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  1. Hello Everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows of a mod that makes AI a little smarter? I'm not talking about combat or walking around paths etc, but more so that make them more aware of their surroundings? I'd really like a mod that makes an AI, guard, bandit, general patrol character a little more aware that "something is up" if they happen to see a dead body in the area that they are sitting in or walking around in... How many times have you killed one bandit in a cave and then a patrol comes round a few minutes later and walks straight past the dead body without even looking at it or thinking, "hmmm, I wonder why Dave has an arrow in his face", or "hmmmm, must has been my imagination" when there is CLEARLY an arrow sticking out of a timber beam right next to the bandits head. Anyone know of a mod that does something along these lines? If not, I'll post something in the Mod Request section and see if any modders might have an idea of how to go about doing this. cheers, Dave
  2. Right - For anyone who is having the same problem as me, or for that matter a problem with any other animals/actors that seem to be bugging out, I've managed to fix mine. I'm not saying this is a 100% fix for you, but it has worked for me at least. As above, my Sabers and Mammoths are buggy, kill a saber is flies off, kill a mammoth and it starts to fall down, then "jumps" back up and stands still like a display at a museum! My fix is simple: Go to your Skyrim/Steam folder:\Data\Meshes\actors Find the folder you are having problems with, i.e. Sabercat or Mammoth - Cut Folder and Paste somewhere Safe (just in case this fix does not work for you and you need to restore it). Open Game and Test - I've deleted the Sabercat and Mammoth folders, loaded game, spawned the animals, killed them and they now fall-down-dead properly and are lootable again :D Hope this helps you, if not, don't blame me. If you try it and it doesn't work, restore your folder/files as they were before you tried. GL
  3. Right - For anyone who is having the same problem as me, or for that matter a problem with any other animals/actors that seem to be bugging out, I've managed to fix mine. I'm not saying this is a 100% fix for you, but it has worked for me at least. As above, my Sabers and Mammoths are buggy, kill a saber is flies off, kill a mammoth and it starts to fall down, then "jumps" back up and stands still like a display at a museum! My fix is simple: Go to your Skyrim/Steam folder:\Data\Meshes\actors Find the folder you are having problems with, i.e. Sabercat or Mammoth - Cut Folder and Paste somewhere Safe (just in case this fix does not work for you and you need to restore it). Open Game and Test - I've deleted the Sabercat and Mammoth folders, loaded game, spawned the animals, killed them and they now fall-down-dead properly and are lootable again :D Hope this helps you, if not, don't blame me. If you try it and it doesn't work, restore your folder/files as they were before you tried. GL
  4. With Boss. If you just mean you wanted the modlist.txt that lists the mods I'm using, then I have that here.
  5. I've managed to put the masterlist.txt onto my Google Drive and then set to "anyone with link can view" https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-LjE0xRCrVZUjlKQml1Y1BrQkU/edit?usp=sharing If this isn't what you wanted, let me know :D
  6. Hi Georgiegril, This is the 3rd time I've tried to reply. I cannot post the Boss Log, every time I try the forums hangs or Chrome crashes, I think it is too big. I assume you mean the masterlist.txt file? Its 1.64mb. I tried to post it on Pastebin but it says I've exceeded the file-size allowed. I've not changed anything with ugrid, I don't even know what that is. If anything has been changed it was not intentionally done, is it possible a mod/add on has changed something? If you tell me where to locate it I could have a look and see if I recognise it... With regards to the pref.ini, do you mean the SkyrimPrefs.ini located Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Skyrim? If so, here it is Hope you can help.
  7. Hello everyone, I've spent a while looking on google and on different forums and had no luck actually finding out what is causing my issue with Saber Cats and Mammoths, I hope someone here can help. I'm sure its probably caused by a mod or addon, but I honestly don't know which. I've run Boss and that didn't pick up anything and TES5 did not fix the issue either. Basically, whenever I kill a Saber Cat it goes flying off in to the air, this means it cannot be looted unless you are lucky enough to grab it when its near and also (and most annoyingly) its A FLYING DEAD CAT... I really want to fix this but I don't know which mod has caused the issue. I have disabled all mobs and spawned a Saber Cat and the same thing happens, so seems like its probably something a mod has actually changed with a file, rather than an active mod issue. I also have a problem where if I kill a Mammoth it is unlootable. i.e. Shoot/Kill Mammoth and it starts to fall down then halfway to the floor it "pops" back up on to all fours and stands there like a statue but it is not lootable and when you go next to it you can walk through it and it does not come up that it is even there... Any help/advise would be appreciated. I can provide any info when/if needed just let me know and I'll post whatever is requested. Cheers all, Dave
  8. Bump on this one - Anyone know how to fix this Flying/Spinning Sabercat problem? Basically, when I see a Sabercat (alive) it works/fights etc all ok - When you kill a Sabercat - It turns into a helicopter and goes flying off into the air - Meaning no loot and generally annoying. On another note, I have a problem wiht Mammoths at the moment too - Mammoth alive, works ok. Kill one and it doesn't fall down dead, it just stands there dead, and you cannot loot it. Would be nice to fix these little issues.
  9. I've just been in the chat on this forums, and people are saying that the SKSE BETA version (on the SKSE website) works with the update that just happened today. Apparently though it "can" cause problems with Skyrim. I'm not clear if those "Problems" are temporary problems such as mods not operating correctly while using the Beta version and everything will be ok when the new full version comes out, OR if those problems are permanent, i.e. messing up core files... I'm going to try it anyway, can always re-installed and my Skyrim syncs with Cloud, so should be able to get my saves back I guess (I hope! lol) http://skse.silverlock.org/ for anyone else who is going to try it... GL
  10. I'm a little confused. I went to play Skyrim yesterday and got the message saying newer version of Skyrim than SKSE. I played without my mods that require SKSE (not nice by the way). After I finished playing I checked the SKSE site as I know they update quite quickly - New SKSE was on there, so I downloaded and installed - loaded Skyrim to test and all working ok - Closed down and went to bed. Just went to play Skyrim tonight and getting same error saying Skyrim version newer than SKSE. So I can only assume there's been some kind of Skyrim update on Steam since yesterday, most likely a bug fix or something. What confuses me is that when I went to Steam and checked on my "Product Updates" it should list every since patch/update that it has downloaded since original install, but it doesn't. The last "update" listed is March 2012 to version 1.5... Hope SKSE get it updated again quickly as I can't be arsed playing without my mods again...everything seemed slow and bitty without my lovely mods.
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