Right - For anyone who is having the same problem as me, or for that matter a problem with any other animals/actors that seem to be bugging out, I've managed to fix mine. I'm not saying this is a 100% fix for you, but it has worked for me at least. As above, my Sabers and Mammoths are buggy, kill a saber is flies off, kill a mammoth and it starts to fall down, then "jumps" back up and stands still like a display at a museum! My fix is simple: Go to your Skyrim/Steam folder:\Data\Meshes\actors Find the folder you are having problems with, i.e. Sabercat or Mammoth - Cut Folder and Paste somewhere Safe (just in case this fix does not work for you and you need to restore it). Open Game and Test - I've deleted the Sabercat and Mammoth folders, loaded game, spawned the animals, killed them and they now fall-down-dead properly and are lootable again :D Hope this helps you, if not, don't blame me. If you try it and it doesn't work, restore your folder/files as they were before you tried. GL