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  1. "the core gameplay loop seems like it will hold people's attention for a very long time" LMAO This game is a walking dead. Just look at the downloads numbers for even the most popular mods. I honestly can't name a single reason to play this game on a regular basis and I consider myself a fan of the series. Even made a few mods for Fallout games including this one. Don't shill in such an obvious way at least. XD
  2. So is there any real guide that's actually possible to comprehend?
  3. Adding a dn_PowerArmor_Helmet keyword has no effect on a voice whatsoever.
  4. The reason why no one made it till now is that it's a S4!Tload of work animating everything, including shooting in both 1st and 3rd person. I think scripting is the least of the problems here as there are pretty talanted scripters out there, making all corts of even more complex stuff.
  5. Hello. I'm currently trying to edit an outfit in 3DS Max. My goal is simple. Import -> Delete part of the body mesh that is covered by outfit -> Export it back to NIF. Import and editing goes without problem, but after exporting it back to NIF it becomes unskinned and ofc doesn't work. I'm not a 3DS Max expert obviously and it looks like I'm missing something. I guess models must be skinned somehow before export, but I'm honestly have no idea how. Googling did not help so far. Any tip would be appreciated. Regards.
  6. Username change is a feature that could be implemented in 5 min without signle problem. If you just don't want users to change their names, just say so. This "complicated" thing is just a pure BS.
  7. Same problem here, except my game will randomly refuse to load savegames giving me CTD even though it was fine when I was making them. If memory patch is disabled, game works pretty solid. Well, at least I can load my savegames without CTD. Something was definetly changed at memory allocation for this game. When this patch was introduced, there was different setting in SKSE.ini (GiveFirstBornToSheson=1) and SKSE memory log plugin was showing that only the first block is used. Now I can see that both block are used at the same time no matter what size they have. And even if the first block size is more than enough, the second block is still used. I'm not stating that this patch doesn't work for everyone, but it definetly doesn't work for some people including myself and even more, it makes things much worse, causing random CTD. Because using old SKSE doesn't change this behavior, I can only presume that memory allocation was changed in the game itself to remedy CTD, but instead Bethesda made things even worse. All I can say for certain is that anything above 256 in one block cause random CTD for me.
  8. I can confirm. Immersive armors mod is the one that gives that problem.
  9. That's definitely cased by dripping effect. The only workaround I found so far is disable dripping effect in both "Wet and Cold" and "Frostfall". It's really annoying and immersion breaking effect from the mods that supposed to increase immersion.
  10. No one can remove the spike? Anyone? Please?
  11. I've made such mod. You can find it here: Legendary Staffs
  12. http://www.creationkit.com/Data_file#Removing_Master_File_Dependencies_From_Plugins
  13. Dirty edits has NOTHING to do with crashes. And after no positive effect by cleaning save from scripts I believe problem could be even deeper, not in saves but in game core itself.
  14. Doesn't help. Still CTD randomly along with freezing image and running sound. This game is so f...k-up from the start and mods push this ancient and bugged engine to it's limits, making crashes happen more often. But I believe game's core is a source of trouble. Bethesda just never was good when things come to engine.
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