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  1. Hello ! Recently I've tried to get the Balloonists Goggles ( from MP ) to SP. AFAIK it hasn't been done yet. I tried the obvious : Using Rampage / Lenny Outfit Changer : this doesn't work on Arthur, as eyewear from Online is bugged ( all stretched to the side ). However, it's clear that eyewear isn't impossible to do in SP, and there seems to be two ways to do it : through added items : see WhyEm's DLC and the old NPC Catalog mod through replacing the Boar or Raven claw Talisman : see the (outdated) Spectacles mod from QwardNaffle ( https://www.rdr2mod.com/spectacles/ ) The latter uses YTD/YDD files that go into the "Stream folder", and AFAIK through simply replacing the name with the talisman's file name, you can replace the model and texture. I just need to extract the Balloonists Goggles YTD/YDD files from God knows where. The second option would be to edit WhyEm's mod ( for my personal use ) by changing out the model and texture of one of the eyepatches, although this seems harder to do. My question now is : does that sound possible / doable to you ? Am I missing the obvious ? Do you have any tips ? Cheers
  2. Hi, I have infinite loading screen since installing Racecompatibility for Dawnguard ( USLEEP and Sacrosanct patches included ). They do not appear when I start a new game, however. My Bashed patch, RSPatch, Dyndolod.esp are up to date and the load order is from LOOT, with a few minor correction ( VampiresTakeNoSunDamage loaded after Sacrosanct, Holds lowered down as advised by the author ). Here is my Papyrus log0 : http://pastebin.com/edQUETZx Here is my load order : http://pastebin.com/EsPRWPaz ( the last ligne disturbs me ) Does anyone know what's going on ? I'd be very appreciative Thanks SOLVED : It was in fact a basic memory error. I though I already had SafetyLoad installed, but I did not, for some reason. Anyway, check your Skse.ini and if it's still broken, use safety load.
  3. I FOUND OUT WHY I ran a new RSPatch and a new DynDoLod and it solved everything. I'm guessing the latter is what was messing with fast travel. Never knew that was a thing, sinced Immersive Travel was never linked to LODs or snow. Anyway, SOOOOOLVED
  4. I applied Filter for Conflict and loads of plugins went red, but I have no idea how I'm going to find what is FastTravel related in there.. I searched for Travel, no result. Fast returns one entry, but it's linked to a fast healing scroll
  5. Thanks for your help, I tried following the instructions, the problem remains the same.. EDIT : Here I've included my Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini. They were edited to fix memory issues and ENB related one, as well as archery and killmove tweaks, so I doubt that it's related, but hey. http://pastebin.com/6stiL65dhttp://pastebin.com/e5UjndD0
  6. It did, the link is just white characters on white background ^^ Here it is http://pastebin.com/V0Mffawh ( PS : New Mod is an empty plugin )
  7. Hi ! So I've been playing for a while with Immersive Travel, which basically disables Fast Travel. Today I decided to give it up since it started boring me. Anyway, I decided to uninstall it and also removed Complete Fast Travel Overhaul. There were no reported bug with simply removing it so I did. I also cleaned my save afterwards using the Save Cleaner. Still, now when I click on the map it says I cannot fast travel from this location. Sleeping, Carriages, Waiting, they all work, but wherever I go I cannot fast travel from the map. I've tried : Starting a new game Waiting 48h the command EnableFastTravel 1 Getting caught by gards and paying off a bounty ( seen on a forum ) Going off very far in the wild ( seen on a forum ) Nothing changed. What's weird is that I took the Carriage to Dawnstar ( never been inside the city much ) and I could actually fast travel from there, but NOWHERE else in the world, and I've tried very hard. Here's my load order : http://pastebin.com/V0Mffawh Loads of ESPs, I know, but none are linked to Fast Travel, Bashed Patch is ok, and the order is ok too. I've tried to uninstall Bandolier, nothing changed I would greatly appreciate any help, thanks :smile:
  8. Hello, I've recently seen this image on the Nexus and I'd love to have her as a follower : http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/49178-5-1387996247.jpg Obviously I don't want to look like I'm ordering a mod like we order a meal at a restaurant, but if she could be balanced and leveled it would be awesome. Thanks for reading.
  9. Reeeead ;) I mean having to create the same things ( potions, smith, enchant ) over and over. In order to level up and have suitable gear.
  10. Do you need to grind a lot in SkyRe ? ( I mean like the Vanilla game ? More ? Less ? )
  11. " or do you mean having to increase skills by crafting thousands of useless items? " That's exactly what I meant. I know by heart how to rank up in Enchanting, Smithing and Alchemy now, and want to play a new adventure but without doing all that useless stuff. And I felt like cheating. I'm looking for a Overhaul that would make the game still challenging, immersive and with lot of diversity, but without having to farm. I've been looking into SkyRe and Requiem, is it a good place to start ? ( thanks for all the answers )
  12. Hello, I've been playing Skyrim since 11/11/11, and started several saves, used tons of mods. Everytime, I end up grinding. I've tried SkyTweak, but I'm not satisfied yet. Lately I've been looking for an Overhaul, that keep maximum immersion, wich is very important to me. But I really want to enjoy everything the mod/game has to offer without grinding. Do you know a Overhaul for me ?
  13. Hey there, I'm looking for a simple mod that would permanently change the minimum pickpocket chance from 0% to 10%. I've found a mod that change it to 20% but that is too much.. Can anyone help me ?
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