading of DeadSpace's post onto others, but I didn't perceive it at all as implying 'sexist or oppressive' behavior. This may be a case of the age old problem of the written word, being subject to interpretation of its reader, void of all personal interaction and hints to actual intentions. And even face-to-face, everyone knows we still fail to fully synchronize our thoughts at both ends of a conversation. And then there is this, giving the benefit of the doubt and exercising one's chance to ask for clarification before falling to suppositions. "If you can't quote it, if it's between the lines, it might not be there at all."
  9. I'd rather Bethesda Softworks go to the lengths of releasing a 'Creation Kit' at all to the general public, compared to what just about everyone else does, thus enabling us to carry the torch far beyond the borders of commercially feasible development, than having Beth themselves build 10 more quests, a couple of spells or the like with their time. The CK is such a boon, a gigantic multiplicator, and the better of the choices for us gamers in the end.
  10. I don't have a reliable number of 'hours played', since I never start the game with its steam layout running. (Day 1 install, via Bethesda supplied .exe, runs like a charm and ever since.) But my guess would be 100+ easily! Started a pure mage, a thief, and a 2h warrior, all in their 40+s by now, exploring different parts of the map with each, different questlines where feasible, different karma approaches, different quest branches... Skyrim is a superb game, and I continue to enjoy it tremendously! Oh, and I never even got around to advance the first quest beyond 'Diplomatic Immunity' yet! :)
  11. I salute you, and the lengths you went to clearing this up. :) Never knew the question was a hot topic, but I did ask myself, too. Glad that I agree with Mr. Rogers on this. ;) As a side note, don't do modern female police riot armors just the same? Why would anyone funnel projectiles toward one's heart! "Suicide-facilitating armor..."
  12. No, I would not pay for any such DLC. And I'd be heartbroken if they decided to divert development resources into that avenue, which they could instead spend on the single player experience. That said, multiplayer over network is its own area of know-how, engineering ingenuity, and research for a reason! It's complicated, and opens up numerous new ways for any game to 'fail'. That is not a DLC-size project.
  13. Screenshots. All the time. And they take up 6 odd MB each, being .bmps, so I began converting them after the fact once in a while. No, I never deleted one so far.
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