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About GaMeR94

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    Minecraft,Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
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    Minecraft,Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning

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  1. Hi folks :), and for the first sry if this topic isn´t right here but I don´t know where I should ask. How the topic description said I´m searching after Confidence Man ENB 1.3 because it isn´t online anymore only the version 1.6 is online but I don´t like it because of to much cinematic looking so I would like to have his version 1.3 which looks a lot better. I´ve asked him whether he can upload his 1.3 version again but he told me that his computer is broken so he can´t upload it. I hope someone of you can help me and can send me his enb preset version 1.3 without any editing^^. thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english, best wishes and friendly greetings GaMeR94
  2. Hello everybody, Im looking for someone of you who can make a timelapse demo video for my enb it would be amazing if someone of you can help me. That one who make me a timelapse demo video should have a strong PC to ensure the best quality. Here is the link to my ENB preset >> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14520 thanks in advance GaMeR94
  3. Thanks for you information bben46 ;) and sry for this stupid idea and that I haven´t read exactly ^^. The topic can closed friendly greetings GaMeR94
  4. I have also heard that they make a DLC but I don´t think that they make currently this kind of DLC or can you send me the videolink please =)? (I have the informations from pcgames.de that they work on a DLC but pcgames.de haven´t more Informations about it)
  5. Hello everbody, For the first I hope you can pardon ^^ when I have written in the wrong thread because Im new in the forum and sry for my bad english Im a German with only a little english experience. Now to the actual topic. I think many of you wish also a DLC with new places and quests and naturally a story which is matching to the places and the game. That is why I have think to make a kind of petition for a DLC which I will send to Bethesda. Therefore it would be amazing if some of you sign that you wish a DLC which added the other parts of Tamriel. It would be also amazing if you have ideas for Bethesda that you write it in this topic. friendly greetins and thx in advance GaMeR94
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