Tamriel A hand crafted map Elder Scrolls got me since Morrowind and ever since I've joined each following game and add-on (except the horse armor DLC). A year ago I had the Idea of drawing my own map. After deciding what direction it will take, I went for a mixture of official maps, fandom maps and some personal ideas. During that time till today, I had to abandon it many times, continued and stoped again for a long time. But in the last week I've managed to invest enourmous ammounts of time to finish this piece of "art" ? (Can be called arts?) http://www.heatherman-creatives.com/storage/tamriel_wide.jpg Many of you will recognize the original map contures, ingame maps or some new parts. Some of you probably will love it. Some might hate it because " OMG, Hey dude, so much work but why not kept to TES Lore? *facepalm*" I had my reasons, why some locations are not labeled or why other unimportant are or why I had this drawing style. For your information, it is signed - so no changes will be made whatsoever :wink: despite this map beeing full of flaws. The map meassures about 100x66cm, can be folded down to somewhat close to a DIN A4 paper and is fully drawn - nothing is printed on this piece of paper. Of course it will be framed and placed somewhere in the house. Tell me what you think about it? Cheers ===UPDATE=== I have let someone digitize the image today (92mp | 300dpi) and like to release it as modder ressource. That image comes with a resolution of 950x660px. Feel free to use it in any mods but please mention my name and website in the credits. Thanks and have fun with it. cheers Brian Heath - heatherman-creatives.com I have made print calculations for high quality poster & photo prints and international shipping. As I can't post that into the forum, I'd like you to contact me for requests and information on brian.heath@heatherman-creatives.com cheers Brian