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Everything posted by ronin3223

  1. There are 2 amazing mods for LE. 1 is Spartacus gladiator armor and the other is Gannicus armor. Hoping for a port to SE. I would attempt myself but am very limited on hard drive space. Any help would be appreciated
  2. There are 2 amazing mods for LE. 1 is Spartacus gladiator armor and the other is Gannicus armor. Hoping for a port to SE. I would attempt myself but am very limited on hard drive space. Any help would be appreciated
  3. I am a huge Batgirl fan. I'm sure it's asking a lot but was hoping to find a Batgirl outfit. 3ba compatible if anyone if feeling ambitious. Thank you
  4. well i am still working on getting my first mod to work. Once Ive got a grip on things Id be willing to attempt requests for all u great nexus people. Send a pic link of mistress of mystery cuz I dont know what your talking bout :/
  5. Spent a solid 8 hours yesterday trying to make my own standalone mod, while simultaneously trying to learn photoshop for the first time. I have yet to produce any solid results but I think Im heading in the right direction. So far all Ive got is a shiny pink vaultsuit... Any advice is appreciated :laugh:
  6. Ok I just bought photoshop and Im going to dl and try my first shot at modding today :P If Im successful Ill put some time aside to make mods for both you DC and Marvel fans out there
  7. Any DC characters from the golden age would be interesting. Kinda like playing 2 games at once! Justice League or Legion of Doom Fallout style
  8. It would be great to see a Wonder Woman outfit. Maybe Batgirl or Supergirl? Just hoping :)
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