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Everything posted by VitameatavegamN

  1. So I just got FONV for my PC because I've heard so many great things about it, ESPECIALLY after some mods are added to improve gameplay and combat. After some hunting online, I ended up following the directions on at www.gamersnexus.net/gg/1536-fallout-new-vegas-grapics-content-mod-overhaul/Page-4 to start my modding process. Seems simple, right? Well... I got NMM installed in the same folder as my Steam FONV game files. Same for the Script Extender.All the mods in the list above were located and downloaded successfully using NMM (minus a couple I didn't want to use).Half of the mods were "installed/activated", but the other half are just "queued" and haven't shown any downloading progress in over 14 hours.Specifically all of the mods and files associated with Project Nevada were installed, but when the window opened to check my options, it wouldn't let me select the "Cyberware" option because the file doesn't exist? There isn't a Cyberware-only file on the Nexus site that I can find, though. Also, next to the installation status of all Project Nevada files is the message "mod not activated".Honestly, I'm just a little lost. The directions I have are slightly vague and (of course) a little outdated with some of the mod versions, and I'm not exactly sure where to manually place files for things like NMM, Script Extender, FNV4GB, etc., so who knows if that's what's causing my problems. Does anyone know how I can solve the issues I'm experiencing above, or can guide me to a helpful source to better understand what I'm doing? I know this is about as much of a newb post as anyone can make, and I really appreciate your patience and time. Thank you!
  2. TheBoogerMan, thank you for the detailed recommendations. I'll have to hop over to the Bethesda site to ensure the mods you've recommended will be available on the Xbox as well. I know you're playing PC and probably won't know, but is the mod installation process even remotely similar to PC as it will be to console?
  3. DaemonGrin, thank you! I've been using this user name on various sites for YEARS, and you're the first person to ever mention where it came from. Also, I appreciate your advice. It seems that this post stepped on the toes of a lot of sensitive PC enthusiasts, which wasn't my intent. I originally posted a request for help on a separate site for the FO4 game in general, and it was recommended I forward my question here, which is why I came over here in the first place. I've found some mods on Bethesda.net that should be approved for consoles and seem interesting: Any Mod Any Weapon, True Storms, Darker Nights, Value Per Weight Indicator, Vendor Caps, Docile Radstags, Modern Firearms, Tactical Weapons Mods, and Better Automatron Weapons. The problem is, I have no real way of determining if they're the best or most appropriate mods to use, and since console modding for FO4 isn't even available yet, I don't know how it works or if those mods would interfere with each other. I was hoping someone here who is familiar with console mods for other games might be able to shed some light on that.
  4. scot, you're right. They are restricting the nexus mods that are allowed to be ported to console. Bethesda.net lists all the approved mods, and the list is much shorter than on the nexus site. For example, I've learned ArmorSmith will NOT be ported, which is sad, because it was one of the ones I was looking forward to the most.
  5. With the recent announcement of upcoming console mods, I have become very hyped to join the world of modding as a console player. Looking at the mod list on Bethesda's site, however, I feel a little overwhelmed and I'm hoping for some guidance. What I want more than anything is mods that allow for more weapon customization and mods that introduce completely new weapons or weapon skins. What are some of the most comprehensive mods that allow for this without loading 500 different things on my Xbox? Also, what are some of the other mods you feel are most useful in enhancing the game experience or adding features? I don't want to turn the Mirelurks into John Cena or toggle god mode; I just want to add more to the game in ways that feel natural. I'm very vaguely aware of an interested in a few things already, and maybe more clarity can be given: Armorsmith Extended?A "zombie ghoul" mod that slows ghouls down but makes them tougher?Darker nights?Better weather animations / seasons?Flashlights on weapons?Brand new weapons?Something that makes pipe weapons look better?More weapon mods?Something to manually control enemy toughness?Anything that makes the combat more intense or the enemies more frightening? Most importantly, should I be concerned about the type / order of mods installed crashing my Xbox? I really appreciate any help anyone is willing to provide. Thank you!
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