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Everything posted by htway269

  1. Fusion City Rising and Outcasts And Remnants aren't working in this playthrough. They worked fine on my last playthrough which was about a week ago. I have changed my ini file, ran LOOT and several other things. I have checked the game files through Steam and everything checked out fine. I had no problems getting Valkiere at the Insane Asylum, but when I went to talk to Peter at the railroad after a couple of side quests for them he wouldn't talk. I also went to the BOG bunker to start Wag The Dog after Show No Mercy and can't get it to start. I would really hate to have to start a new character as I am almost to level 70 right now. Any ideas or help would be highly appreciated. I guess nobody cares about my problem. Here I thought I could get some help. My mistake.
  2. I have been playing Fallout 4 with mods for quite awhile. I quit playing when Fallout 76 came out, but that is another problem. I am having problems with my game taking a long time to load after I hit play. Never had it before this past Janurary. Sometimes it crashes to the desktop to. I only have 22 mods, and my machine can play Fallout 4. It seems to take about 4 to 5 minutes to start, and my biggest mods are Outcasts and Remnants, Fusion City Rising and Project Valkyrie. I never had problems until the first of the year. I have tried everything. I just reinstalled the game again, and still having problems loading. Any help would be highly appreciated. I am a 72 yr Veteran, so maybe there is something I don't understand. Open to some tips or answers.
  3. I just redone my Fallout 4 game by deleting it, reinstalling it, adding some mods, and now it pauses every few seconds while I walking around, I get kicked out of workshop mode when I am trying to build, or scraping stuff, and some of my mods aren't working, like Spring cleaning. I have tried a different load order, and still don't know what to do except start all over again. This will be my 6th start over. My Computer Asus Rog gaming laptop Intel Quad Core Processor 16GB Memory 1 TB Hard drive Nvidia Geforce GTX 960m 17 Inch monitor, but I play on a HP 22 inch external HDMI monitor anybody got some suggestins?
  4. I think it was about a year or so ago that I asked this same question, and someone pointed me to a video of a modder creating a settlement a little ways from vault 111. It was easy to follow, but I was having trouble pausing the video, and trying to follow it. I had an older gaming pc at the time. I have a better gaming laptop now, and can't find that video. I didn't write the name of the author or anything else, and I don't know how to find in this forum where I asked for help before. I have been able to make weapon mods from watching videos on that subject, and haven't had much problems. I know nothing is ever simple. The two videos I have seen now are long, and are hard for me to follow. I am 71 years old, and it is very hard for me to follow some peoples instructions. You might be thinking why is this old man playing this game anyway. I enjoy being the good guy for once, and it passes time. I would also like to create some things for my game using the creation kit, but feel that the instructions are aimed at a much younger person. Sorry for being long winded, but I have a hard time explaining something with just a few sentances. I can't even spell. Sorry for the long writing.
  5. No. I need a simple video, as I don't understand how he does this. Can you get where I am coming from? Thanks
  6. There used to be a real simple tutorial on creating a simple settlement with the creation kit, but I can't find it, and I don't want to spent 30 minutes on a tutorial on how to make one. I can't remember the tutorial, or where on here to find where I ask that question. Just an Old Timer looking for some help on creating a simple settlement with the Fallout 4 Creation Kit
  7. I watched a video of another guy who made a weapon, put it in a vault trunk in sanctuary hills, and it was there when he went there. I made a mod of a 10mm pistol, and put it in a container at the red rocket truck outside of sanctuary hills. It was there when I started a new game, and I was able to mod it on a weapons bench. I tried the same with the lever action rifle in Far Harbor, and it was there when I got to Far Harbor, when I tried to modify it at a workbench it didn't show up in my inventory. It shows up in my weapons inventory to use, but not to modify. Can someone tell me why I can't modify it in Far Harbor. Your help has been great, but the lever action rifle in far Harbor shows up as a test rifle in Far Harbors weapons. I don't understand that part. That's what I am stuck on.
  8. Thanks a lot you guy's were helpfull. I have one more question. I followed a modders video on how to create a weapon mod, and put it in a container anywhere in sanctuary hills. That is why I was wanting info on Far Harbor. Thanks again. I might just be able to create a mod yet. Thanks again.
  9. I don't know how else to put this, but I am new at modding, and can't seem to get help on this site in creating a mod. Maybe I am asking the wrong questions, but I am 70 years old, and also have problems understanding some concepts. I have created a few weapon mods for myself, using tutorials from other modders, but when I ask for a specfic question, I don't seem to get the answer I am looking for. I have looked a dozens of tutorials on making settlements, and so on, and still am having problems. I would just like it if someone could just give me a straight answer. Is that to much to ask for. Case in point. I looked at a tutorial on making Echo Lumber bigger, but the author never showed hoe to check which .esm to put first, or anything else. I need help. Please.
  10. It's nice to know that you can ask a question, and get no answers. Thanks?
  11. I made a weapon mod for myself of the lever action rifle from far harbor, put it in a container, so when I would get to far harbor it would be in this container. It worked, and when I got to far harbor, the container was their with my weapon mod, I was able to get it, and use it, but I can't add any mods to it on my weapons workbench in far harbor. How can I redo it in order for me to equip a scope, and a silencer to it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. I had already started a settlement in far harbor when I done far from home. I was able to buy one of his guard dogs, and sent it back to the commonwealth. Later on in the game, I go back, and when he ask where do I want him to go he just says I am not going to sell you a do if you don't have a home. I am new using mods, and have encountered problems before, like saving a settler in the commonwealth, and asking them to join me, but no settlements pop up. I deleted some of the mods, and still had the problem. I also use LOOT to set my load order. I have unlimited companion framework installed, and have been able to get them before, but later in the game I have trouble. Yesterday I verified the files, by right clicking on Fallout 4 in Steam, and had 60 some missing. After they were loaded back into the game it wouldn't run. I deleted Steam, and had to reload Fallout 4, still had the problem, so started over with a new game. I went from level 67 back to level 0. I have problems comprehending some of how you use mods, and so on. I am a 68 year old Veteran and play these games to occupy my mind. I have problems understanding what to do. I have made a few weapon mods for myself to play with in my games, without any problems, but am still having problems playing with mods. I understand that mods can mess with the game, but sometimes things work and others it just makes me want to just quit playing altogether. The peoblem is I love the heck out of this game, because it is a open world type game. Maybe someone can understand all the mumbo jumbo that I have written. Thanks.
  13. I am playing with mods, and when I try to buy a guard dog from Erickson in far harbor he says he can't sell me a dog if I don't have a home for it. Need help. P l e a s e
  14. I have asked for help in several areas, see where quite a few people read, but no one answers, or there is just one person. I am a elderly Veteran, and have trouble understanding some of the discussions on here. I have been playing Fallout 4 since this past spring, and have just gotten into getting mods, and creating a few weapon mods myself for my own use. I have this problem right now where I meet a settler somewhere in the commonwealth, and they thank me for helping them, and when they ask if I know somewhere they can go, I ask why don;t they join me, but none of my settlements pop up, so they say ok and then walk off. I am frustrated. Please can someone help, or is this just for those of you who mod, and nothing else. I am stuck and would like some help.
  15. I saved a couple of settlers out in the commonwealth and they asked if I knew of a place safe for them. When I ask them to join me none of my settlements pop up to send them to. Is this a big problem. I have asked for other help in these forums, but haven't gotten any answers. I don't know what to do. Would like some help. Thank.
  16. I am new to moding, and am thinking about creating my own vertibird using my workshop. I have started it, but would like a little help in making it so I can fast travel, how do I use scripts, and so on. As I said I am very new with the Creation kit, and have only made a few weapons mods for my game. They worked fine as there wasn't much except to change a few things and wala I had a custom weapon. This is a big step for me. I have seen somewhere where someone said to look at a mod and see ow it is made, but can't seem to find what I am wanting to do. I don't want to copy someone eleses mod, but would like to see how someone has made a mod, espeically the kind I am trying to build. Any help would be appreaciated. Thank, and don't mind my miss spelling. I am a Veteran with head trama from war. Thanks.
  17. I can do some of the things in these videos, but what I am trying to find is how to start, and if I want to quit for awhile, and then go back to it, how do I save it, then go into Creation Kit, and pickup where I left off at. That is what I am waning to know.
  18. I have seen this one before, and it is hard for me to see without it being a video. I am looking at a small Island off the coast of Salem, down from Barneies bunker. It isn't to far from land, and I would like to try and make it a settlement for me right now. I am looking for a good video.
  19. I have seen several videos in building a new settlement in the Common Wealth with the Creation Kit for Fallout 4, but I am having trouble following it. I know how to start , but don't know how to save it, so if I want to come back later and work on, it will show up in the Creation Kit without me having to look all over for it. I am slow in learning this, have made a couple of weapons mods for myself, and they worked fine. I want to create a new settlement for myself without using the Make Your Own Camp mod I have. I kind of need baby steps. Have seen a couple of videos on settlement building with CK, but can't find what I am looking for. Some help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  20. Sorry for that. The game I am referring to if Fallout 4, and yes I see videos out there on what I am trying to do, but it doesn't answer some of my questions. I have made a few weapons mods for my game, and they worked great. The videos I am viewing are creating a settlement somewhere in the Common Wealth, but they don't tell how to do certain things, like how to; say for instance I start creating the settlement, and after starting it to be able to save, and come back to it later, and pick right up where I left off. Hop this helps
  21. I am trying to get help in creating a mod for my self. I am 69 years old, and need info to be baby steps. I need help. If someone can help, I would appreciate very much. I don't really know where to start except, I am new to this forum, and don't want to do something wrong, so yes I am asking for some help, info, etc.
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