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  1. Maybe you modded your destruction magic and forgot about it =p
  2. Nords are the most racist of all the native populations yet. I mean.. Morrowind had slavery but free Khajiit/Argonians were all over the place too.
  3. what jiggly boobs mod? Yeah, I looked too (for the mod). I think the poster is just smoking better herb than me. CHSBHC body mod and BBP -Breast and Butt Physics- Your herb is just as good as any =p
  4. I've grown quite fond of Eola. She tends to stay out of the way which is good as I need a lot of space to swing my 2-hander. I like having fireballs going every which way in battles too. Makes things more interesting. I did alter her so that she doesn't use area of effect spells and gave her eye back. Her back story is pretty cool too.
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