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Everything posted by Neil187
Okay so I've made a bit of progress, and actually I do find it easier to animate the nif in 3ds MAX like South8028 suggested above, and then have the animation play in game. There will be no player or NPC interaction with these objects, so no issues will arise there. This leads me to another question which I think is more NifSkope related. How do I set up the animation so it just plays by itself without the need for scripting and activators in CK? I just want the animation to play on an indefinite loop as soon as the game loads. I have seen someone ask this question on a forum from 2013, and they ended up solving their own problem but they did not describe the solution in enough detail. It was also for the original Skyrim which could be different.
Good call on the "Is Full LOD". When you say TranslateToRef, are you referring to the ObjectReference script? I have yet to attempt scripts in CK so I want to make sure I'm understanding you properly. I agree that creating movements in CK would be much more feasible than animating in 3DS. I am okay with creating my own meshes, but animation is also uncharted territory for me.
Thank you for the reply, I wasn't aware of the uGrids limitation,but I suppose that won't be a major issue as the mod involves heavy fog and a shorter view distance anyway. I was reading up on xMarkerHeading (I think thats what it was called?), which are used to move objects via scripts, usually through activating a switch in game. What I'm hoping to do is just have a static object move from one set of coordinates to another. Also, I wonder about implementing distant explosions into the sky box. I think I recall a shooting star mod for Skyrim which may work for what I'm going for
Hi all. I'm working on a mod which will require the right ambience to set the proper tone. What I am trying to do is have ships "dogfighting" in the sky. Now, I don't actually need them to be actively chasing each other, just kind of randomly flying in random directions through the sky. Ideally, they would simply be static objects and not actual NPC's/vertibird actors. The other thing I would like to attempt is have random explosion effects high up in the sky, to add depth to the dogfighting. Also, having laser bolts would go a long way as well. They don't technically NEED to be emitting from the static objects, mind you. Essentially, I am looking to somewhat replicate the ambient sky battles you see happening in some Battlefield/COD/Battlefront maps. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much and have a great weekend everyone!
[LE] Custom textures are looking horrendous in-game
Neil187 replied to Neil187's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hey, just so everyone knows I have figured this out. Pretty simple fix: In NifSkope I had to right-lick on each mesh and select Mesh > Face Normals. The only reason I had to do this is because in 3dsMax I accidentally unchecked "Normals" in the exporter settings for the Nif file at some point. Re-enabling this solved the problem and I don't need to manually perform the fix in Nifskope anymore. Not likely that anyone else will ever have this issue, but just in case, this is the solution. Thanks everyone! :thumbsup: -
[LE] Custom textures are looking horrendous in-game
Neil187 replied to Neil187's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Interesting. I'm also using Photoshop CC, saving in BC7. I've updated the link with uncompressed versions of the files now, maybe that will help? https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj98NjxjA_awhb46MzQVHKo1IX-MLQ?e=JOnTd3 I've also noticed that I have this problem on every custom mesh that I create. Maybe my textures are fine, and I need to change something in NifSkope? -
[LE] Custom textures are looking horrendous in-game
Neil187 replied to Neil187's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Thanks for taking a look! Weird that you're only seeing black when you open them. I downloaded them from the link I posted and they seem to show up normal in Photoshop. Which program are you using to view them? -
Hey everyone! I've added some custom trees into SSE, everything is good except how the textures look in-game. I've posted a video of what they look like while playing, notice how there seems to be a "black depth" to it, and a crazy amount of contrast between the colors in the texture. I've also attached a link to the diffuse and normal maps, which look much better in Photoshop. I've messed with the Alpha channel in the normal map, trying all black, all white, and in between, which seems to make no difference. Specular is turned off in the Nif as well. Any help would be appreciated, thank you! Video: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Aj98NjxjA_awhb43aweDMk1jnGQMzQ?e=a2sVyTTexture Files: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aj98NjxjA_awhb46MzQVHKo1IX-MLQ?e=JOnTd3
Elrich is a magical tool which Bethesda tossed to us with Fallout 4. As @YouDontKnowMyName mentioned, 3dsMax is a much more efficient way to do all of this if you can get a hold of the program. There are a lot of videos showing the entire process on YouTube, I find this one gets to the point and is easy to follow. Also, I figured out my problem. When you process a Nif in Elrich, it will apply the "Hidden" flag to any un-textured mesh in the Nif. So to solve this, you set up textures in 3dsmax however you want them, and then apply the BSLightingFX material to the mesh, run the Havok tools, and export. In NifSkope you can define the textures you used and they'll apply how you had them arranged in 3dsmax. Once that is done, Elrich is the final step before you place the Nif in CreationKit. Dang I sound smart right now.
Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with the custom meshes I've created. I've successfully done this in the past numerous times, I do not know what I am doing differently now. Once I export a mesh from 3ds 2013, it shows up just fine in NifSkope. After running the mesh through Elrich, it does not show up in NifSkope or CK at all. I cannot figure out what exactly I've changed in my process.. I would appreciate any help! Thank you everyone I've attached a screenshot of the post-elrich mesh in NifSkope: EDIT: So I was examining the post-Elrich nif in NifSkope and noticed that the "hidden" flag was enabled for each part of the mesh. So for some reason, Elrich is making enabling this flag when I process any Nif. I'm not sure where to go from here as I have never had this happen before
So I looked around and found a few videos/tutorials about the OS method. It seems okay but is still dicey for any mesh which is not similar to a vanilla mesh. However, if you look at this website (https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=3ds_Max_-_NifTools_Plugin) which refers to the updated NifTools for 3ds 2016-2018, it vaguely describes how to add collision. I have tried to follow what it is saying but cannot seem to get any results. Does anyone have any ideas?
I may have came across that tutorial in my searches but likely dismissed it thinking it was only for armor and clothing mods. If I can find it and get it to work for what I am doing, I'll put it here so others can use it. Thanks a lot for the fast replies, didn't think I'd be figuring anything else out tonight!
Hello, Fallout 4 was released back in 2015, and we are now a third of the way through 2019. I know in the past there have been a number of different plugins for 3ds/Blender to handle meshes for this game. It seems that the one which comes with CK only works for 3ds Max 2013 which is quite old now. So my question is, what is the most up to date method/program/plugin as of now to handle the creation of new .NIF files for this game? I have had much more luck with Skyrim SE, there have been changes to Fo4.
Hi everyone, What I am trying to do is add some weapons which are part of some downloaded mods, to leveled lists in the game. This seems like it should be simple enough. I add them to the lists in CreationKit, I load my game, and they work. However, the next time Ioad my esp in CK, i have numerous warnings of Duplicate FormID's. And to make things worse, when I open my modified Leveled Lists, they no longer show the weapons I added, but some other thing instead (weapon modification, etc.) Does anyone have any advice? I've been searching google and various forums for 2 days now. Thank you!