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About etn84

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    Age of Conan

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  1. Lets be real. I'm sure the CK is ready since months. Beth made the game with it and eventually taking 3rd party software couldn't take much time. I'm sure we have to wait 'cause steam can't get the steamwork integration right...
  2. Yes that was my thoughts exactly... As of now, I was using the Nexus to share some screenshots, but wasn't very satisfied with its performance, and management functionalities... I really don't want to take a 'swipe' at the Nexus... On the opposite, I think the Nexus does it job amazingly, which is sharing mods and creating a community around mods... With the dA group, I wanted to have a place dedicated to screenshots, basically it would target casual players that may be tempted to install mods to achieve better visuals, or new items, etc... Also, one of the main rule of the group is to ALWAYS link to the Nexus download page, and also credit the mod's author. So I think the group may actually contribute to the Nexus (if people use it ofc) So, for what concerns me (I did not make any mod yet, and just want to share cool screenshots with the community), the best solution available is DeviantART (easy to upload and manage your screenshot collection, and the community aspect is brought by the group: everything in one place, comments, journal, etc...). This is at least my personal opinion :happy: you may want to disagree with me of course :biggrin: and if it causes any kind of issue to the Nexus, which I sincerely want to avoid, I'll take appropriate actions :sweat: Concerning the 'nudity' aspect, yes it is possible on dA (if you checked the appropriate tag ofc...or else moderators will take actions), and while the group purpose is to regroup 'everything' in one place, I don't intend to highlight this particular category. It will be included in the 'Character' category... If users decide to create a dedicated category in their gallery, no one can help it (and it is already possible as you said). But again, these will not be highlighted in the group in any ways... Sorry for the block of text :rolleyes:
  3. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/353/c/9/c9d98f54e48a010d42e5ca354bcb323b-d4jkcue.png (click the logo to visit the group) The possibility to upload screenshots on the Nexus is good for modders who want to display their mods, but isn't very convenient for players like me who just want a place to upload and share all of them with the community (I'm not even considering Steam or Bethesda forums...obviously) That's why I created the Skyrim Mods group on DeviantART.com It makes uploading, sharing, managing & editing your images so much easier... and its a great way to promote the Mods you're creating / using :) You can apply for membership (completely free if you're not familiar with dA) and start creating your gallery today :D ps: If you're interested in helping with the group's administration, feel free to send a note...
  4. http://i43.tinypic.com/2edm8hg.png"The Black Sacrament shall be performed" I have really enjoyed doing the Dark Brotherhood storyline, and especially the assassination contracts. And I think it could be interesting to build upon it. The mod could add new assassination contracts, available from a new NPC added in the Dark Brotherhood hideout. Assassinations scenarios and objectives would be suggested by the community, and the best ideas would be integrated into the mod. Once it is released, updates with new contracts could be added every month. The creation kit should be available next week so the target release for Episode 01 would be around Xmas... Please answer this thread with your ideas for assassination contracts with the following information (be creative :tongue: ): - assassination method (required or quest fail) - target location - dialogs To be a success, in term of quality and development time, this mod needs ... YOU. I would definitely not be able to tackle this by myself... So if you're a modder or have any skills that may help the project grow, feel free to contribute :thumbsup:
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