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  1. Raven - Teen Titans Cartoon. It would be amazing if someone could take the time to create this character mod I would love to use it if anyone is ever interested in the Idea here are pictures. And it's pretty straightforward honestly. There are many more pictures all over the web and of course videos.
  2. For the love of god if someone where to make this mod it would be epic. Character = Sesshomaru. Weapon's = Bakusaiga - Tenseiga - Tessaiga - Tokijin - Poison Claws. The three weapons that would matter the most is Bakusaiga, Tenseiga and his Poison Claws. Many pictures of Sesshomaru in this link. https://www.google.com/search?q=Sesshomaru&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51156542,d.dmg,pv.xjs.s.en_US._-554IbEZc0.O&biw=1260&bih=710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=94QbUo3GH4P94APqyIDQCw#imgdii=_ Bakusaiga in this link. https://www.google.com/search?q=Sesshomaru&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51156542,d.dmg,pv.xjs.s.en_US._-554IbEZc0.O&biw=1260&bih=710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=94QbUo3GH4P94APqyIDQCw#fp=909978ac6696dcb0&hl=en&q=Bakusaiga&tbm=isch&um=1&imgdii=_ Tenseiga in this link. https://www.google.com/search?q=Sesshomaru&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.51156542,d.dmg,pv.xjs.s.en_US._-554IbEZc0.O&biw=1260&bih=710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=94QbUo3GH4P94APqyIDQCw#fp=909978ac6696dcb0&hl=en&q=Tenseiga&tbm=isch&um=1&imgdii=_ Tokijin in this link. https://www.google.com/search?q=Tokijin&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=wYUbUuSqBIXJ4AOZ2YGQCw&biw=1260&bih=710&sei=woUbUtD3Ebar4AOjsYDoDg Here is the info on most importantly his weapons. Powers & Abilities - BakusaigaDecomposition: Bakusaiga's primary ability is to decompose any organic material its blade cuts. Once cut, the target becomes "infected" with spontaneous destruction that disintegrates the main body and nullifies any regenerative properties the target may have. In addition, the remaining destruction will continue to spread to any organic matter that comes into physical contact with the original target, similar to a virus. It is because of this particular ability that Bakusaiga proved to be a bane to Naraku, as it prevented him from absorbing or reabsorbing yōkai or parts of himself that were cut by the sword without risking being destroyed himself.Youki Wave: In addition to its decomposition ability, the Bakusaiga can also fire off explosive blasts of green-colored youki capable of destroying weaker demons with ease. Rumiko Takahashi stated that Bakusaiga's energy attack, while similar to the Kaze no Kizu, possesses much greater strength and power than Inuyasha's full-powered Bakuryuha. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities - TenseigaResurrection: Tenseiga can restore the life of the recently-deceased by cutting the pall-bearers who take the souls of the dead; however, as seen with Kagura, it requires a relatively-intact body to work and only works once as not to grant eternal life. Although Tenseiga cannot cut what belongs to the Living World, its healing powers allow it to slay the undead or spirits; it proved effective in killing Magatsuhi, the evil will of the demons trapped in the Shikon Jewel, and would have slain the resurrected Takemaru of Setsuna if not for Sō'unga's ability to create the living dead. After Rin's second death, Sesshōmaru shows compassion to the dead souls in the Underworld, asking, "You all wished to be saved too, is that it?", and grants their wish by using Tensaiga to purify their souls.Teleportation: Tenseiga had the ability to transport its wielder across vast distances when his life was in serious danger.Access to the Netherworld: The Tenseiga grants whoever wields it access into the Netherworld through the Border of the Afterlife. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powers and Abilities - TokijinAura: When wielded by Kaijinbō, the sword constantly emits an intensely evil aura, so much that it ends up consuming its own creator, Kaijinbō, body and all. The aura itself was so sinister that other demons were unable to go even near it, until it is succumbed by Sesshōmaru. It is a pale reddish energy aura in color.Kenatsu: This ability allowed the Tōkijin to slash enemies with its yōki without direct contact. Initially, Tōkijin fired needles of kenatsu which could dispose of many yōkai, but Sesshōmaru later develops a stronger kenatsu, composed of a massive wave of blue yōki, similar to the Kaze no Kizu. Later, Sesshōmaru developed a second kenatsu that fired a massive sphere of green-blue energy. Dragon Strike (蒼龍破, Blue Dragon Fracture, "Sōryūha"): Tōkijin's strongest and most powerful only named attack. When Sesshōmaru charges yōki into the Tōkijin, then releases a massive amount of yōki in the form of light-blue, glowing arcs of lightning. In the fourth movie, the Sōryūha became stronger and manifested in the form of a blue dragon composed of pure energy and lightning. The "Dragon Strike" is at first shown to be equal in power to the Bakuryūha but when Sesshōmaru channeled his anger into the Tōkijin to strengthen and enhance the attack even further, it eventually overpowered the Backlash Wave. Only featured within the movies and anime. Energy Slash: There are times where yellow lightning is released from the blade. However, this ability is only demonstrated in the PS2 game, Inuyasha: Feudal Combat. And here is some of the info of his Abilities - of course most of them you wont need it's just an example to most of what is needed. Powers & AbilitiesAs a full blooded demon, Sesshōmaru is overwhelmingly powerful, being a match for any opponent he encounters. He has exhibited senses much more powerful than that of humans and even many demons and a plethora of powerful techniques at his disposal. Flight: Sesshōmaru is capable of independent flight or can extend his mokomoko-sama and use it to carry himself through the air. The latter method of flight enables him to bring others along with him while flying by riding his mokomoko-sama with him.Immunity: Sesshōmaru is immune to diseases and toxins that affect humans and weaker yōkai. His greatest resistance seems to be toward holy and divine powers; he was able to enter Mt. Hakurei's purification barrier, by far the strongest of its type in the series, without being purified, and has negated Naraku's attempts to absorb him.Super Speed: Sesshōmaru can move faster than the eye can see, both on land and in the air. He can decapitate an entire army of samurai before they can react. Super Strength: Sesshōmaru possesses physical strength far beyond that of a normal demon. His total strength in a single arm is equal to Inuyasha's full strength.Senses: Due to his lineage, Sesshōmaru exhibits extremely heightened senses, particularly his sense of smell. He can discern characteristics of most objects through scent, such as the undead Band of Seven through the scent of graveyard soil and pure-demon blood from half-demon blood (such as when Inuyasha's demon blood takes over). Through smell alone, Sesshōmaru can follow events transpiring far away or which have already transpired; for example, he learned of everything that had happened during Inuyasha's confrontation with Goshinki by simply sniffing the area in which they fought at least several hours, if not days, after the battle.Daiyōkai Form: As the son of a daiyōkai, Sesshōmaru has inherited similar levels of power and thus is a daiyōkai in his own right — endowed with heightened senses, intelligence, strength, and a myriad of yōkai powers. While he appears to be an elf-eared human bearing splendid clothing and armor most of the time, he can transform into his true inuyōkai form. While this form grants him incredible brute strength, his large size, lack of agility and specialized abilities, combined with his lack of intelligence, makes his true form more of a hindrance than an asset in battle, as noted by Jaken.Immortality: Being a yōkai, Sesshōmaru does not suffer from old age the way humans do. He appears to be in his early twenties despite being over five hundred years old.Regeneration: During his battle with Magatsuhi, Sesshōmaru's demonstrated the ability to heal the burns and gashes on his right arm. In the same battle, he was able to restore his left arm, which was cut off by Inuyasha at the beginning of the series.Dokkasō (毒華爪, Toxic Luster Claw): Sesshōmaru can release a venomous acid from his claws that can liquify flesh and bone upon contact. Though he normally applies it through his claw strikes, he can also spray the acid from his claws or transfer it into his punches. Mokomoko-sama (モコモコ様, lit. Lord Fluff-Fluff): The fur on Sesshōmaru's shoulder can be extended to great lengths and used to whip, constrict and fling his opponents or carry himself through the air. However, because it is a part of his body, the mokomoko-sama is capable of bleeding and is highly sensitive to pain, to the point that injuring it can render Sesshoumaru temporarily immobilized.Teleportation: In "Showdown: Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru", Sesshōmaru morphed into a ball of energy to escape his father's grave.Psionics: In "Showdown: Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru", he was able to levitate and hurl skulls at Inuyasha and Kagome through telekinesis. Poison Whip: Sesshōmaru can generate a thin, whip-like strand of yellow-green energy from his fingertips to aid him in place of his missing arm. It has shown to be able to puncture armor and flesh with ease and can burn flesh upon contact, similar to his poison. Sōryūha (蒼龍破, Pale Dragon Blast; "Dragon Strike" in the English Dub): Only seen in the movies, its strength is comparable, if not greater than Inuyasha's Kaze no Kizu. He can also put in the ground to break an enemy's barrier. He is seen using it with both the Tōkijin and Tenseiga in the third movie. In the second episode of InuYasha: The Final Act, Sesshōmaru used the Dragon Strike on Mōryōmaru with the Tōkijin at point blank range.
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